  • Report:  #67037

Complaint Review: Directv - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Grand Rivers, Kentucky,

PO Box 92600 Los Angeles, 900009 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Directv used my debit card in sept 2003 to take money from my bank account! I cancled my directv service back in June 2003 but today I recieved an over draft notice from my bank that directv had taken a payment of over $250! When I called directv they told me I still owed them the balance due on my contract and that since I owed the money they had every right to "take" the money. When I asked them how they got my debit card number I was told since I had used it to make a payment by phone in Jan they had my bank number in my records and that gave them the right to take the payment.

1) MY account was paid in full with a zero balance in June when I sent my reciever back! 2) it is now sept and I never got a bill after the last payment was made in June.

3) This is stealing plain and simple! I did NOT authorize them to use this card

By doing this with out my authorization they caused my account to be over drawn and 2 other check to bounce causing me to pay charges of $64 in NSF to the bank and a $25 fee to one of the stores that I wrote a check to and a $35 fee to the other store!

Now directv tells me I still owe them another $150 for a service fee when a man came out last feb when I had a problem with the dish.. since I still had 2 months left on my "contract" when I cancled in June I now owe them for a service call If I had kept the service on until Aug I would not have had to pay this "service call" fee!

Directv stole my money! Can you charge a company as big as direct with theft? Who goes to jail for taking this money?

And if I do go to court who do you charge? The company or the person who actualy used this debit card to make the fake payment?


Grand Rivers, Kentucky

2 Updates & Rebuttals


I can help We are not authorized at any time to withdraw anything directly from your account

#2UPDATE Employee

Mon, March 28, 2005

We are not authorized at any time to withdraw anything directly from your account even if we have your card on file unless you give use your authorization . Call customer service and request the phone # for our finance dept all we need is for the bank to fax use proof of the charge and proof of your overdraft fee and we will reimburse you for both. if a remaining balance is on the account when you decide to close it we simply turn it over to collections after 30 days , I am sorry this has happened so just give us a call


Your Right to Dispute

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 16, 2003

You may dispute any Item you never authorized with your Bank who issued the Card.If me or you tried this we would go to jail! These larger companies seem to get away with just about anything.I know you would love to slap the cuffs on these crooks but finding out who did it is tuff.But I say this, go ahead and call the police or report to your bank a fraudulent charge has occured on your account and have them issue you a credit.Do it right Away or you will lose the 250 bucks. 60 days is your timeline

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