  • Report:  #157195

Complaint Review: Direct Tv Costomer Serivce And Supervisors - Boise Internet

Reported By:
- coal center, Pennsylvania,

Direct Tv Costomer Serivce And Supervisors
directv.com Boise, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We were contacted by collect tech systems, a collection agency that direct tv now uses. I was told that I owed them over 200.00 for terminating my services.

I hung up on them and immediately contacted the customer service department and spoke with them.

After telling the rep that this was terminated because their installers would not come install the service. She then told me that it did not matter and I would still have to pay the 155.00 termination fee.

I then asked to speak to her supervisor who I then explained the story to again that the installers would not come install the system and we were not able to have this any longer. She told me that I had no proof that I did not have this installed and would still have to pay.

I told her we do not have direct tv and that we have cable. She told me "oh well you'll have to pay the fees then"

Why should we have to pay for something we do not have control over and why can they not hire inept people to work for them?


coal center, Pennsylvania

9 Updates & Rebuttals


both come from satellite

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, December 05, 2006

both direct tv and cable first come from a satellite up in the night sky in space. :) However I have cable (brigthhouse) and as one stated it has ghosting. As far as I can tell I don't see ghosting and we use basic service around 78 channels. As for some things Cable: Cheap if on a right plan and No Contract, plus FREE installation (never pay for it be smart and get one of those deals which are plenty and hard to miss) Satellite TV (a person across from us has it-apartment complex ;) ) Contract, cheap prices it may seem however if you read the fine print, it costs WAY more than cable in the very end and cable costs half as mush, not counting the the boxes you must buy and cancellation fees. Cable can sustain more damage than a satellite dish as per the cheap one put on top of one's house (I am not talking about the one's that are sending/receiving signals that are huge and the main ones those can sustain more weather than both cable and dishes that a sattelite tv service gives out..and plus there is many backups. I believe the majority of folks go boy whether there is a contract or not and with that one is going to pay more and one service not wanting a contract for residential folks is cable.. Besides that the level of satisfaction with customer service and installation varies from town to town.. :)



#3Consumer Comment

Fri, April 28, 2006

You obviouly know your SAT system but know nothing abou a Cable Network. First off I don't know where all you work but I have never seen a house that looks like someone threw a bowl of spagetti at it that was installed by a cable tech. Second Cable systems are not analog they are both analog and digital hints the use of the full FM spectrum or for most cable systems 55.25MHz to 750MHz foward and 2-42MHz return, further more any TV that isn't a digital capable tv has to have a set top digital box which has a digital signal sent to it not a analog one by the way!!!!!!! If a TV is digital capable such as being able to us a cable card instead of a box, the card simply recieves the digital signal and the TV downloads the programing, and thusfar giving you digital cable without a box. Now your company uses boxes on all TVs to get the signal to picture which is why it cost extra to have more than one TV connected permonth,unless they want to watch the same show on all their TVs a the same time and yes it does cost extra each month to have aditional digital boxes through the Cable Co., but with Cable a customer could have lets just say for example 30 TVs hooked up to cable with no box just the analog signal and it will not cost any extra a month. And you would be able to watch something different on each TV. And I'm SOooo sorry but even though you may be good at what you do and I don't doubt that, the inpression that I get from the SAT contractors in the city where I work is one of shoddy work and short cuts, I can't count how many times I've been to someones house to fix or reconnect their cable services because their SAT service was out more than it was on or that the installers had the wireing all messed up. We have customers signing up all of the time to switch to cable from SAT services, which leads me and everyone else I know to think that, that is why these SAT companies practically give their services away and usually make people sign contracts with them. Anyway Yes I know we recieve alot of channels from our satellites, but they are 100,000 times stronger than the tiny 18" dishes that are installed on your customers homes, even though we do connect to some satellites, we recieve our local channels from a direct fiber feed from the networks to our headend. Now as for (Video ON Demand ) I'm not talking about PPV channels, you do know what PPV means right Steve P A Y P E R V I E W just to make sure you know what I'm talking about (VOD) is totally different only cable opperators have the capability to offer a (VOD) service, requires a two way network, the only thing that would come close to a SAT company having a two way network is having the phone line plugged into the back of the set top box, but the phone line dosn't have enough bandwidth to run a (VOD) service. Anyway (VOD) gives customers whom already subscribe to digital cable to have access to hours of free programing from sports, sitcoms, movies and more, to watch it as much as they want when ever they want and they will have the ability to pause fastfoward and rewind the program they are watching on(VOD) without having a (DVR) box Digital Video Recorder. All in all what it boils down to is the installer told them to trim there trees so the services might work right when they were installed He probably knew after coming back after the trees were trimed that it still would not work right or this socalled special brace for the dish would not mount to the house right, what ever the reason the customer on this post never got the services installed due to the installer or the supervisor not doing the work therefor they should of never gotten billed for any services. Also buy the way the SAT installers tell people they need to trim their trees all the time because it interfears with the signal, I don't care if you are a contractor or if you work directly for the company. It gets told to people because I am always hearing about it. why would anyone want a service that depended on wheather or not your trees were too tall Steve you are the one whom is as you would say ( irresponsible and immature). Know what you are talking about before you start talking or in this case typing. Thanks and hope you learned somehting, you never know maybe you will be better at your job now after reading this. SEE YA wouldn't wanna be a SAT contractor



#4Consumer Comment

Mon, March 20, 2006

Hear me, folks! I have been looking in here on this site and other's now for many day's, and consumed allot of time as I have the time to do it. I have looked at different Businesses from Automotive to Banking and concluded! I myself, have been weak in some area's of business. In reading some of the things I am reading on allot of postings on this, and other web-sites! One of the things that I see missing from the way we do business with companies is that we are not reading some companies disclosure's, ?Very Important? and we do need to take time to do this, you don't, you pay for it. I bank at BOA, I have had a money market savings. I should have taken time to read their disclosure on Savings Accounts, but I did not. My mistake, and not with them. BOA pays pay's little more than one half percent, and if your account falls below 3K, you have to pay maintenance Fee. What kind of deal is that, we'll, my own faults I should have known to let this happen, but didn't. I had not really thought about it, and not thinking about what I had done. I received notice via US mail from Capital One offering a nice return on a savings account. This is actually how I came to searching around for information regarding the world of banking, finding sites like Ripoff.com. (Capital One might and is the least place to have my hard earned money!). Learning what I must need to know from here and others, and I do think people are getting smarter in certain area's. I have read and reread many reports within this site! Allot of us are right and wrong, and some come down to just what I am writing about here. One lady went through her ordeal with Direct-TV, shouldn't have used a third party Installer for her installation, well how she to know about third party installers, Her rebuttal from someone told her she should have gone directly to the company for installation. How come Direct-TV let some of these three parties install in the first place. Who's to Blame, It's all a big game, how do we as consumer's suppose to know all. We'll, what do we mostly do? Think about it? I want to add, that all these large corporations have board meetings, discussing ways to improve better performance within their company, most of which is more to their advantage and still keep consumers' happy? I don't have a problem with that, but you see were all to busy to take time to protect your self, so it comes down to this, some is due to our on FAULT, and not some is NOT. Notice throughly what is taking place these days. They are smart people running ALL corporations', they know the working people of this country is in a hurry state now days and buy and spend, and go beyond their means, want all latest things and gadgets. I am sure they do not design any more than just enough to Satisfy us all, but like I wrote, people are getting smarter, maybe someday it will be a, NOT! I doubt it, were just not getting smart enough to do it. Big Business cannot stay in business unless we as consumers let them, and that seems like what is happening in this county. Wal-mart became giant, what from! Cheaper Prices, China products mostly! We are buying mostly China products, they are every where and are boarder-line in quality in my opinion. Ran allot small store out in most places. We have fewer and fewer food stores in my City. HOWCOME! ?We did it,? NOT Walmart. We did not mean to, just Allot of us need to justify how we are spending of our money, not thinking about a product longevity. Now not all things are this at Walmart, don't get me wrong. I bought me a brand new nice printer from Office Depot, should have received fifty dollars in a rebate, never did get it. ?I don't buy anything from Office Depot again? I go out of my way anymore. Cox Cable, gave me hard time on complaint that I called in, did not do a thing to help Jim, Never will I have any Cable in my house again EVER, no other cable Company here. I have satellite tv from D/N right now, I have been putting up with it, am not satisfied with it as both remote controllers wore out after just one year, and other issues. Why not buy another from them? Do not trust their reliability now. Now I am thinking about just going back to the 50's and get me an outside TV antenna and just get the locals, ?WHY,? I get 160 channels I think, I watch maybe six of those if that many, within the 160 channels. They have 80 channel options, but guess what, there spread out, wonder why? We'll, be most assured, board-meetings decided this. Why in the world am I doing this, I am thinking. For one thing, modern TV on any Television Station has slowly increased commercials to a point someday are about to equal normal programing. We are paying to see A LOT of Advertising? I've lost sense of time, use to not be this way, they have slowly done this to us. Time has arrived to a place now where you think everyone is doing it to you. I could go on and on and on . . . It is a shame to have come to then to a place where a person has to record his conversation with any company anymore to protect him or herself against a company, or companies policies. Anyone could write a book, a long one, about these issues in America these days. Someone probably already has. ?I just have not had time to get it, as I'm busy anymore trying to keep up with everything?. PS. It would be nice for a company for once to put their small print to large and their Information in small.


Thinking it Through

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

Did you actually PURCHASE your equipment? If you ordered your services through a retailer, e-tailer or home service provider, you did not purchase your equipment. If your equipment was sent to you by a fulfillment cordinator you only had to return your equipment and your account would NOT HAVE BEEN CHARGED. I doubt that any installer would tell you to top a tree and then a special mount would be provided by a supervisor without first contacting a supervisor to confirm this process. Simply put, sometimes the trees are just too tall. I am a contractor, and I want to address Troy, as well. I have seen, Troy, some of the most horrible work ever by "cable installers". Most of the time it looks like you all take a plate of spagetti and throw it at a house and leave it where it lands. I am a professional. I don't trash homes, and I do my job correctly. Cable, regardless of the claims, is an analog product, that is "converted" by a digital box in the customers home. This is the reason that cable ghosts and has digitalization issues in a customer home. As for weather fade. I live in Cincinnati. I have satellite service, DIGITAL, after all it does come from outer space, so to speak. My satellite is far less likely to go out than the cable here, which goes out on a pretty regular basis. And it's Time Warner so it's not like it's from podunkville providers. If a dish is properly installed it is just as solid as any cable system, far less expensive, offering more programming at a better price. Video on demand is not a cable product, it's a network product. You can get video on demand over dish, just like cable, and as for messed up signal, I would remind you Troy, that every cable provider receives their original broadcast from satellite. Why else, do you suppose that they have so darn many dishes at their locations? As for being a contractor. My customers come first. They get treated well, and with empathy for their wants and needs. I do not rush my jobs, and I do not toss cable at a house and call it installed. Your charaterization of satellite installers is not only wrong, frankly its based on a very narrow experience. I have been installing dishes for over 20 years, back when the big dish was the rage. I resent your statement, but moreover I feel it's pretty sad that you came here and made your comments without regard for the overall situation with this report. If this person had done as I have stated, I don't think she'd have a complaint, but you coming here bashing a service you OBVIOUSLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT is irresponsible and immature. Think about that. As to the original author if there is something I can do to help you, I'd be happy to do so. First, though, you need to fully explain your experience.


Keep your cable

#6Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 26, 2005

Hi my name is Troy I am a communications Tech 3 for Comcast in Indiana. I hear this all the time from our customers and it is always the same old story. If I did something like what has happened to you I would be out of a job. I take great pride in my work and enjoy providing good service to our customers. Most cable Companies have a offer called Dish buy back on ours we will give you $25 off of your total bill each month for 16 months a total of $400 dollars. Cable is getting a lot of new technology and will be able to do a hole lot more than dish providers, such as video on demand, broadband internet, home phone service, all digital two way cable ie "no need for phone line to order ppv", and video phone services + all the regualar cable services HDTV, DVR, etc... Why would you want to rely on a service that makes you have to trim your trees just to recieve a signal that will only mess up when the weather gets bad outside. Plus all the Dish installers i have ever talked to are contractors who just get paid by the job, so they get in and out asap so they can get paid instead of being paid by the hour like we are. Sorry for such a long reply but please just hang in there if your cable system in your area dosent have all of the above services yet they will soon thanks for reading.


Coal Center,
More info that has been requested

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, September 16, 2005

The installed had told us if we topped a few trees his supervisor would bring the mount that is necessary for the home we have. we topped the trees called the installers supervisor and he told us they would not install it because he did not want to mount the bracket to the house. So in our eyes we did what the installer asked. we owned the boxes so they can not say that they needed them back. We are being punished by direct tv for the laziness of the installers So i think that would qualify for a rip off since the installer wouldn't come out to hook up the equipment and forced us to cancel the service. I should not be ripped off or owe 155.00 for something i could not help


More information is needed

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 15, 2005

I am not sure how this qualifies as a "rip-off", there are far too many details left out. You state: "After telling the rep that this was terminated because their installers would not come install the service." Why would the installers not come to install the service? Did they just decide they did not want to? Did you return the hardware (receiver and dish)? Answers to these questions would greatly help. I have been a customer for more than 4 years and have found their customer service to be fantastic. When I lived in a town home I ordered the service and had all the equipment ready when the installer came out. Unfortunately I did not read the contract and since my landlord would not allow the dish to be installed on the roof I was unable to get the service. I returned the equipment for a full refund and was not charged cancellations fees. As a result of the customer service I received there was no hesitation on my part having DIRECTV service when I purchased my home. I have never regretted the decision.


San Antonio,
That's A Great Story

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2005

That's a great story but the one thing you left out was the reason WHY the installer would not install the system. Were they not able to or was there some other reason? You said "he would not come". Was any reason given?


South Carolina,

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, September 15, 2005

Thank you for the information, my husband and I were just talking about getting Direct-TV. NOT ANY MORE, we will keep regular cable. Thanks

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