  • Report:  #321709

Complaint Review: Discount Vending TX Sam Beck Quentin Keen Beck - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Commerce, Michigan,

Discount Vending TX Sam Beck Quentin Keen Beck
11520 North Central Expressway #211 Dallas, 75243 Texas, U.S.A.
214-606 8549
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

March 27, 2008

Hello, my name is Michael.

This is my actual account of being scammed in a vending business.

I live in Michigan now but lived in Dallas, Tx for 13 years. I have wanted to go back to Dallas and visit. In December 2007 I was looking through classifieds in Dallas Morning News and saw an ad for a vending route of candy/gumball machines. I called the number in the ad and spoke with Sam Beck. This would be great, to have a small business I could earn income and visit

People I know in Dallas. The business would defray my expenses for traveling.

Sam Beck told me he had vending machines in 200 locations in North Dallas and Collin Counties, Tx. I lived in North Dallas and knew the area well. "Scam" Beck (as I call him)

Told me these machines had been on locations for about four or five years and each machine

Grossed $45-$50 per month. Do the math and that comes to over $9000 every month. I was hooked. "Scam" Beck said he would finance me to buy this route of machines. He told me he would send me information on his company, financial data on the vending route and more.

To this day, I have never received any mailings from Discount Vending or Sam Beck.

Based on the information he provided I did a business plan on an Excel spreadsheet. I listed all my expenses to come to Dallas for one week every month to fill and service the candy machines. I sent the business plan to "Scam" Beck and he thought it looked good. In that

business plan I had budgeted to pay for the route $4500 every month for 18 months to pay off.

"Scam" Beck said write up a proposal and send it to him. Then he started asking me for money. He wanted a deposit on this route of candy vending machines that grossed over $9000 every month, so he claimed. I offered to pay him $250 every week for 20 weeks, totaling $5000 and he agreed. In January, 2008 I sent him four checks for $250 each dated: January 25, February 1, 8 and 15. All the checks were cashed on January 22, 2008.

On January 12, 2008 I sent Sam Beck a purchase agreement with the four checks. By his cashing those checks, he created a bailment and acknowledged the terms of this purchase agreement.

I called Scam Beck several times and he kept promising to send me information on his company and the deposit receipts from the candy vending route. He has made this promise to me at least 12 times in past three months.

I got tired of his stories and called for a refund. I sent him letters asking for a refund. I called Dallas Morning News and spoke with Treva Halchin, a Supervisor for classified advertising. I told her the story and she called Sam Beck on my behalf. Sam Beck assured her he would send me a refund and information on his company and the vending route.

"Scam" Beck Discount Vending page 1

On February 11, 2008 I called Dallas Better Business Bureau to register a complaint. Discount Vending was an accredited member at the time. I faxed over a long letter detailing my business dealing with Sam Beck. A few days later I spoke with Lillian, she told me they all know Sam Beck and his vending business. Our phone conversation lasted about half an hour she also sent me a letter. About one week later I received the letter from Dallas Better Business Bureau that my complaint had been filed and sent to the member company for a response. They have dozens of complaints filed against him, his company and his business dealings

I started calling "Scam" Beck non stop. He has several phone numbers that I know of. I called each number at least 50 times every day for about a week. I filled up all his voice mails. No other calls or messages could be left. On Monday February 18, 2008, "Scam" Beck called me about 5:30pm and said he would get the check out the next day and assured me I would have the check by Friday. Friday, February 22, I called "Scam" Beck again and he assured me the check would be there by next day. On Saturday, February 23, "Scam" Beck told me his accountant was busy and would get the check out that day and I would have by next week On Friday February 29, I called "Scam" Beck asking for my refund. He gave me a phone number and said to call Ramona Zack at his office. I called, he shares an office with another company. They told me Ramona Zack does not come there. I started calling that number 20 or more times a day, asking for Sam Beck and leaving a message I want a refund. I never received any check, envelope or package from "Scam" Beck.

Again I started calling him 200 or more times every day asking for my refund. The Better Business Bureau said I could call as much as I wanted to ask for a refund. I could not threaten or harass or use foul language. Every day I left 200 or more voice mails filling up all his phone lines: "Hello this is Michael, calling for my refund sent OVERNIGHT mail or Western Union.

After a couple more weeks, I kept calling "Scam" Beck asking for my refund. He continually promised to get it out the next day. I kept calling Treva Halchin at Dallas Morning News, she was very polite and helpful. She called Sam Beck a few more times for me. Each time he promised her to send me a refund check out the next day. Or he told her the accountant would write the check out Friday. I never received any check.

On Thursday, March 6, 2008 I received a phone call from "Scam" Beck. He was at Fedexkinkos in Dallas on Greenville Avenue and was sending my money overnight mail. I told him to deduct cost of overnight postage and send me $985 refund. He stated he would send me a full refund and pay Fedex expense himself. Friday, March 7 I never received a Fedex package. Calling "Scam" Beck he said Fedex wouldn't let him send cash, he was going to get a cashiers check and send Fedex that day. He assured me I would have Fedex envelope by 10:30 Monday morning. He also told me he had tracking number on his desk and would call me back with the number. He never called back with any tracking number. Monday March 10 no Fedex envelope. I called "Scam" Beck, he said he would get tracking number and call me back. He never did either. I called Fedexkinkos in Dallas, Tx on Greenville Avenue and asked if they had a log of all packages and envelopes sent out. The store manager looked and found no envelope or package sent to my zip code.

"Scam" Beck Discount Vending page 2

In March I kept calling, he would tell me all kinds of stories I owed him $80000 for the vending route because he took it off the market for two months. I explained, he never sent me any paperwork to buy the route, how could I owe him money

I kept calling Treva Halchin at Dallas Morning News, she said there was nothing more for her to do. I only requested they stop running classified ads for "Scam" Beck and his vending businesses. The ads are scams. She called Sam Beck again for me, and he again promised to get my refund out the next day.

I kept calling Dallas Better Business Bureau contacting Lee Stallings, Complaint Department Supervisor. They sent inquiries to Discount Vending and Sam Beck but received no replay.

On 3-13-2008, they received a hand written note telling them I am not a customer of their companies and have never done any business with them. This is an outright lie. He admitted to Treva Halchin at Dallas Morning News at least four times that he would send me a refund. Now the Dallas Better Business Bureau contacts me and sends me a copy of his letter. I have no contract or paperwork from him at all. I only have my canceled checks. Then I received a call from Mr E Thomas who was working on the account for Sam Beck. He asked me to send him copies of my cancelled checks, front and back to him. I faxed these to him. About one hour later, Lee Stallings called me saying he couldn't proceed without any connection to Sam Beck or his company Discount Vending. I explained to him the man calling me one hour prior and then sent copies of my cashed checks, front and back to Dallas Better Business Bureau. The checks are made payable to Sam Beck. On the back of each check he printed Sam Beck.

Incidentally his real name is Quenten Keen Beck. He has addresses all over Dallas area and probably Texas. He told me he does business in Houston, Fort Worth and San Antonio too.

I started running listings on craigslist explaining these vending scams from Sam Beck.

Lookup craigslist.org, go to Dallas, then enter vending. There are several listings including:

Discount Vending-Dallas, Vending Route Scams, Vending Routes, Sam Beck-Vending.

Craigslist also prints to internet. All these listings are now on world wide web. Since Monday, March 24, 2008 I have had nine people respond to me they too were conned and scammed by Sam Beck. In addition, there is a website: ripoffreport.com. Sam Beck has several complaints against him there too. This was in 2005, 2006 he was working as a vending machine/route salesman for another company. The owner of this company has cooperated with me 100% and given me names and phone numbers of more people who were deceived and cheated out of thousands of dollars by Sam Beck. I lost $1000. I have been in contact with people who have lost $3,000, $10,000 and $17,000.

"Scam" Beck Discount Vending page 3

I sent a long 12 page letter to Dallas Morning News: Treva Halchin, classified supervisor, Dave Starr, vice president and legal counsel, the business news editor and the metro desk editor. I am trying to get the publicity out that Discount Vending and Sam Beck is a total scam. The classified ads in Dallas Morning News, Fort Worth Star-Telegram and other newspapers must be stopped. I called up Becky Oliver, Investigative reporter at Fox4 TV in Dallas, I call her every day trying to get her to do a story. I have emailed her my story three times. I have sent my story to editors of Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Houston Chronicle and San Antonio Express News. In addition, I have faxed this 12 page letter to District Attorneys: Craig Watkins-Dallas County, Tim Curry-Tarrant County, Fort Worth, Charles A Rosenthal, Jr-Harris County, Houston and Susan Reed-Bexar County, San Antonio, Tx.

If you have been scammed by Sam Beck or any of his vending businesses please follow these instructions exactly.

GOOD NEWS!!! As of March 20, 2008 Dallas Better Business Bureau has suspended accreditation for Discount Vending TX


2 You must write a long detailed letter about your experience and business dealings with Sam Beck or any of his vending business. This letter must be several pages long. Give details. What he told you, how much money you would make. Write neatly or do on a computer. Do not use any bad language or threatening comments to Sam Beck.

3 Call Treva Halchin, Dallas Morning News classified supervisor (214) 977-8222.

Tell her how you saw a classified ad in business opportunities of Dallas Morning News. Talk with her for at least five minutes. Tell her how you were scammed by Sam Beck and cheated out of thousands of dollars. Beg her to stop printing classified ads for Sam Beck or Discount Vending. You must call her at least three times every week. Ask her if she can contact Sam Beck to request your money back. Leave your name and phone number. Be polite, no threatening, no bad language.

4 Call Dave Starr, Vice President and Legal Counsel for Dallas Morning News. (214) 977-8222 You may talk with him, his assistant Joyce or his voice mail. Tell him the story how you answered an ad in Dallas Morning News classifieds for a vending route and you were swindled, scammed and cheated out of thousands of dollars by Sam Beck who lies continuously. Fax or email him your long, long letter explaining your business dealings with Sam Beck. You must make the call at least five minutes long, leave your name and phone number. Call him twice every week until classified ads are stopped in Dallas Morning News. Be polite, no threatening, no bad language.

"Scam" Beck Discount Vending page 4

5 Call Lee Stallings, Complaint Department Supervisor for Dallas Better Business Bureau.

(214)740-0345 You will have to leave him a voicemail and he will call you back, same day. Leave him a long, long message at least five minutes. Tell the whole story of how you answered an ad in Dallas Morning News for vending machines or a vending route and you came to deal with Sam Beck and his vending businesses. Make sure to speak clearly and leave him your name and phone number. Fax a copy of your long, long letter. (214) 740 0326. Leave a long detailed message. When he calls you, keep him on phone as long as you can. Be polite, no threatening, no bad language.

6 Call Becky Oliver, Investigative Reporter Fox4 TV Dallas. (214) 720 4444 press 1 then press 65483. Leave a long, long voice mail to her. Tell her how you answered an ad in Dallas Morning News classifieds for vending machines and routes. Email her your long, long letter telling how you were scammed out of thousands of dollars by Sam Beck. Her email is: [email protected]. Call her everyday until she calls you back Be polite, no threatening, no bad language. Speak very clearly. Leave her a voice mail five days a week. Email her your letter twice every week.

7 Contact Craig Watkins, Dallas County District Attorney. (214) 653 3617 653 3610 653 3612 653 3761 Call all four numbers. Tell your story to every person you speak with. Try to keep each person on phone at least five minutes. Leave a long, long voice mail message. Tell how you answered an ad in Dallas Morning News classifieds for vending machines and routes. Tell him how you were lied to, conned and cheated out of thousands of dollars by Sam Beck and his vending businesses. You want newspapers to stop running ads for Sam Beck and any of his vending or other business. Fax a copy of your long, long letter to (214) 653 2924

Remember, leave a long voice mail message. Keep every person on the phone a long time. Be polite, no threatening, no bad language, speak clearly. Call twice every week until they call you back.

8 These are the phone numbers I know are connected to Sam Beck and his businesses.

The Dallas Better Business Bureau said I could call all I want requesting a refund. For about the past six weeks I call these numbers 100 or more times a day to fill up all voice mail. This way no one call call Scam Beck and be conned out of their money.

These are the numbers I know for Sam Beck. You may call any time. Ask for your money back. Ask for a refund. Leave many, many voice messages. When you call the people at his office a lot of times, they get pissed off and call Sam. He has called me right back after getting a call from the office. Remember no threatening, no bad language, speak clearly, leave long voice mails, Ask for a refund or your money back.

If you know of any other phone numbers connected to Quenten Keen "Sam" Beck, please forward to me.

"Scam" Beck Discount Vending page 5

Office (214) 351 4664 ask for Sam Beck, Ramona Zack, Mr E Thomas.

Always leave a message for your money back. Ask for each person separately. Hello, I'm calling for Sam Beck with Discount Vending. Hello I'm calling for Ramona Zack with Discount Vending. Hello, I'm calling for Mr E Thomas with Discount Vending. Call twice every day, asking for each person individually. Always leave a message you are calling for your refund. Be polite, no threatening, no bad language.

Cell Phone (214) 606 8549 His voice mail can only hold 25 messages. Keep calling this number. If 10 people call 10 times each every day no one will get through and leave him messages. Be polite, no threatening, no bad language, ask for your money back.

Other numbers (214) 348 8363 (214) 349 8363 (214) 828 2325

Each voice mail can only hold 25 messages. Call every number at least 10 times every day. Keep his voice mails full. Remember be polite, no threatening, no bad language, always leave a message you want your money back.

I have found several addresses for Quentin Keen Beck, Quentin K Beck, Sam Beck in and around Dallas. One address that keeps popping up is 2821 Townbluff, Plano Tx 75075. I DO NOT KNOW IF THAT IS HIS HOME. I have never seen the man, only spoke on the phone.

If we all work together we can legally put Quentin Keen Sam Beck back in prison. He has been in prison three times he told me. We must follow all laws, ordinances, rules, etc. No threatening, no bad language. The more people that continue to call and complain about him makes our case stronger. We may never get any money back, but we will stop Sam's Scams from cheating anyone else.

Anyone with information or who has been caught in Sam's Scams, please call me and let's put our effort together.


Commerce, Michigan


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4 Updates & Rebuttals

Trinity Check Cashing

He scammed me too!

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

Quenten Keen Sam "Scam" Beck came into my business and bought $20.00 worth of items. And wanted to pay by check. We didn't accept checks. So after going back & forth with this sad creature I agreed to take the check. Today the check was returned to my business as "closed account". And the number he gave me in case anything is wrong with the check was actually a church number. Such a sad, vile, individual he is. Michael, if you need his picture. Or forms of his identification (passport & sam's club card) I made copies of them including his thumb print - get in touch with me. I guess, I'll take my losses & the bank fees I acquired from accepting his worthless check. He also operates under: Big Tex Vending PO Box 140617 Dallas, TX 75214 Anyone out there. Do not do business with this creature or accept any form of payment from him that isn't cash.

Trinity Check Cashing

He scammed me too!

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

Quenten Keen Sam "Scam" Beck came into my business and bought $20.00 worth of items. And wanted to pay by check. We didn't accept checks. So after going back & forth with this sad creature I agreed to take the check. Today the check was returned to my business as "closed account". And the number he gave me in case anything is wrong with the check was actually a church number. Such a sad, vile, individual he is. Michael, if you need his picture. Or forms of his identification (passport & sam's club card) I made copies of them including his thumb print - get in touch with me. I guess, I'll take my losses & the bank fees I acquired from accepting his worthless check. He also operates under: Big Tex Vending PO Box 140617 Dallas, TX 75214 Anyone out there. Do not do business with this creature or accept any form of payment from him that isn't cash.

Trinity Check Cashing

He scammed me too!

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

Quenten Keen Sam "Scam" Beck came into my business and bought $20.00 worth of items. And wanted to pay by check. We didn't accept checks. So after going back & forth with this sad creature I agreed to take the check. Today the check was returned to my business as "closed account". And the number he gave me in case anything is wrong with the check was actually a church number. Such a sad, vile, individual he is. Michael, if you need his picture. Or forms of his identification (passport & sam's club card) I made copies of them including his thumb print - get in touch with me. I guess, I'll take my losses & the bank fees I acquired from accepting his worthless check. He also operates under: Big Tex Vending PO Box 140617 Dallas, TX 75214 Anyone out there. Do not do business with this creature or accept any form of payment from him that isn't cash.

Trinity Check Cashing

He scammed me too!

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

Quenten Keen Sam "Scam" Beck came into my business and bought $20.00 worth of items. And wanted to pay by check. We didn't accept checks. So after going back & forth with this sad creature I agreed to take the check. Today the check was returned to my business as "closed account". And the number he gave me in case anything is wrong with the check was actually a church number. Such a sad, vile, individual he is. Michael, if you need his picture. Or forms of his identification (passport & sam's club card) I made copies of them including his thumb print - get in touch with me. I guess, I'll take my losses & the bank fees I acquired from accepting his worthless check. He also operates under: Big Tex Vending PO Box 140617 Dallas, TX 75214 Anyone out there. Do not do business with this creature or accept any form of payment from him that isn't cash.

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