  • Report:  #45334

Complaint Review: Direcway - Internet

Reported By:
- Charles City, Virginia,

www.direcway.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On 2/11/03 we had direcway install two-way satellite. From the very beginning we had problems. Of course the amount of the installation exceeded what we expected which was the $99 for install and $99 a month for the service and installtion. The equipment would not work so the installer had to replace the modems, the transponder and the cable and still no internet access because their registration site was unavailable.

Finally we get through the registration 12 hours later only to find out that they changed our frequency and could not according to the tech be fixed before 12-24 hrs later.

I called tech support again only to be told the same thing. By this time I was fuming. I again called the tech support and this time I was told that there was something that could be done to correct this problem immediately. During this call I was also informed by the tech that direcway had double billed me, he said he fixed that problem.

Now we are in day two and we get cut off from internet access becasue according to them we exceeded the FAP. I read the FAP and I could not find anywhere where it stated you would be cut off completely to the point you can not even access your email. I spent over 3 hours on the phone with billing, techs and supervisors to be told that the best they could do was to give me two days credit.

I told them I wanted to cancel and they said that's no problem we will charge you 400 dollars and will send you boxes and you can send the equipment back to them and they would give me a credit.

I am leaving alot out only because of the space but in two days time I have lost time from work, paid 3 times what I expected to pay for installation, got poor service, still getting poor service and the only thing I get from them is we are sorry. I was put on hold for over 45 mins the first time when I asked to speak to a supervisor, the next time was 30 mins and the last time was 15 mins before I hung up.

Direcway does not seem to care about the customers other than getting them hooked, then once you are hooked you are on your own and at the mercy of direcway. According to the techs they can't make any changes because it done automatically through the computer. DUH, it takes human hands to enter this information.

Also when I asked for a name, address, phone number of someone in corporate office to speak to I was told there was no one I could talk to.

I have been a customer for only 3 days now and so far the only good news is that I haven't discontinued my other internet provider service.

I also asked to be given a report on how they come up with what they considered FAP and what numbers they were using so that I could see what they call typical use by the majority of the internet users. I think as a customer I should be entitiled to see what they claim is fair access. According to the FAP they claim that 5% of the users are using up approximately 1/2 of the bandwith which I find very hard to believe.

Basically they are trying to say that 95% of the users do basically nothing. They try to tell you that 169mb is alot of downloading, BULL! With the way programs are being written 169mbs is nothing. I have left out so very much but believe me all direcway has done for me is raised my blood pressure, made me regret ever hearing the name direcway and make me want to warn other unsuspecting potential users to investigate direcway before entering into a contract with them.

They need to remove the fair from their access policy because in my opinion the only one it's fair to is Direcway and Hughes who owns them. Seems to me like Hughes has some kind of monoply on the satellite service and is taking full advantage of it.

Please before you enter into service with direcway get on the interent and check them out, see the petition that's on the internet see the unhappy postings of other victims of direcway and it's other companies before becoming a victim yourself.

I wish I had done that before, because had I read all of these reports I would not have gone with direcway to begin with.


Charles City, Virginia

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


I have had no problems with Direcway

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, April 18, 2004

I have had Direcway for a few months now and have had no problems with them. The installation was good and the service has been good. My dialup before was just over 20 and now it averages over 500. Hopefully I am not an exception. I live out in the country and it is great to be able to download something that takes only a few minutes instead of all night like it used to.


North Carolina,
Direcway not all bad

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, May 08, 2003

When I moved from a city to a rural area my only choice on internet was dial-up or satellite. Since I had been used to DSL and had bad experiences with dial-up, I purchased Direcway. Yes, installation did cost a little more than originally quoted, but considering the installer had to do a lot of extra work, this was not bad. I have had very few problems with the service. Although it is not as fast as DSL, it is definitely better than dial-up. I have had no problems downloading large files. Even during severe storms, it only slows down and very rarely completely goes out.

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