  • Report:  #246295

Complaint Review: Dr ((REDACTED)) DMD - Muscle Shoals Alabama

Reported By:
- Florence, Alabama,

Muscle Shoals, 35661 Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Rip-off Report has made two attempts to contact the author of this report for verification and to determine whether a police report was ever filed and the author has not responded. Rip-off Report investigated this report at the request of the orthodontist because the report contained many assertions that made no sense. Orthodontists don't work on 9 year olds -- that is too early for braces, orthodontists don't use gas, and orthodontists do their work in big open rooms, not in private rooms.

Since the author hasn't responded, and since the report seems very suspicious, we have redacted the orthodontist's name.


I was directed to this seemingly nice dentist, Dr ((REDACTED)), for my young son's dental work. My little boy is only six years old. We went for the scheduled appointment and he was in the back for so long I thought that he must have some serious problems with his teeth. When he came out I thought he seemed more subdued than usual. Later in the car he told me the dentist tickled him with his mouth. It didn't take much questioning to find out where he was 'tickling' him. I was floored.

This man is an apparently upstanding member of the community. He is married and has two adopted children. I went back and confronted him and he laughed and said that my son must have had a reaction to the gas. After talking with a police officer, a lawyer, and a child psychologist, I decided reluctantly against putting my son through any more trauma by filing charges. I don't want anymore children to be preyed on by this monster though.

I was suggested to file this report here. I hope that this helps some other family avoid the horrible ordeal we have gone through.


Florence, Alabama

115 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Response to Charles from Irvine California.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 21, 2007

Charles, explain to me how its "pretty obvious that the person filing the complaint is lying". The report doesnt sound fake. As far as the comment you made saying "You should all be ashamed for these hysterical posts", I think you should be ashamed for your stupid post. This report could be true, and all we are doing is expressing our views on the situation. THATS IT. You dont prove anything you say as far as the report being false, than make a stupid comment towards us for saying what we want.


Google what J... ?

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, May 21, 2007


I am not sure what it is that you want me to Google about in Georgia.

Yes, I know, you are very proud of Georgia and when compared to Tennessee, well that would be like comparing apples to oranges, your citizens are very devout!

Is it the Jesus Camps' that you're wanting me to look up on Google? This is where children that are as young as Twelve, Ten, or even Six years old are learning how to proselytize and speak in tongues, etc.

J did it ever occur to you that Jesus Camp' are just another form of child abuse? Really children need to have tears coming down their cheeks when praying?

Are you trying to get me to lookup where Georgia representative Cynthia McKinney had an altercation with a Capitol Hill police... your representatives are so professional!

You mentioned that we need to talk to our leaders or if I could use my words Petition our Leaders.' Ask Beverly Young, the wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida who wore a support-our-troops T-shirt or ask Cindy Sheehan what happens when citizens petition there government nowadays. In fact, why don't you Google, 2004 Republican National Convention protest activity, and see how our government treats people?

Do you want me to read about Newt Gingrich and all of his affairs or all of his marriages? Do you want me to read about how Newt Gingrich has suggested that Freedom of Speech should be suspended for the duration of the War on Terror?

Is it the Sex Slave Trade that is going on in your state? After all, it is very much alive and well in your state!

Let's put it this way, everyone knows that Georgia is part of the Bible Belt' and that there is a church darn near on every block, or so the saying goes. But when it comes to strip clubs, massage parlors and escort services, many of which are using under age girls, the State of Georgia has them on, darn near every other block and close to walking distance from the churches!'

I am confused J please let me know exactly what it is that I should be looking up on Google!


Google what J... ?

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, May 21, 2007


I am not sure what it is that you want me to Google about in Georgia.

Yes, I know, you are very proud of Georgia and when compared to Tennessee, well that would be like comparing apples to oranges, your citizens are very devout!

Is it the Jesus Camps' that you're wanting me to look up on Google? This is where children that are as young as Twelve, Ten, or even Six years old are learning how to proselytize and speak in tongues, etc.

J did it ever occur to you that Jesus Camp' are just another form of child abuse? Really children need to have tears coming down their cheeks when praying?

Are you trying to get me to lookup where Georgia representative Cynthia McKinney had an altercation with a Capitol Hill police... your representatives are so professional!

You mentioned that we need to talk to our leaders or if I could use my words Petition our Leaders.' Ask Beverly Young, the wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida who wore a support-our-troops T-shirt or ask Cindy Sheehan what happens when citizens petition there government nowadays. In fact, why don't you Google, 2004 Republican National Convention protest activity, and see how our government treats people?

Do you want me to read about Newt Gingrich and all of his affairs or all of his marriages? Do you want me to read about how Newt Gingrich has suggested that Freedom of Speech should be suspended for the duration of the War on Terror?

Is it the Sex Slave Trade that is going on in your state? After all, it is very much alive and well in your state!

Let's put it this way, everyone knows that Georgia is part of the Bible Belt' and that there is a church darn near on every block, or so the saying goes. But when it comes to strip clubs, massage parlors and escort services, many of which are using under age girls, the State of Georgia has them on, darn near every other block and close to walking distance from the churches!'

I am confused J please let me know exactly what it is that I should be looking up on Google!


Google what J... ?

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, May 21, 2007


I am not sure what it is that you want me to Google about in Georgia.

Yes, I know, you are very proud of Georgia and when compared to Tennessee, well that would be like comparing apples to oranges, your citizens are very devout!

Is it the Jesus Camps' that you're wanting me to look up on Google? This is where children that are as young as Twelve, Ten, or even Six years old are learning how to proselytize and speak in tongues, etc.

J did it ever occur to you that Jesus Camp' are just another form of child abuse? Really children need to have tears coming down their cheeks when praying?

Are you trying to get me to lookup where Georgia representative Cynthia McKinney had an altercation with a Capitol Hill police... your representatives are so professional!

You mentioned that we need to talk to our leaders or if I could use my words Petition our Leaders.' Ask Beverly Young, the wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida who wore a support-our-troops T-shirt or ask Cindy Sheehan what happens when citizens petition there government nowadays. In fact, why don't you Google, 2004 Republican National Convention protest activity, and see how our government treats people?

Do you want me to read about Newt Gingrich and all of his affairs or all of his marriages? Do you want me to read about how Newt Gingrich has suggested that Freedom of Speech should be suspended for the duration of the War on Terror?

Is it the Sex Slave Trade that is going on in your state? After all, it is very much alive and well in your state!

Let's put it this way, everyone knows that Georgia is part of the Bible Belt' and that there is a church darn near on every block, or so the saying goes. But when it comes to strip clubs, massage parlors and escort services, many of which are using under age girls, the State of Georgia has them on, darn near every other block and close to walking distance from the churches!'

I am confused J please let me know exactly what it is that I should be looking up on Google!


Google what J... ?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, May 21, 2007


I am not sure what it is that you want me to Google about in Georgia.

Yes, I know, you are very proud of Georgia and when compared to Tennessee, well that would be like comparing apples to oranges, your citizens are very devout!

Is it the Jesus Camps' that you're wanting me to look up on Google? This is where children that are as young as Twelve, Ten, or even Six years old are learning how to proselytize and speak in tongues, etc.

J did it ever occur to you that Jesus Camp' are just another form of child abuse? Really children need to have tears coming down their cheeks when praying?

Are you trying to get me to lookup where Georgia representative Cynthia McKinney had an altercation with a Capitol Hill police... your representatives are so professional!

You mentioned that we need to talk to our leaders or if I could use my words Petition our Leaders.' Ask Beverly Young, the wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida who wore a support-our-troops T-shirt or ask Cindy Sheehan what happens when citizens petition there government nowadays. In fact, why don't you Google, 2004 Republican National Convention protest activity, and see how our government treats people?

Do you want me to read about Newt Gingrich and all of his affairs or all of his marriages? Do you want me to read about how Newt Gingrich has suggested that Freedom of Speech should be suspended for the duration of the War on Terror?

Is it the Sex Slave Trade that is going on in your state? After all, it is very much alive and well in your state!

Let's put it this way, everyone knows that Georgia is part of the Bible Belt' and that there is a church darn near on every block, or so the saying goes. But when it comes to strip clubs, massage parlors and escort services, many of which are using under age girls, the State of Georgia has them on, darn near every other block and close to walking distance from the churches!'

I am confused J please let me know exactly what it is that I should be looking up on Google!


Outrageous Character Assasination

#7Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 21, 2007

I've just scanned down this rediculous post.
Sorry - but it's pretty obvious that the person filing the complaint is lying.
This is not rocket science - I can't imgaine the "True" nature for the complaint but, common sense will tell you that the police would have locked this guy up in a heart-beat if the claims made were true.
No proof - just a lot of imaginary charges.
End of story.
You should all be ashamed for these hysterical posts.
Get a life!



#8Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 19, 2007

Google what you should do next. You seem to know how to get around the internet so well.

If you are interested, Google Georgia's Laws about sexual predators, you will see that voting for the right people makes a difference.


J... Your preaching to the Choir!

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, May 19, 2007


You wrote, "John, you and others like you are no better than the molesters themselves. You allow this person to be free to do as his wishes to children. YES YOU DO!!!"

You also wrote, "People that blame the system, YOU, WE ARE THE SYSTEM, read your own useless, unproductive comments. You, we can make a difference, get off your butt, write every law maker, join support groups, etc."

I followed your advice and joined a support group. It was the Catholic Church and well that didn't work out so well....

So I wrote to the following Law Makers...

Alexander Hamilton-Maria Reynolds affair
President James Buchanan and Senator William Rufus King were the subject of scandalous gossip (alleging a homosexual affair) in Washington, DC for many years
Warren Harding-Carrie Phillips-Nan Britton mistresses and pay-offs
Walter Jenkins (1964)
Neil Goldschmidt (D-OR) former Oregon governor affair with underage female, 1970s
Wilbur Mills-Fanne Foxe (1974)
Wayne Hays-Elizabeth Ray scandal (1976)
John Young of Texas (1976)
Allan Howe of Utah (1976)
Fred Richmond of New York (1978)
Robert Bauman of Maryland (1980)
Jon Hinson of Mississippi (1981)
Thomas Evans-Paula Parkinson (1981)
John G. Schmitz (R-CA) Extramarital affair resulting in offspring (1982)
Dan Crane of Illinois and Gerry Studds of Massachusetts censured July 20, 1983 in Congressional Page sex scandal (1983)
Gary Hart-Donna Rice scandal (1987)
Ernie Konnyu of California (1987)
Washington Senator Brock Adams (1988)
Jim Bates of California (1988)
Gus Savage of Illinois (1989)
Barney Frank of Massachusetts (1989)
Donald "Buz" Lukens of Ohio, multiple scandals (1989, 1990)
Arlan Stangeland of Minnesota (1990)
Virginia Senator Chuck Robb-Tai Collins affair (1991)
Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill sexual harassment scandal at time of Supreme Court nomination hearings (1991)
Oregon Senator Bob Packwood (R-OR) sexual harassment scandal (1995)
Mel Reynolds (D-IL) of Illinois (1995)
Bob Livingston (R-LA) of Louisiana (1998)
Henry Hyde (R-IL) "youthful indiscretion" (1998)
Bob Barr (R-GA) sexual hypocrisy alleged by Larry Flynt (1998)
Bill Clinton (D-AR) - Monica Lewinsky scandal (1998)
Newt Gingrich (R-GA) affair with congressional staffer 1993-1999
Chandra Levy-Gary Condit (D-CA) (2001)
Kentucky Governor Paul Patton (D-KY) affair; became public after former mistress alleged retaliation against her business (2002)
Steven C. LaTourette (R-OH), affair with staffer (2003)
West Virginia Governor Bob Wise (D-VA) affair with state employee (2003)
The Washingtonienne scandal (2004)
Arnold Schwartzenegger (R-CA) California Governor admitted groping women early in career
Illinois Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan Sex Clubs (2004)
Ed Schrock (R-VA) alleged to have solicited male prostitutes (2004)
Don Sherwood (R-PA) Extramarital affair with accusations of abuse (2004)
New Jersey Democratic Governor Jim McGreevey closeted homosexual extramarital affair (2004)
Mark Foley; (R-FL) accusations of sexual harassment of underage congressional page (2006)
D.C. Madam Scandal; Prostitution ring centering around Deborah Jeane Palfrey (2007)
Former Republican Ted A. Klaudt, Arrested for raping Teenage Girls. (Current)


Writing to my Law Makers didn't work out... what should I do?


Is it okay?

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, May 18, 2007

None of us can assume this story is true or false but we can all agree that any child subject to this kinda act should not be tolerated.

We should also agree that any adult should be punished for their crimes against children.

John, you and others like you are no better than the molesters themselves. You allow this person to be free to do as his wishes to children. YES YOU DO!!!

People that blame the system, YOU, WE ARE THE SYSTEM, read your own useless, unproductive comments. You, we can make a difference, get off your butt, write every law maker, join support groups, etc.



#11Consumer Comment

Fri, May 18, 2007

You speak using a lot of analogies. I found it hard to follow, but I think I understand your point. I don't agree with you on everything, but I do understand you now. Thanks for posting. I also hate to see people being ripped off, so in the end we all really want the same thing.


Intelligent People!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, May 18, 2007


On several posts you wrote your post confused me more than anything. On some posts (here and other posts) you seem to know what you're talking about. other times, you can make no sense whatsoever.

I know what you're asking and know what you are curious about. But it would be inappropriate for me to discuses that in detail on this particular post!

You, Hidden and Mike are very intelligent people. There is no doubt about that!

So I would ask that on those other posts that are about companies just keep in mind that what is being discussed would have a tremendous amount of symbolism for some people and those posts would not have anything to do with John/Henry!

Look at it this way, there are people who are spending Four, Six, and as much as Eight Thousand Dollars in 2 4 months and they have very strong beliefs so what I wrote would have a very special meaning to them. I hate seeing people getting Ripped Off!

I hope that helps!


... are you saying?

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, May 17, 2007


I am as perplexed about your statement as anyone!

You wrote, So the fact that he didn't include the DA's investigation is DIRECTLY TIED TO THIS REPORT.

You wrote, Nowhere does it say that it went to the DA.

The point I am making is that the absence of a statement does not negate a situation!

Now here is the tough part Mike! I used your Standard of Care' rule! I used your Standard of Proof' rule!

Again, you wrote to the affect that because John/Henry report didn't say anything about a DA investigation you don't believe him so after reading this, I decided to ask you a few questions that follow your Standard of Proof' rule.

For example, Mike using your Standard of Proof' rule, are you saying that because John/Henry's report didn't say anything about the Republican Party, you don't believe him?

Mike using your Standard of Care' rule, are you saying that because John/Henry's report didn't say anything about Elvis, you don't believe him?

Mike if using your Standard of Proof' rule, are you saying that because John/Henry's report didn't say anything about a DA investigation you don't believe him?

Are you with me on this? I am not insulting you and I think why you are getting upset is because I am using your words as a way of pointing out a problem.

Now think about this Mike you have also wrote, So the fact that he didn't include the DA's investigation is DIRECTLY TIED TO THIS REPORT.

Using your standard of argument why don't you write, So the fact that he didn't include Elvis is DIRECTLY TIED TO THIS REPORT.

So why don't you write, So the fact that he didn't include cute furry puppies is DIRECTLY TIED TO THIS REPORT.

Mike can you explain to us drugged induced addicts how your logic makes sense? When John/Henry left the police station, did he know that the DA was investigating?

Mike, can you explain to us medicated, incoherent apparently always wrong people how the fact that John/Henry is suppose to know what is going on with the DA after he leaves a Police Station?

Now those are words you typed to mock and insult me I not mocked nor am I insulted (For years I thought my name was Damnyou.)

Once again Mike

I used your Standard of Care' rule! I used your Standard of Proof' rule!

Let me explain how your argument is coming across this way

You wrote, because John/Henry report didn't say anything about a DA investigation you don't believe him

Using your Standard of Proof' rule, are you saying that because John/Henry's report didn't say anything about the Republican Party you don't believe him?

Are you saying that because John/Henry's report didn't say anything about Elvis you don't believe him?

Mike, YOU ARE saying that because John/Henry's report didn't say anything about a DA investigationyou don't believe him!

So does this mean that because John/Henry didn't write about the tooth fairy you don't believe him?

All I am saying Mike is that the absence of a statement has no meaning until John/Henry says something one way or another!


River Edge,
New Jersey,
To Jay

#14Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 17, 2007


I specifically addressed your stupid "elvis" analogy in my post on 5/16/2007. Perhaps in your rush to try and be funny and failing you missed it...here it is again

"As for the Elvis/Republican comment, that is so out of left field I don't know where to begin. This report was NOT ABOUT ELVIS OR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. But it WAS about due process of law. And the due process of law is that when a report of this nature is made to the authorities they are required to file a report with the DA who decides to press charges or not after an investigation. IF during the investigation the father told the DA his son wouldn't testify, that's a different story. He didn't do that. "

Your insistence that for some reason something as off topic as Elvis or the Republican party should somehow be reflected in a report on child molestation confuses and confounds me.

The point I made was that the posting did not reflect that the DA was notified, a report was made, nor an investigation done, all of which is REQUIRED. You brought up Elvis and the republicans.


Hidden... that is a great post!

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, May 17, 2007


That is a good post!

I don't know who this Doctor is, I don't know what city he is in nor do I know the state!

Yes, I know what John/Henry put down!

But, I don't know who this Doctor is, I don't know what city he is in nor do I know the state!

So, I would like both you and Jodi to think about this for a second. Take a look at the two posts John/Henry made. Pay attention to the names of the cities he lives in... Now, please tell me what city John/Henry lives in!

If you understand this now... then listen to what I am saying, I don't know who this Doctor is, I don't know what city he is in nor do I know the state!

I have not made a complaint to child services and because I haven't done that... what protection, if any, do I have?

All three of you express yourselves very well. All three of you have passion and care deeply.

I believe John/Henry and I don't blame him for the decisions he has made on the behalf of his child.

But, I do not know what city he lives in... I am not sure about what state he lives in... I am not going to second guess a parent who loves their child.

I am not going to make an accusation against a professional doctor. I am not going to name a doctor who I have never met and do not know. I will not pass judgment on a doctor that I don't know anything about!

I will have a lively debate. I will present my points and beliefs. I will reserve judgment until such time that all the facts are known and established... if ever!

If I were to be called upon to serve as a juror, you can be assured that I would set aside my opinions and approach the duty with an open mind and I would make a decision on the facts presented in court!

I will not make any phone calls with regard to this situation because it would be wrong to do so. .. it is for the parent, it is for the police, it is for the doctor, it is for the various agencies to work it out...

I will not make a statement that says to the affect that because John/Henry Did Not mention DA Investigations, Did Not mention Elvis, Did Not Mention the Tooth Fairy... I will not make a statement that he can not be believed because of a Negative!

In closing: When I have seen a crime. When I have seen a wrong... I have taken action and people are in jail as a result of what I saw! I intervened when a mother was slapping her one month baby telling it to shut up... I have intervened when a Pimp was slapping his Prostitute, I have intervened when a boyfriend was slapping his girlfriend...

I will not intervene in this situation and you need to think about why!


Jay and Hidden

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, May 17, 2007

Jay... I am not going to travel anywhere to meet someone I don't know. I have 4 kids, a wonderful husband, and I have a life. Please stop saying that. "I don't know the dentist, and I don't know what city or state he/ she is in". How can you say that? It's posted at the top of this post...Not by me, by John/Henry.

"I believe John/Henry but it is hysterical people who publish names, addresses,and phone numbers of people they chose at random from a phone book based on incomplete information"...What do you mean?

If John/Henry is reporting on a dentist that molested his son, then don't you think he's going to post the ACTUAL dentist? Why would you think he would pull a random innocent dentists name, instead of naming the actual dentist? What would be the point of that?

Hidden, Your post is correct, and I've enjoyed corresponding with you. Best of luck to you, in every way. Also, I wish Jay the best of luck, also.


Your brave Jodi!

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, May 17, 2007


If you are so sure you found the guy and if your so upset, why are you not driving down there?

Take Hidden with you, she can ride shotgun and watch your back!

As far as Elvis is concerned, you had better go back and look at what I wrote. You see you and Mike missed that it was a question based on Mike's 'Standard of Proof!'

For example, based on Mike's Standard of Proof, well John/Henry didn't say anything about Elvis so Mike doesn't believe him!

Did you catch the 'It was a question' part? I was asking Mike, are you saying?

Hissy fit? I don't know who the Dentist is and I don't know what city or state he or she is in!

I believe John/Henry but it is "Hysterical People" who publish names, addresses and phone numbers of people they chose at random from a phone book based on incomplete information!


New Jersey,
To respond to Jay.

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 17, 2007

First let me say thank you for saying that I am a kind, caring and a decent person.

Now down to business. If you said that comment about the Alabama trooper as just a joke, than I apologize for saying that it made you look like a idiot.

To answer your first point, he DID go to the police, a lawyer, and a child psychologist, so its like he didnt do anything at all. However, he DIDNT press charges, and no where in his complaint did it say he filed a report.

If I was the officer and didnt believe John/Henry, I still would have filed the report the same way as if I did believe him. If the DA decides not to file charges, than thats his/her problem.

To the second point, I do have the correct spelling, city and state of the doctor. His name is Dr. James Hudson, and the city is Muscle Shoals and the state is Alabama.

To answer the next point about me being sued, I CAN'T. The story about the parachute jump is NOTHING like this report. First, this isnt a lawsuit, but criminal charges. Second, the person who tried to sue the Training center was the victim, and not someone who just read a report.

Third, I have dealt with my local child services a few years ago. My than 10 year old son was wearing tight pants so a neighbor decided to call NYC ACS and tell them I was hurting my son. Well the charges were later "Unfounded". I decided to file a lawsuit against them, however multiple lawyers told me I COULDNT due to the fact that they were "Just looking out for the childs interest".

Well after reading this and finding out he has 2 adopted kids he could be abusing, I am just looking out for those children's interest.

To the next point about Frivolous Lawsuits being filed all the time, I know that. For that reason, I have decided not to call the local children services. The last thing I need is to be falsely sued for calling in a complaint.

To the next point, I know the legal system is broken.

To the next point, I know it doesnt matter what the parents want. Childrens Services cant help that child, but can take away the Doctor's adopted children.

To the last point, I appreciate you calling me a great writer. I do have great sincere, passion, and belief in what I write. I defended my position strongly because I know those children need our help. As to the comment in which you say "So please explain to me just why would John/Henry want to take any action with people in this world who wrote the things you wrote?", I think you worded that comment wrong. If anything after the comments me and the others posted, he would have wanted to file charges.


Jay, I couldn't help but post this also......

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007

I wrote you a rebuttal about 5 minutes ago. If this one posts first, know that there is another longer post coming that will respond to your hissy fit. You ask "did you find the dentist yet"...you also ask how we know where or who dentist Dr. Hudson is. WELL if you look at John/Henry's original post, look at the headline...under that it says individual...Then it lists... Dr. James D Hudson DMD address: 1011 Avolon Ave. muscle Shoals, Alabama 35661 USA Phone number: 256-383-8736 So now Jay, What did you mean by "did you find the dentist yet" ? Everyone here knows who he is, where he is, and even his phone #. So Jay WRONG again. ROR is NOT the only one to know This dentists info. They are however the only one that knows John/Henry's info.


Jay, please look up the law. That is the way the legal system works.

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007

say "I believe this story", but what are you doing? Sitting in front of your computer?

Chris is wrong. First of all, how could you believe this story AND agree with Chris at the same time? Chris doesn't believe John/Henry's story. Just another comment that makes you contradict yourself. Please Jay, Type in (James D Hudson DMD from Muscle Shoals Alabama). There is only 1. It's not that hard to know this dentist does exist. The dumbest thing you said was that if you report from out of state that we could be sued. That one makes me laugh. If Hidden or I were to call Alabama Child services, and tell them what we read on ROR, to simply let it be known to them, there is NO WAY ANYONE could sue us! That shows a lack of your intelligence. Please show me what law you are talking about....I'll keep laughing while you look for that law. Where you confused calling child services with driving to meet someone in another state, I will never understand. I think maybe it's a failed attempt to be funny.

"Elvis" "republican party"? I must have missed something, because I have no idea what that means either. Nobody said "demand an investigation" or "demand justice" only YOU said that. Jay, if you believe the father, then why aren't you doing something? That means YOU are like those people watching the 90 year old man be punched (which I already seen on the news). Hidden and I are TRYING to do something to protect future children from being hurt. Maybe what we are doing is useless, but at least we're doing something, again WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Please stop contradicting yourself. It makes it very hard to understand your posts. Lastly Jay, what did I STEAL from Mike? Please tell me.


Why should John/Henry trust you?

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007

Hidden & Jodi,

First, I appreciate your concern about my posts. It is nice to know that there are such kind, caring, and decent people in the world like the two of you!

Hidden, you wrote: When you say " Please, pick the slowest talking Alabama Deputy-Sheriff, you know the one that I am talking about... the polite one and just get into his face and let him know about the law!", that not only made you look like an idiot, but disrespected every Alabama police officer.

Actually, I have worked with and trained Law Enforcement Officials.

Yes, I have trained State Troopers, City Police, and Deputy-Sheriffs!

Now I wouldn't expect you to catch what I said with the let him know about the law' comment and you can not be blamed for that but any Alabama Law Enforcement Officer would be laughing out loud at what I wrote.

Hidden, Jodi, and Mike, I am going to bring up a couple of points for you to consider.

First point: Assuming that John/Henry told the truth this would mean that he went to the police This also meant that a report was filed now if you were the officer and you didn't believe John/Henry how would you write up the report that you sent over to the DA office?

I will let the three of you argue about that point!

Next point: You don't have the correct name of the Dentist; you don't know the city or State.

Next point: You can be sued! To prove this Factoid' I am going to tell you a true story I will not tell you the time, date, city, or State that this occurred in A person decided that they wanted to do a Parachute Jump, so they went to their local Parachute Training center and spent eight plus hours of ground school training. This person signed all of the waivers and suited up and made the jump. This person did not listen to the Instructors Radio Commands and struck power lines. He ended up with some minor burns and a broken leg.

Are you following this?

Now this person was a lawyer and he decided to sue his instructor for not telling him that there was electricity in the power lines.

Yes the lawsuit ended up being dismissed but it cost the Instructor Seven Thousand Dollars!

Next Point: Frivolous Lawsuits are filled all the time and hiring a lawyer to defend your self costs money. It will cost you money even if the lawsuit is dismissed Since the three of you know so much about the law, courts, and all that stuff I will let you argue the finer points!

Next Point: Our Legal System is Broken!

Next Point: When Child Services gets involved it doesn't matter what the parents want!

Last Point: The three of you are great writers! You care! You have Passion! You believe in what you are saying! You defended your positions strongly!

so please explain to me just why would John/Henry want to take any action with people in this world who wrote the things you wrote?


River Edge,
New Jersey,
To Jay

#22Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 16, 2007


I don't know what medication you take, but your replies are both incoherent, and apparently always contain something wrong.

You said:

"Even Mike is all fired up and he writes, Now go back and read the original report that was filed. Nowhere does it say that it went to the DA. Nowhere. That was my whole point.

Wow Mike that is one heck of a statement!

Mike, why don't you write that we should all read the original report that was filed and point out that nowhere does it say that Elvis was spotted?

Mike the original report doesn't say a thing about the Republican Party. Is that your point?

Mike think about what you are saying So what! It doesn't say a thing about the DA that doesn't mean a thing!"

**How you can say that the exclusion of one of the basic principles of law in the report doesn't mean anything is beyond me. As for the Elvis/Republican comment, that is so out of left field I don't know where to begin. This report was NOT ABOUT ELVIS OR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. But it WAS about due process of law. And the due process of law is that when a report of this nature is made to the authorities they are required to file a report with the DA who decides to press charges or not after an investigation. IF during the investigation the father told the DA his son wouldn't testify, that's a different story. He didn't do that.

Also, any "therapist" who sits with a child about child abuse of any kind MUST report THAT to authorities as well. And believe me, if a therapist says he believed the kid was molested the cops would've arrested the guy. Period.

So the fact that he didn't include the DA's investigation is DIRECTLY TIED TO THIS REPORT.

Please, stop trying to be funny, and try to keep your replies somewhat coherent and intelligent.


Arm chair Detectives!

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007


Since you don't want to drive down there you can do your investigation from the safety of the home you live in!

The three of you arm chair detectives need to decide just what State this report came from. Then you need to decide what city it came from. When you have that figured out you will then have to decide which Dentist it is about.

Then you can call and complain.

Then you can write a formal complaint and mail it with your signature.

In your phone call and letter, you can demand an investigation, you can demand justice and you can demand that the Dentist be imprisoned.

After all, you have all of the answers don't you?


New Jersey,
My response to Jay.

#24Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 16, 2007

To respond to Jay regarding the following quote, "The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges." This is CORRECT. If the parent dont want to press charges, than the police and the DA cant do anything. You say that it isnt correct. How do you know? Are you a government official with knowledge or are you Dr. James Hudson and are just trying not to have a complaint filed against you, or are you a family/friend of him and just trying to protect him?
To the comment about me meeting Jodi in Knoxville, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? First off, Im not meeting anyone I dont know in Tennessee. Second, Im not driving to Alabama just to file a complaint.

When you say " Please, pick the slowest talking Alabama Deputy-Sheriff, you know the one that I am talking about... the polite one and just get into his face and let him know about the law!", that not only made you look like an idiot, but disrespected every Alabama police officer.
I do know which doctor this post is about. It is about Dr. James D Hudson in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

To the comment about me and Jodi acting like a bunch of Junior High kids, the ONLY person who is acting like that is YOU. You dont care about the fact that this kid was sexually abused, you dont care about the other kids he has as patients, and you dont care about his 2 adopted kids. Junior High kids wouldnt do anything about this and you arent, so that says who your acting like.

As far as the 91 y/o getting punched and the citizens standing around, they acted like CHILDREN and they absolutely are sick in the head, however they acted like YOU since they and you arent doing anything.

As far as the 20/20 remark, you mean't Dateline and To Catch A Predator.

To the comment of me being sued for reporting a case like this, IT WOULDNT HAPPEN. If ANYONE would be sued in the fact that this report is not true, than the person who placed this report would be sued. And if the report was true, than this Doctor would be arrested. Either way, I am in the clear.

To the comment of me keeping you updated, I WILL. I am posting new comments every few days so just wait until my next one.


New Jersey,
My response to Jay.

#25Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 16, 2007

To respond to Jay regarding the following quote, "The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges." This is CORRECT. If the parent dont want to press charges, than the police and the DA cant do anything. You say that it isnt correct. How do you know? Are you a government official with knowledge or are you Dr. James Hudson and are just trying not to have a complaint filed against you, or are you a family/friend of him and just trying to protect him?
To the comment about me meeting Jodi in Knoxville, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? First off, Im not meeting anyone I dont know in Tennessee. Second, Im not driving to Alabama just to file a complaint.

When you say " Please, pick the slowest talking Alabama Deputy-Sheriff, you know the one that I am talking about... the polite one and just get into his face and let him know about the law!", that not only made you look like an idiot, but disrespected every Alabama police officer.
I do know which doctor this post is about. It is about Dr. James D Hudson in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

To the comment about me and Jodi acting like a bunch of Junior High kids, the ONLY person who is acting like that is YOU. You dont care about the fact that this kid was sexually abused, you dont care about the other kids he has as patients, and you dont care about his 2 adopted kids. Junior High kids wouldnt do anything about this and you arent, so that says who your acting like.

As far as the 91 y/o getting punched and the citizens standing around, they acted like CHILDREN and they absolutely are sick in the head, however they acted like YOU since they and you arent doing anything.

As far as the 20/20 remark, you mean't Dateline and To Catch A Predator.

To the comment of me being sued for reporting a case like this, IT WOULDNT HAPPEN. If ANYONE would be sued in the fact that this report is not true, than the person who placed this report would be sued. And if the report was true, than this Doctor would be arrested. Either way, I am in the clear.

To the comment of me keeping you updated, I WILL. I am posting new comments every few days so just wait until my next one.


New Jersey,
My response to Jay.

#26Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 16, 2007

To respond to Jay regarding the following quote, "The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges." This is CORRECT. If the parent dont want to press charges, than the police and the DA cant do anything. You say that it isnt correct. How do you know? Are you a government official with knowledge or are you Dr. James Hudson and are just trying not to have a complaint filed against you, or are you a family/friend of him and just trying to protect him?
To the comment about me meeting Jodi in Knoxville, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? First off, Im not meeting anyone I dont know in Tennessee. Second, Im not driving to Alabama just to file a complaint.

When you say " Please, pick the slowest talking Alabama Deputy-Sheriff, you know the one that I am talking about... the polite one and just get into his face and let him know about the law!", that not only made you look like an idiot, but disrespected every Alabama police officer.
I do know which doctor this post is about. It is about Dr. James D Hudson in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

To the comment about me and Jodi acting like a bunch of Junior High kids, the ONLY person who is acting like that is YOU. You dont care about the fact that this kid was sexually abused, you dont care about the other kids he has as patients, and you dont care about his 2 adopted kids. Junior High kids wouldnt do anything about this and you arent, so that says who your acting like.

As far as the 91 y/o getting punched and the citizens standing around, they acted like CHILDREN and they absolutely are sick in the head, however they acted like YOU since they and you arent doing anything.

As far as the 20/20 remark, you mean't Dateline and To Catch A Predator.

To the comment of me being sued for reporting a case like this, IT WOULDNT HAPPEN. If ANYONE would be sued in the fact that this report is not true, than the person who placed this report would be sued. And if the report was true, than this Doctor would be arrested. Either way, I am in the clear.

To the comment of me keeping you updated, I WILL. I am posting new comments every few days so just wait until my next one.


New Jersey,
My response to Jay.

#27Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 16, 2007

To respond to Jay regarding the following quote, "The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges." This is CORRECT. If the parent dont want to press charges, than the police and the DA cant do anything. You say that it isnt correct. How do you know? Are you a government official with knowledge or are you Dr. James Hudson and are just trying not to have a complaint filed against you, or are you a family/friend of him and just trying to protect him?
To the comment about me meeting Jodi in Knoxville, WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? First off, Im not meeting anyone I dont know in Tennessee. Second, Im not driving to Alabama just to file a complaint.

When you say " Please, pick the slowest talking Alabama Deputy-Sheriff, you know the one that I am talking about... the polite one and just get into his face and let him know about the law!", that not only made you look like an idiot, but disrespected every Alabama police officer.
I do know which doctor this post is about. It is about Dr. James D Hudson in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

To the comment about me and Jodi acting like a bunch of Junior High kids, the ONLY person who is acting like that is YOU. You dont care about the fact that this kid was sexually abused, you dont care about the other kids he has as patients, and you dont care about his 2 adopted kids. Junior High kids wouldnt do anything about this and you arent, so that says who your acting like.

As far as the 91 y/o getting punched and the citizens standing around, they acted like CHILDREN and they absolutely are sick in the head, however they acted like YOU since they and you arent doing anything.

As far as the 20/20 remark, you mean't Dateline and To Catch A Predator.

To the comment of me being sued for reporting a case like this, IT WOULDNT HAPPEN. If ANYONE would be sued in the fact that this report is not true, than the person who placed this report would be sued. And if the report was true, than this Doctor would be arrested. Either way, I am in the clear.

To the comment of me keeping you updated, I WILL. I am posting new comments every few days so just wait until my next one.


What is your vote?

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007


You claim to be doing all of this out of concern for the child.

Well, instead of sitting in front of a computer, let's see you do something about it!

Hidden wrote, "Do you think I should report it to there local Children's Services?"

And you replied, "You are right. Maybe, call Alabama Child Services and they would know the steps to take. At least they would know. If you do be sure to update us on what they say! Thanks."

Chris is right; somebody from out-of-state calls and makes an accusation like what the two of you are discussing would be sued!

But you don't want to listen and you want to insult Chris and you want to insult me.

You're all talk! Hidden, Jodi, the two of you won't do a thing. Hidden, how did the phone call go? Have you found the Dentist yet?

Jodi, since you feel that I am on drugs or need a nap how is your investigation going? Have you called Child Services? Have you found the Dentist yet?

Since you're talking about making phone calls heck, go all the way, make it a "Noble Quest" and drive down there!

The two of you don't know what you're doing, you don't know what you're talking about and you're all talk!

Even Mike is all fired up and he writes, Now go back and read the original report that was filed. Nowhere does it say that it went to the DA. Nowhere. That was my whole point.

Wow Mike that is one heck of a statement!

Mike, why don't you write that we should all read the original report that was filed and point out that nowhere does it say that Elvis was spotted?

Mike the original report doesn't say a thing about the Republican Party. Is that your point?

Mike think about what you are saying So what! It doesn't say a thing about the DA that doesn't mean a thing!
The three of you arm chair detectives need to decide just what State this report came from. Then you need to decide what city it came from. When you have that figured out you will then have to decide which Dentist it is about.

Then you can call and complain.

Then you can write a formal complaint and mail it with your signature. In your phone call and letter, you can demand an investigation, you can demand justice and you can demand that the Dentist be imprisoned.

Now as the three of you mull that over, let me tell you a little secret. The only persons who know the city and state that the report came from are the Rip-off Report employees they have the IP address for John/Henry!

I really do enjoy reading all your posts. But, I think Hidden and Jodi have lost sight of what John/Henry was trying to do. And Jodi, if you're going to insult me, come up with something original you shouldn't steal from Mike!

Mike, once again, you wrote an excellent post. I just don't agree with you...

In closing: My vote is John/Henry is telling the truth. I think Mikes vote is that he is not!

Jodi, what is your vote?

Hidden, what is your vote?


What is your vote?

#29Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007


You claim to be doing all of this out of concern for the child.

Well, instead of sitting in front of a computer, let's see you do something about it!

Hidden wrote, "Do you think I should report it to there local Children's Services?"

And you replied, "You are right. Maybe, call Alabama Child Services and they would know the steps to take. At least they would know. If you do be sure to update us on what they say! Thanks."

Chris is right; somebody from out-of-state calls and makes an accusation like what the two of you are discussing would be sued!

But you don't want to listen and you want to insult Chris and you want to insult me.

You're all talk! Hidden, Jodi, the two of you won't do a thing. Hidden, how did the phone call go? Have you found the Dentist yet?

Jodi, since you feel that I am on drugs or need a nap how is your investigation going? Have you called Child Services? Have you found the Dentist yet?

Since you're talking about making phone calls heck, go all the way, make it a "Noble Quest" and drive down there!

The two of you don't know what you're doing, you don't know what you're talking about and you're all talk!

Even Mike is all fired up and he writes, Now go back and read the original report that was filed. Nowhere does it say that it went to the DA. Nowhere. That was my whole point.

Wow Mike that is one heck of a statement!

Mike, why don't you write that we should all read the original report that was filed and point out that nowhere does it say that Elvis was spotted?

Mike the original report doesn't say a thing about the Republican Party. Is that your point?

Mike think about what you are saying So what! It doesn't say a thing about the DA that doesn't mean a thing!
The three of you arm chair detectives need to decide just what State this report came from. Then you need to decide what city it came from. When you have that figured out you will then have to decide which Dentist it is about.

Then you can call and complain.

Then you can write a formal complaint and mail it with your signature. In your phone call and letter, you can demand an investigation, you can demand justice and you can demand that the Dentist be imprisoned.

Now as the three of you mull that over, let me tell you a little secret. The only persons who know the city and state that the report came from are the Rip-off Report employees they have the IP address for John/Henry!

I really do enjoy reading all your posts. But, I think Hidden and Jodi have lost sight of what John/Henry was trying to do. And Jodi, if you're going to insult me, come up with something original you shouldn't steal from Mike!

Mike, once again, you wrote an excellent post. I just don't agree with you...

In closing: My vote is John/Henry is telling the truth. I think Mikes vote is that he is not!

Jodi, what is your vote?

Hidden, what is your vote?


What is your vote?

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, May 16, 2007


You claim to be doing all of this out of concern for the child.

Well, instead of sitting in front of a computer, let's see you do something about it!

Hidden wrote, "Do you think I should report it to there local Children's Services?"

And you replied, "You are right. Maybe, call Alabama Child Services and they would know the steps to take. At least they would know. If you do be sure to update us on what they say! Thanks."

Chris is right; somebody from out-of-state calls and makes an accusation like what the two of you are discussing would be sued!

But you don't want to listen and you want to insult Chris and you want to insult me.

You're all talk! Hidden, Jodi, the two of you won't do a thing. Hidden, how did the phone call go? Have you found the Dentist yet?

Jodi, since you feel that I am on drugs or need a nap how is your investigation going? Have you called Child Services? Have you found the Dentist yet?

Since you're talking about making phone calls heck, go all the way, make it a "Noble Quest" and drive down there!

The two of you don't know what you're doing, you don't know what you're talking about and you're all talk!

Even Mike is all fired up and he writes, Now go back and read the original report that was filed. Nowhere does it say that it went to the DA. Nowhere. That was my whole point.

Wow Mike that is one heck of a statement!

Mike, why don't you write that we should all read the original report that was filed and point out that nowhere does it say that Elvis was spotted?

Mike the original report doesn't say a thing about the Republican Party. Is that your point?

Mike think about what you are saying So what! It doesn't say a thing about the DA that doesn't mean a thing!
The three of you arm chair detectives need to decide just what State this report came from. Then you need to decide what city it came from. When you have that figured out you will then have to decide which Dentist it is about.

Then you can call and complain.

Then you can write a formal complaint and mail it with your signature. In your phone call and letter, you can demand an investigation, you can demand justice and you can demand that the Dentist be imprisoned.

Now as the three of you mull that over, let me tell you a little secret. The only persons who know the city and state that the report came from are the Rip-off Report employees they have the IP address for John/Henry!

I really do enjoy reading all your posts. But, I think Hidden and Jodi have lost sight of what John/Henry was trying to do. And Jodi, if you're going to insult me, come up with something original you shouldn't steal from Mike!

Mike, once again, you wrote an excellent post. I just don't agree with you...

In closing: My vote is John/Henry is telling the truth. I think Mikes vote is that he is not!

Jodi, what is your vote?

Hidden, what is your vote?


Mike and Jay

#31Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007

Mike, nobody here on this post (except John/Henry) really knows whether this post is true or not. I'm only giving my opinion, just like you are. You believe you're right..and I believe I'm right. Jay, Have you been drunk the last few times you've posted here? Sometimes your posts (here and others) are understandable. Recently though, your posts seem to make no sense whatsoever. What is wrong with you? You try to sound so intelligent in your posts, but nothing you say makes any sense. You said "let them know your fans of 20/20", what the hell does 20/20 have to do with it? Also, what "noble crusade" are you talking about? Meeting in Alabama? Are you on medication, Jay? I think you may have to much time on your hands. Maybe you need a nap. All of your rebuttals are making you sleepy.


Glad to see you back Mike.

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007


Glad to see you back.

I understand your position, but, I do believe that this poster is telling the truth.

I have seen the police pull that line of B.S. on many occasions!

Now with that said, lets check with Jodi and Hidden and see how their trip is going.

Jodi and Hidden, how is the trip going?


Jodi, you still don't have it right!

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007


You wrote, "The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges."

You still don't have it right!

But you know all about the law!

Also, if Hidden leaves today, she can make it to Knoxville Tn by tomorrow.

I think the two of you should meet around 12 noon on May 16th, 2007. You can have some lunch and if your back on the road by 1:00 PM you will gain an hour just before you get into Alabama.

Let Hidden drive, you will get there faster!

You should cross into Alabama by 3:00 PM local time.

Please, you need to keep a log and report back to us do nothings and let us know how your Quest for Justice went... I promise, nobody here will confuse this with Quest for Fire!

Please, pick the slowest talking Alabama Deputy-Sheriff, you know the one that I am talking about... the polite one and just get into his face and let him know about the law!

Before the two of you make another post on this subject... make sure that you know which Dentist John/Henry reported on. Make sure you know the city and state!

The two of you are acting like a bunch of Junior High Kids with, "I am thinking about calling" or "Do you think I ought to call."

After all, if you don't call, if you don't drive down, well, are you really any different from the people who stood around and watched a 91 year old man get punched in the face yesterday?

Google, 91 year old gets punched!

Watch the surveillance video showing Leonard Sims being punched 21 times. Watch the six people stand there doing nothing as the 91 year WW-II vet is beaten!

This was done in broad daylight!

So... Jodi & Hidden, rather than sit in front of a computer, lets see you do something about the big bad dentist!


Jodi, you still don't have it right!

#34Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007


You wrote, "The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges."

You still don't have it right!

But you know all about the law!

Also, if Hidden leaves today, she can make it to Knoxville Tn by tomorrow.

I think the two of you should meet around 12 noon on May 16th, 2007. You can have some lunch and if your back on the road by 1:00 PM you will gain an hour just before you get into Alabama.

Let Hidden drive, you will get there faster!

You should cross into Alabama by 3:00 PM local time.

Please, you need to keep a log and report back to us do nothings and let us know how your Quest for Justice went... I promise, nobody here will confuse this with Quest for Fire!

Please, pick the slowest talking Alabama Deputy-Sheriff, you know the one that I am talking about... the polite one and just get into his face and let him know about the law!

Before the two of you make another post on this subject... make sure that you know which Dentist John/Henry reported on. Make sure you know the city and state!

The two of you are acting like a bunch of Junior High Kids with, "I am thinking about calling" or "Do you think I ought to call."

After all, if you don't call, if you don't drive down, well, are you really any different from the people who stood around and watched a 91 year old man get punched in the face yesterday?

Google, 91 year old gets punched!

Watch the surveillance video showing Leonard Sims being punched 21 times. Watch the six people stand there doing nothing as the 91 year WW-II vet is beaten!

This was done in broad daylight!

So... Jodi & Hidden, rather than sit in front of a computer, lets see you do something about the big bad dentist!


River Edge,
New Jersey,
To Jodi

#35Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 15, 2007

You are right when you say:

"The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges."

**Now go back and read the original report that was filed. Nowhere does it say that it went to the DA. Nowhere. That was my whole point. There is no way a cop didn't file a report with the DA's office, especially if there are multiple reports on this guy. There is NO WAY the DA wouldn't at least do an investigation regardless of the fact that a parent would be so selfish as to allow a molester to molest OTHER kids by not doing anything about it.

That is the whole reason why this report stinks to high heaven of someone looking for revenge for whatever reason. I do not believe for one second that this poster is telling the truth.


Hidden & Jodie, you can meet in Knoxville TN.

#36Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007

Hidden & Jodie,

There is a truck stop on the other side of Knoxville that the two of you can meet at on your way to Alabama. The Truck Stop name is Truck Stops of America or TSA for short; it is somewhat clean and well lighted so you should be safe as you embark on your noble crusade!

When you get there, I am sure that the fine that the Southern People of Alabama will be more than happy to work with two Yankees who know all about the Judges, Alabama Laws, Police Procedures, and all that stuff.

Let them know that your big fans of 20/20.

Let them know that you read about this horrible situation on RipoffReport.com and demand that those silly Southerners do something that meets with your approval and satisfaction. After all, you know more than they do!

Complain bitterly about those two idiots who go by Chris and Jay heck what do they know?

As you drive to Alabama the two of you can debate why did John/Henry put a D' in the middle of the Dentists name. The two of you can debate all kinds of stuff and like the Crusades of Days gone by you can justify whatever your hearts content because you're on a Quest and that makes it OK!



#37Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007

The cop takes the report. The cop then files the report with the DA office. The DA then decides whether there is enough information to get an indictment to prosecute the dentist. If the parents of the molested child chose not to put their child through a trial, then the DA will not have the evidence or power to do anything! The police CAN NOT press charges. Please Jay, I beg you, look up the law.


Chris and Jay

#38Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007

Were you both drunk when you wrote your last posts? Chris, It seems as if you didn't even bother to read all the posts. If you would have read, you would know the laws, and procedures as to what you can legally do.
Jay, your post confused me more than anything. On some posts (here and other posts) you seem to know what you're talking about. other times, you can make no sense whatsoever.

If you are referring to Hidden, there is absolutely NOTHING the dentist or anyone can legally do to him/her, even if he/she does report to Child Services. What can they possibly do? your "to catch a predator" comment was the most confusing thing yet ( my favorite Dateline episodes ). Even if this was a "sting" (which I HIGHLY doubt) Hidden would be in no trouble, Hidden did not create this post. We are just responding to it as concerned citizens, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Hidden... it is not up to the parent!

#39Consumer Comment

Tue, May 15, 2007


You don't seem to understand how this sort of thing works.

It is not up to the parent to press charges.

I don't care what the police told the father, and if you think about it that is like telling the victims family that it is up to them to press murder charges.

Sorry, it doesn't work that way in our country!

Now with that said, don't take my word for it. Don't use your mind. Don't use your ability to reason. Don't listen to what people are saying.

Since your going to do what you want, well then get on the Internet. Find out where this Dentist is. Heck, if the name is close and if it is in the area, then it's good enough for a match right?

Then find out the Sheriffs phone number, find out the phone number for Child Services and while your at it find out the Police's phone number.

Now write a few letters and call them. Let them know that you read all about it on the Internet so it must be true!

Give them your name, address, phone number. Heck as soon as you call, they will have that information from caller ID!

Tell them that you read all about it on the Ripoff Report Website and your upset that a child abuser is getting away with it. Demand that they do something!

Drive down there!

Hold a protest sign in front of the Governors Mansion.

Make your voice heard!


New Jersey,
To answer Jay and Chris

#40Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 15, 2007

To answer Jay, it clearly states that he DID go to the police but HE decided not to press charges, which the police cant control. As far as my name, address, and phone number being released, I have never heard of that. If I remain anonymous they wont have any of my information. No, I didnt find the actual dentist but how many Dr James D Hudson's are there in Muscle Shoals Alabama. I am thinking about what I would be doing. I read a story about a dentist sexually abusing a child, the parent not doing anything to stop him and the dentist having 2 adopted children of his own. Just like ANY judge says, its better to do to much than not do anything. As far as a news reporter posting this as a fake message, I would HIGHLY doubt that. Dateline's To Catch A Predator is a great show that catches REAL child sexual abusers before they abuse a child.

Now to answer Chris, I dont know if your comment was towards me or towards the person who posted this report but if it's towards me, whats the matter with you? You would sue me for protecting 2 adopted children that this man could be sexually abusing. Or the fact that there are other reports against this doctor that were filed with there local police. As far as I'm concerned, any judge would be more upset at you for not doing anything rather than me for doing something that was uncalled for. When children are involved, you do something.


New Jersey,
To answer Jay and Chris

#41Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 15, 2007

To answer Jay, it clearly states that he DID go to the police but HE decided not to press charges, which the police cant control. As far as my name, address, and phone number being released, I have never heard of that. If I remain anonymous they wont have any of my information. No, I didnt find the actual dentist but how many Dr James D Hudson's are there in Muscle Shoals Alabama. I am thinking about what I would be doing. I read a story about a dentist sexually abusing a child, the parent not doing anything to stop him and the dentist having 2 adopted children of his own. Just like ANY judge says, its better to do to much than not do anything. As far as a news reporter posting this as a fake message, I would HIGHLY doubt that. Dateline's To Catch A Predator is a great show that catches REAL child sexual abusers before they abuse a child.

Now to answer Chris, I dont know if your comment was towards me or towards the person who posted this report but if it's towards me, whats the matter with you? You would sue me for protecting 2 adopted children that this man could be sexually abusing. Or the fact that there are other reports against this doctor that were filed with there local police. As far as I'm concerned, any judge would be more upset at you for not doing anything rather than me for doing something that was uncalled for. When children are involved, you do something.


New Jersey,
To answer Jay and Chris

#42Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 15, 2007

To answer Jay, it clearly states that he DID go to the police but HE decided not to press charges, which the police cant control. As far as my name, address, and phone number being released, I have never heard of that. If I remain anonymous they wont have any of my information. No, I didnt find the actual dentist but how many Dr James D Hudson's are there in Muscle Shoals Alabama. I am thinking about what I would be doing. I read a story about a dentist sexually abusing a child, the parent not doing anything to stop him and the dentist having 2 adopted children of his own. Just like ANY judge says, its better to do to much than not do anything. As far as a news reporter posting this as a fake message, I would HIGHLY doubt that. Dateline's To Catch A Predator is a great show that catches REAL child sexual abusers before they abuse a child.

Now to answer Chris, I dont know if your comment was towards me or towards the person who posted this report but if it's towards me, whats the matter with you? You would sue me for protecting 2 adopted children that this man could be sexually abusing. Or the fact that there are other reports against this doctor that were filed with there local police. As far as I'm concerned, any judge would be more upset at you for not doing anything rather than me for doing something that was uncalled for. When children are involved, you do something.


New Jersey,
To answer Jay and Chris

#43Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 15, 2007

To answer Jay, it clearly states that he DID go to the police but HE decided not to press charges, which the police cant control. As far as my name, address, and phone number being released, I have never heard of that. If I remain anonymous they wont have any of my information. No, I didnt find the actual dentist but how many Dr James D Hudson's are there in Muscle Shoals Alabama. I am thinking about what I would be doing. I read a story about a dentist sexually abusing a child, the parent not doing anything to stop him and the dentist having 2 adopted children of his own. Just like ANY judge says, its better to do to much than not do anything. As far as a news reporter posting this as a fake message, I would HIGHLY doubt that. Dateline's To Catch A Predator is a great show that catches REAL child sexual abusers before they abuse a child.

Now to answer Chris, I dont know if your comment was towards me or towards the person who posted this report but if it's towards me, whats the matter with you? You would sue me for protecting 2 adopted children that this man could be sexually abusing. Or the fact that there are other reports against this doctor that were filed with there local police. As far as I'm concerned, any judge would be more upset at you for not doing anything rather than me for doing something that was uncalled for. When children are involved, you do something.


Good Answer Chris!

#44Consumer Comment

Mon, May 14, 2007


John/Henry did go to the Police and nothing happened!

Next thing is that you need to keep in mind that in smaller souther towns, your name, address and phone number will be provided to the dentist. (Not right away.)

Next question I would ask is did you find the actual Dentist?

Before you call from New Jersey with the story that, "I read on the Internet a 'Child Sex Abuse' from a parent I don't know, about a child I don't know, against a Dentist I don't know," think about what your doing!

Last question is just how do you know that this isn't some type of 'News Reporters' sick story about fake complaints on the Internet?

After all, Dateline has been making the news with their 'To Catch a Predator' series... so just how do you know if this isn't a new Dateline story from "Stone Phillips?"


If it was me you were saying this about

#45Consumer Comment

Sun, May 13, 2007

I would take everything you own or will ever have. Making a charge like that against a person like you have is dead wrong.

If this guy did something you report to the cops.

People accused of things like this having no way to defend their good name can be forever harmed by the actions of someone upset at them for whatever reason.

I somehow think your accusations have to have something else behind them. I think you should be sued back to the stone age for making public allegations like this while not going to the police. That is sick on your part.



#46Consumer Comment

Sun, May 13, 2007

You are right. Maybe, call Alabama Child Services and they would know the steps to take. At least they would know. If you do..be sure to update us on what they say!Thanks.


New Jersey,
To respond to Jodi.

#47Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 12, 2007

Legally, children's services MUST investigate all reports, meaning they would go pay him a visit. If children's services comes in during office hours, than the patients there would find out what happened, which would cost him patients, ending alot of these sexual assaults.

It is sad that we wont find out the outcome of the story, but I wish the family the best of luck. As far as reporting the complaint to childs services, I feel like I have an obligation to report this to them knowing that he has other children patients, and 2 adopted kids of himself. Do you think I should report it to there local Childrens Services?


New Jersey,
To respond to Jodi.

#48Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 12, 2007

Legally, children's services MUST investigate all reports, meaning they would go pay him a visit. If children's services comes in during office hours, than the patients there would find out what happened, which would cost him patients, ending alot of these sexual assaults.

It is sad that we wont find out the outcome of the story, but I wish the family the best of luck. As far as reporting the complaint to childs services, I feel like I have an obligation to report this to them knowing that he has other children patients, and 2 adopted kids of himself. Do you think I should report it to there local Childrens Services?


New Jersey,
To respond to Jodi.

#49Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 12, 2007

Legally, children's services MUST investigate all reports, meaning they would go pay him a visit. If children's services comes in during office hours, than the patients there would find out what happened, which would cost him patients, ending alot of these sexual assaults.

It is sad that we wont find out the outcome of the story, but I wish the family the best of luck. As far as reporting the complaint to childs services, I feel like I have an obligation to report this to them knowing that he has other children patients, and 2 adopted kids of himself. Do you think I should report it to there local Childrens Services?



#50Consumer Comment

Sat, May 12, 2007

That's a good suggestion! I wonder if Children Services would do something. I agree, this doctor needs to be investigated in some way. Also, TODAY I typed in ( Dr. James D Hudson DMD ) again, and now it's the fourth listing down. I agree, there are going to be a lot of parents that have no clue about Dr. Hudson. Probably more that won't know than will know. The sad part about this whole situation is that everyone (you and I) are never going to know the outcome to this story. Unless the father posts an update, we are never going to know.


New Jersey,
To answer Jodi.

#51Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 12, 2007

Jodi, first let me say that you aren't being a smart a**. All you are doing is telling people your comments, thoughts, and suggestions, which is exactly what this website is made for. I am responding to this sensitive topic because other parents look at these kind of reports, and usually take the suggestions that are posted on these reports. Now to answer your questions and comments, I just Goggled his name just now and again, no ROR came up. I agree that most likely, this child probably wouldnt want to go to trial.
I really do believe that this child isnt lying abut what happened. If my son went through this and didnt want to go to trial, legally I would call the local Child Protective Services agency. They ALLOW reporters to remain anonymous, MUST investigate all reports, and WILL speak to his children. The worst thing that could happen is nothing be done and his children and patients kids be sexually assaulted. If some sort of legal agency came to his office and investigated, that may scare him into stopping that assaults.


New Jersey,
To answer Jodi.

#52Consumer Suggestion

Sat, May 12, 2007

Jodi, first let me say that you aren't being a smart a**. All you are doing is telling people your comments, thoughts, and suggestions, which is exactly what this website is made for. I am responding to this sensitive topic because other parents look at these kind of reports, and usually take the suggestions that are posted on these reports. Now to answer your questions and comments, I just Goggled his name just now and again, no ROR came up. I agree that most likely, this child probably wouldnt want to go to trial.
I really do believe that this child isnt lying abut what happened. If my son went through this and didnt want to go to trial, legally I would call the local Child Protective Services agency. They ALLOW reporters to remain anonymous, MUST investigate all reports, and WILL speak to his children. The worst thing that could happen is nothing be done and his children and patients kids be sexually assaulted. If some sort of legal agency came to his office and investigated, that may scare him into stopping that assaults.



#53Consumer Comment

Fri, May 11, 2007

When I googled Dr. Hudson's name (which was last week), the very FIRST listing was "Dr. James Hudson DMD pedophile child predator pervert child molester Rip-off Muscle Shoals Alabama" a direct link to this web-site. You do not even have to get on that listing to read that headline. I also find it VERY hard to believe that this 6 year old would want to go to trial.

I DO agree however, that there probably will be children that will be hurt, because this parent didn't prosecute. That is if this dentist even did it. I do believe, this story is legit. Let me ask you, if your son went through this, and did not want to go through a trial, etc...What would be you next (legal) step to expose this dentist? I'm truly asking, not to be a smart a**, but because I really don't know. Thank you for responding to such a sensitive topic, where peoples emotions can get invested in such a sad story.Thanks


New Jersey,
Response to Jodi.

#54Consumer Suggestion

Fri, May 11, 2007

I knew that your sentence was mocking me, as thats why I reposted it. Obviously prosecuting the dentist wouldnt take away all trauma from the childs life, but it would make him feel better as it would bring him closure. If the child asked me not to go to trial, than I obviously would respect his wishes and not go, but out of every comment I read it doesnt say that the child didnt want to go to trial. To the comment of 3 million people per day using ROR, thats for all complaints and reports, and not just for parents looking up complaints against doctors.

I did google his name and no where in my search did a ROR against him come up. All that came up were websites that will give you info on him for a fee and other Dr. James Hudson. To my comment of him being convicted, I couldnt tell you yes or no if he will be convicted as I'm not a judge, lawyer, cop, or any government worker.

Last, when I said that I would never take my son to this dentist, this is because I so happened to see the report against him and decided to read it. Most others WONT read other ROR's, and most parents dont look up doctors info on ROR before they go see a doctor, so that wouldnt help those children.


Mike, you are a good and decent person!

#55Consumer Comment

Thu, May 10, 2007


I think the reason why you became upset is because you care. All this means is that you are a good, kind and decent person!

Just don't lose sight that people are trying to help, that one should be open to ideas and that we should be enjoying this very entertaining and educational site. we shouldn't be getting angry or frustrated!

You are not going to agree with everybody. Nor will you agree with everything that is said. One thing that is a fact, you will not agree with me every time and that is OK!

I come from a long line of Law Enforcement, I grew up around it, Uncles, Dad, Brothers, Cousins and all that stuff. I have seen first hand how the system works. I have seen Judges order the Court Recorder to change the record after the trial was done. I have seen investigators bully witnesses until they gave the answer that were wanted. the truth was not important.

You don't have to believe me and you don't have to understand my points, because it doesn't matter. What matters is if John/Henry told the truth. then all that matters is the child.

Sometimes, outsiders need to keep in mind that the father/mother just might know what is best and all I have done is provided arguments that may help the parent.

You have also provided arguments that my help the parent. As Edward has. As Jodie has...


Questions for John/Henry!

#56Consumer Comment

Wed, May 09, 2007


I have a few questions!

First question: As you are aware, I took information from your two posts and wrote out what I thought you were trying to say. You could see that I used your own words and just added a narrative as to what I thought was going on so how close was I?

Did you notice where I would start with, You wrote and I then quoted your own words? Did you notice how I put in, Now the Detective tells you and then I quoted your own words?

So I am curious as too how close was I with regards to what happened?

My next question: Did you feel that the Detective was angry with you for reporting this? Has he threatened you? Has he told you that you can not post on the Ripoff Report because this is an On Going Investigation? Has the Prosecutor told you to stop posting on this site because this is an On Going Investigation? Has Child Protective Services told you not to say anything more because this is an On Going Investigation?

Have they told you that, We tried to help you but it is out of our hands now?

John/Henry please Google, Lester Eugene Siler' and listen to the Forty-Minute audio is this kind of like what you went through with the detective?

Do you know if the Detective is qualified to question a six-year-old child about sexual abuse?

Just because a person is a Detective at the Police or Sheriff's Department does not mean that they are qualified to interrogate a child about sexual abuse! Just because a person works for Child Protective Services this does not mean that they are trained or qualified to conduct an investigation into child sexual abuse!

During the child sexual abuse case that is now known as the Wenatchee Witch Hunt, the Health Department, the police, and various other groups interrogated the children for hours and hours. They interrogated the children for weeks and weeks. They even threatened teenage girls!

They used the little dolls to have children point where they were touched and this was after hours and hours and hours of questioning

Of course, none of this abuse was allowed in the courts! None of this was allowed during the trial it all happened before the trial!

Has anything changed since the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment ended in the 70's? No! Has anything changed since the 1994-1995 Wenatchee Witch Trial? No!

Has anything changed since Lester Eugene Siler was tortured by the Five Deputy-Sheriff's in 1994? No!

Google, 'Richard Jewell' and read how he was tried and convicted by the Media read how he was treated by Law Enforcement! Has anything changed? No! Nothing has changed; law enforcement conducts trials by Media all the time and law enforcement can be very abusive to the victim and to the victim's families!

Did the kind Detective mention how an investigation could lead to you being charged?

John/Henry, if you told the truth, then I know that you are doing the right thing!


Jay..and others

#57Consumer Comment

Wed, May 09, 2007

John/ Henry said that Dr. Hudson is an "upstanding member of the community", and yes, powerful people with money seem to have some extra protection. Taking on someone with more power and money is very intimidating. John/Henry said he confronted this dentist. He said the dentist laughed it off. I know if someone came to me and accused me of this crime, I would be hysterical. I'd be doing any and everything I could, to understand WHY this child or parent would be making it up! him laughing it off says a lot to me!



#58Consumer Comment

Wed, May 09, 2007

In my last post, the last sentence was directly mocking the last sentence in your post before that. It was a joke, but you responded as if I were serious. HA! 1. You say "sexual assault on a minor is worse than MURDER". I agree sexual assault on anyone is unthinkable, but to say that it's worse than MURDER is dumb, again. Are you saying that you'd rather have you child murdered then molested? Your sick!

2. You say " this child is going to be depressed for 70+ years of his life". Do you think prosecuting this man is going to take away all the trauma he went through? If the child begs you not to go to trial (child is probably humiliated), and you forced him anyway, then the dentist gets off with a good lawyer. What kind of depression do you think he's going to face then, HUH? Just imagine that.

3. You say, how many people search ROR for their dentist? I don't know if it's true, but I was told this web site gets almost 3million hits a day! Mostly, PLEASE just google the name Dr. James Hudson DMD. Look what pops up! You don't have to be on ROR to read this info. Anyone that simply wants info. on Dr. Hudson will see this, thank god!

4. You say "the doctor will be convicted". How do you know that? Please, tell me, do you have inside info. of the justice system! Whether the dentist did this or not, the kids story is going to be believed by some and not believed by others. Taking the kid into the judges chambers only means he is going to be questioned by a judge, and the parent will not be able to dictate what and how questions will be asked. That's why MOST parents don't put their kids through that.

5. Lastly, you said "I would not take my son to this dentist"....You see... John?henry's post is working already!


Good point Jodie!

#59Consumer Comment

Wed, May 09, 2007


You made a good point, when you go to the police and tell them about a murder, it is up to the police to press charges, it is not up to you!

When John/Henry went to the police and told them about the sexual assault on his son, it was up to the police to press charges. It is not up to John/Henry!

That was one of the points that Mike has been trying to make, that when it comes to sex abuse, there are certain laws and procedures that have to be followed.

Now with this said, if John/Henry went to the police and if what he reported is true.

Well then, it looks as if Detective O'Mallay is protecting the church again!


New Jersey,
Response to Jodi.

#60Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 09, 2007

First off Jodi, I will answer ANY comments or rebuttals you post here towards me. Second, I do have children. Third, I consider a sexual assault on a minor much worse than a murder. The reason is this kid will go through depression for 70+ years. Dont you think that if he knew his rapist went to jail and/or lost his medical license that might make him feel better. And last, going to the police and NOT pressing charges is meaningless.

Oh big deal he's given a report. Does that help the kid out at all? As far as your comment that people search his name on ROR so they wont go see him, how many parents who want to take there kid to the dentist check ROR before they see him? They check the American Medical Association. That was a dumb comment by you. I would NEVER let my son see him.

As far as having the kid testify, I would have him speak to the judge in chambers with only the 2 of them speaking. That way, the child feels comfortable and the doctor will get convicted. You probably won't answer this, but I'm very interested in what you have to say.



#61Consumer Comment

Wed, May 09, 2007

Lets start with comparing seeing a murder to your 6 year old being molested by the dentist. If you were to see a murder, you would call police, testify, there would be a body, pretty clear cut case. If your 6 year old tells you the family dentist molested him, it's not so clear cut.

Thats a dumb comparison. Also John/Henry said he DID go to police. This never went unreported. If the family will not prosecute, there's nothing the cops can do! Please answer this, why do you keep saying " go to court and put this man in jail "? You act like if John/Henry were to force his son to prosecute, that this dentist is going to be punished or found guilty.

Child molesters get off every day, and yes Hidden, they go on to molest! Do you remember Micheal Jackson. Yes, even though his accuser prosecuted and he had past accusations before, he still got off (good lawyer). Also, this report is helping! Anytime someone wants to search this dentists name, they're going to know about him. Keeping other kids from using him, DUH! Like I said, we all know about him. Would you take your kid to him, Hidden? Do you have kids, Hidden?

Lastly, you said " by not doing anything legal ". What more "legally" can he do? Force his son to testify, and maybe this dentist will be found guilty? You probably won't answer this because you don't have an answer, but I'm very interested in what you have to say.


Edward... Wow! That was a good post!

#62Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007


You are not off subject, so beating yourself up. That was you best post!

Jodie, Mike, Banks, and all of us have common ground... we all recognize that a false accusation is wrong and that to falsely accuse someone of child abuse is horrible!

As far as I am concerned, a person who makes a false accusation of child abuse... is no better than a child abuser!

... and for the record, I was falsely accused. My accuser had a previous conviction for child abuse. Every day I would call child services and leave a message asking where was the investigator and why hadn't they come out for an interview... I kept on asking to come in... I would also provide additional information that included who made the accusation and why they made the accusation.

Six weeks went by and I called every day!

The investigator came by after six weeks and spent three minutes... Jay, we did the investigation and know that the accusation was completely false... enjoy your day and they left.

Several months later, my accuser went to prison for raping his 15 year old step-daughter, who was pregnant with his child. This was his second conviction!

This type of false accusation is horrible and you can never prove your innocence to friends or strangers.

But it taught me a lesson... I will never be placed in a situation where that kind of accusation can be made!

Our legal system is broken and I do not blame John/Henry for not trusting the so called experts. I don't blame him for not trusting the courts or police.

But if that dentist had an assistant in the room as most medical professionals do... Then that would tell me a lot!


Edward, Edward, Edward... You just don't get it!

#63Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007


John/Henry isn't posting, so what Mike, you or I say doesn't matter!

Mike, I too have friends in Law Enforcement, I could make a phone call. I could have my relatives look into it, but I respect John/Henry decision!

Both of you are correct in that the law says a lot of things.

Yes, the law says a lot of things!

There is a lot of laws on the books!

If Congress doesn't like something they pass a new law!

If people don't like something then the war cry is shouted, 'there ought to be a law!'

Laws don't stop crime... people stop crime and the society we live in does not respect the laws that are already on the books!

Each year, over Fifty-plus-percent of rapes are not reported!

It is estimated that each year, that for every reported case of child abuse... there are 3 to 4 cases that go unreported.

That is a huge number and many so called experts dispute the numbers. Regardless, one can safely say that for every reported case... there may be one to two cases that go unreported!

It can also be safely stated that if every single rape was reported and if every single child abuse case were to be reported... our legal system couldn't handle it!

We don't have the police, we don't have the judges or courts, we don't have the prisons, we don't have the money... and there are far far too many "We Don't Haves."

Our system is broken!

Our country, the United States, has the highest ratio of people in prison. We are number one!

We out rank North Korea, China, Russia, Cuba... one out of 32 people in the United States is a felon!

We have five percent of the worlds population and 25% of the worlds prisoners!

John/Henry knows what he is doing and as far as I am concerned he has done the right thing.

We have less police officers now because of the Iraq war. We have less funding for police because of the Iraq war... Why do you think there is a spike in crime?

Our system is broken and I don't blame John/Henry at all he has done the right thing...

...and can anyone explain to me why Mr Dentist has not filed a rebuttal? Mike, Edward... why don't you do the good citizen deed and call Mr Dentist?


New Jersey,
To respond to your comments Jodi.

#64Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

Jodi, the ONLY reason why he isnt responding anymore is because he knows what he did was wrong. By not doing anything legal, this doctor is getting away with what he did and its absolutely upsetting that he is getting away with wat he did to past children, this child, future children, and anyone else he hurt. He could be doing this to his own children and because of this guy who isnt doing anything to stop him, these kids are being hurt. As far as your other post where you say, ''He is doing something. He reported him here'', I just have to say ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is doing absolutely nothing to stop him and is not putting him in jail, so how the hell is this helping?

Its like if I knew someone who killed somebody. I didnt call the police, I didnt go to court to put him in jail for what he did. Instead, I put up a complaint on ROR saying what he did. Meanwhile, this man is out killing more people, but I'm not going to call the police or do anything legal against this man. Explain to me how this would really help? You probably wont answer this because you dont have an answer, but if you do answer it, I am very interested as to what you have to say.


New Jersey,
To respond to your comments Jodi.

#65Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

Jodi, the ONLY reason why he isnt responding anymore is because he knows what he did was wrong. By not doing anything legal, this doctor is getting away with what he did and its absolutely upsetting that he is getting away with wat he did to past children, this child, future children, and anyone else he hurt. He could be doing this to his own children and because of this guy who isnt doing anything to stop him, these kids are being hurt. As far as your other post where you say, ''He is doing something. He reported him here'', I just have to say ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is doing absolutely nothing to stop him and is not putting him in jail, so how the hell is this helping?

Its like if I knew someone who killed somebody. I didnt call the police, I didnt go to court to put him in jail for what he did. Instead, I put up a complaint on ROR saying what he did. Meanwhile, this man is out killing more people, but I'm not going to call the police or do anything legal against this man. Explain to me how this would really help? You probably wont answer this because you dont have an answer, but if you do answer it, I am very interested as to what you have to say.


New Jersey,
To respond to your comments Jodi.

#66Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

Jodi, the ONLY reason why he isnt responding anymore is because he knows what he did was wrong. By not doing anything legal, this doctor is getting away with what he did and its absolutely upsetting that he is getting away with wat he did to past children, this child, future children, and anyone else he hurt. He could be doing this to his own children and because of this guy who isnt doing anything to stop him, these kids are being hurt. As far as your other post where you say, ''He is doing something. He reported him here'', I just have to say ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is doing absolutely nothing to stop him and is not putting him in jail, so how the hell is this helping?

Its like if I knew someone who killed somebody. I didnt call the police, I didnt go to court to put him in jail for what he did. Instead, I put up a complaint on ROR saying what he did. Meanwhile, this man is out killing more people, but I'm not going to call the police or do anything legal against this man. Explain to me how this would really help? You probably wont answer this because you dont have an answer, but if you do answer it, I am very interested as to what you have to say.


New Jersey,
To respond to your comments Jodi.

#67Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

Jodi, the ONLY reason why he isnt responding anymore is because he knows what he did was wrong. By not doing anything legal, this doctor is getting away with what he did and its absolutely upsetting that he is getting away with wat he did to past children, this child, future children, and anyone else he hurt. He could be doing this to his own children and because of this guy who isnt doing anything to stop him, these kids are being hurt. As far as your other post where you say, ''He is doing something. He reported him here'', I just have to say ARE YOU SERIOUS? This is doing absolutely nothing to stop him and is not putting him in jail, so how the hell is this helping?

Its like if I knew someone who killed somebody. I didnt call the police, I didnt go to court to put him in jail for what he did. Instead, I put up a complaint on ROR saying what he did. Meanwhile, this man is out killing more people, but I'm not going to call the police or do anything legal against this man. Explain to me how this would really help? You probably wont answer this because you dont have an answer, but if you do answer it, I am very interested as to what you have to say.



#68Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007

I think your wrong, in this case. You'll never convince me otherwise, and I know I'll never convince you, either. ROR is good for letting the best of debaters debate and sometimes we have to agree to disagree. If not this debate could go on forever. I hope maybe with all your(connections) you mentioned ( police,news media,etc..) you would be able to tell me some way to actually see if Dr. Hudson has any sexual abuse complaints or a pristine history. Don't you think that would clear up a lot?


Vine Grove,
Snowballed out of control.

#69Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007

That is two times ,that you have repeated what I first wrote to you. If it helps you to feel better, I am glad for you. You state that all of those who did not give a blanket endorsement to the validity of this report, do not care about the truth. Posting legitimate questions, shows, that we do care about the complete truth. None of us readers, know what the truth is, until both sides of the story is out.

Jay keeps insisting that we only look at one side of the story and keeps attacking, when we ask to see both sides. Not a problem. Some people only need to see the first half of the story, to know how the story ends. Not all of us are that gifted.

As far as not wanting this charge to go beyond the ROR. I think that John/Henry is too late, if he is hoping that the police and local newspapers, don't hear about this. I have no doubt that multiple people have already passed this on to the locals of Muscle Shoals. I think that when John/Henry made his OP on ROR, he did not think this completely through. I doubt that he realized how big of a can of worms he was opening.

This is not an allegation of getting a wrong order at the drive-thru. This is not about the local bank charging for NSF. This is not about poor customer service at a tire store. This is not about lousy wages at a work place. This is about accusing someone of sexual abuse of a child. If it is true, then the dentist needs to be stopped. If false. The dentist should have recourse.

Jay, says that John/Henry is not posting here anymore because of people like Mike/Bank/Hidden and myself. There were about 15 posts made before I even added a thread. I see, every questioning post, as a encouragement for John/Henry to pursue the issue. The only thing that people were pointing out, were the red flags in John/Henry's two posts. All people did, were to point out why they had doubts about the charges, as posted. . They asked for John/Henry for some response, so they could eliminate those doubts.

All of those red flags, were pointed out with open-ended questions. All of those opposing views have the same common topic. To encourage justice for the son of John/Henry and the hope that the Dentist will not harm another child. If we are wrong for that, I can live with it. We also point that just saying a person is a child molester, does not mean it is the truth. That is just exercising common sense.

None of us are protected here. Anyone could come on here and write that John/Henry is the real child molester of his own son. Anyone can come onto ROR and accuse you of being a child molester. Anyone can make a ROR, accusing your family member of being a child molester. If it is not true, is that okay with you? Would you feel that you are being slandered? You dare not make a response to the ROR, because if you pose questions, others will attack you for it. It seems for some people, that you can only support the accusation. That an unproven accusation, makes a person guilty of sexual child abuse.

What has become of us? Isn't this just like the Wanatchee Witch Hunt? Jay, you made several references to that witch hunt. About, how the authorities went around, falsely accusing the innocent of child sexual abuse. We do not know if the dentist is really guilty or not. On the unproved posting of a stranger, you are willing to find this person guilty. That is a witch hunt.


Vine Grove,
Snowballed out of control.

#70Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007

That is two times ,that you have repeated what I first wrote to you. If it helps you to feel better, I am glad for you. You state that all of those who did not give a blanket endorsement to the validity of this report, do not care about the truth. Posting legitimate questions, shows, that we do care about the complete truth. None of us readers, know what the truth is, until both sides of the story is out.

Jay keeps insisting that we only look at one side of the story and keeps attacking, when we ask to see both sides. Not a problem. Some people only need to see the first half of the story, to know how the story ends. Not all of us are that gifted.

As far as not wanting this charge to go beyond the ROR. I think that John/Henry is too late, if he is hoping that the police and local newspapers, don't hear about this. I have no doubt that multiple people have already passed this on to the locals of Muscle Shoals. I think that when John/Henry made his OP on ROR, he did not think this completely through. I doubt that he realized how big of a can of worms he was opening.

This is not an allegation of getting a wrong order at the drive-thru. This is not about the local bank charging for NSF. This is not about poor customer service at a tire store. This is not about lousy wages at a work place. This is about accusing someone of sexual abuse of a child. If it is true, then the dentist needs to be stopped. If false. The dentist should have recourse.

Jay, says that John/Henry is not posting here anymore because of people like Mike/Bank/Hidden and myself. There were about 15 posts made before I even added a thread. I see, every questioning post, as a encouragement for John/Henry to pursue the issue. The only thing that people were pointing out, were the red flags in John/Henry's two posts. All people did, were to point out why they had doubts about the charges, as posted. . They asked for John/Henry for some response, so they could eliminate those doubts.

All of those red flags, were pointed out with open-ended questions. All of those opposing views have the same common topic. To encourage justice for the son of John/Henry and the hope that the Dentist will not harm another child. If we are wrong for that, I can live with it. We also point that just saying a person is a child molester, does not mean it is the truth. That is just exercising common sense.

None of us are protected here. Anyone could come on here and write that John/Henry is the real child molester of his own son. Anyone can come onto ROR and accuse you of being a child molester. Anyone can make a ROR, accusing your family member of being a child molester. If it is not true, is that okay with you? Would you feel that you are being slandered? You dare not make a response to the ROR, because if you pose questions, others will attack you for it. It seems for some people, that you can only support the accusation. That an unproven accusation, makes a person guilty of sexual child abuse.

What has become of us? Isn't this just like the Wanatchee Witch Hunt? Jay, you made several references to that witch hunt. About, how the authorities went around, falsely accusing the innocent of child sexual abuse. We do not know if the dentist is really guilty or not. On the unproved posting of a stranger, you are willing to find this person guilty. That is a witch hunt.


Vine Grove,
Snowballed out of control.

#71Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007

That is two times ,that you have repeated what I first wrote to you. If it helps you to feel better, I am glad for you. You state that all of those who did not give a blanket endorsement to the validity of this report, do not care about the truth. Posting legitimate questions, shows, that we do care about the complete truth. None of us readers, know what the truth is, until both sides of the story is out.

Jay keeps insisting that we only look at one side of the story and keeps attacking, when we ask to see both sides. Not a problem. Some people only need to see the first half of the story, to know how the story ends. Not all of us are that gifted.

As far as not wanting this charge to go beyond the ROR. I think that John/Henry is too late, if he is hoping that the police and local newspapers, don't hear about this. I have no doubt that multiple people have already passed this on to the locals of Muscle Shoals. I think that when John/Henry made his OP on ROR, he did not think this completely through. I doubt that he realized how big of a can of worms he was opening.

This is not an allegation of getting a wrong order at the drive-thru. This is not about the local bank charging for NSF. This is not about poor customer service at a tire store. This is not about lousy wages at a work place. This is about accusing someone of sexual abuse of a child. If it is true, then the dentist needs to be stopped. If false. The dentist should have recourse.

Jay, says that John/Henry is not posting here anymore because of people like Mike/Bank/Hidden and myself. There were about 15 posts made before I even added a thread. I see, every questioning post, as a encouragement for John/Henry to pursue the issue. The only thing that people were pointing out, were the red flags in John/Henry's two posts. All people did, were to point out why they had doubts about the charges, as posted. . They asked for John/Henry for some response, so they could eliminate those doubts.

All of those red flags, were pointed out with open-ended questions. All of those opposing views have the same common topic. To encourage justice for the son of John/Henry and the hope that the Dentist will not harm another child. If we are wrong for that, I can live with it. We also point that just saying a person is a child molester, does not mean it is the truth. That is just exercising common sense.

None of us are protected here. Anyone could come on here and write that John/Henry is the real child molester of his own son. Anyone can come onto ROR and accuse you of being a child molester. Anyone can make a ROR, accusing your family member of being a child molester. If it is not true, is that okay with you? Would you feel that you are being slandered? You dare not make a response to the ROR, because if you pose questions, others will attack you for it. It seems for some people, that you can only support the accusation. That an unproven accusation, makes a person guilty of sexual child abuse.

What has become of us? Isn't this just like the Wanatchee Witch Hunt? Jay, you made several references to that witch hunt. About, how the authorities went around, falsely accusing the innocent of child sexual abuse. We do not know if the dentist is really guilty or not. On the unproved posting of a stranger, you are willing to find this person guilty. That is a witch hunt.


Vine Grove,
Snowballed out of control.

#72Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007

That is two times ,that you have repeated what I first wrote to you. If it helps you to feel better, I am glad for you. You state that all of those who did not give a blanket endorsement to the validity of this report, do not care about the truth. Posting legitimate questions, shows, that we do care about the complete truth. None of us readers, know what the truth is, until both sides of the story is out.

Jay keeps insisting that we only look at one side of the story and keeps attacking, when we ask to see both sides. Not a problem. Some people only need to see the first half of the story, to know how the story ends. Not all of us are that gifted.

As far as not wanting this charge to go beyond the ROR. I think that John/Henry is too late, if he is hoping that the police and local newspapers, don't hear about this. I have no doubt that multiple people have already passed this on to the locals of Muscle Shoals. I think that when John/Henry made his OP on ROR, he did not think this completely through. I doubt that he realized how big of a can of worms he was opening.

This is not an allegation of getting a wrong order at the drive-thru. This is not about the local bank charging for NSF. This is not about poor customer service at a tire store. This is not about lousy wages at a work place. This is about accusing someone of sexual abuse of a child. If it is true, then the dentist needs to be stopped. If false. The dentist should have recourse.

Jay, says that John/Henry is not posting here anymore because of people like Mike/Bank/Hidden and myself. There were about 15 posts made before I even added a thread. I see, every questioning post, as a encouragement for John/Henry to pursue the issue. The only thing that people were pointing out, were the red flags in John/Henry's two posts. All people did, were to point out why they had doubts about the charges, as posted. . They asked for John/Henry for some response, so they could eliminate those doubts.

All of those red flags, were pointed out with open-ended questions. All of those opposing views have the same common topic. To encourage justice for the son of John/Henry and the hope that the Dentist will not harm another child. If we are wrong for that, I can live with it. We also point that just saying a person is a child molester, does not mean it is the truth. That is just exercising common sense.

None of us are protected here. Anyone could come on here and write that John/Henry is the real child molester of his own son. Anyone can come onto ROR and accuse you of being a child molester. Anyone can make a ROR, accusing your family member of being a child molester. If it is not true, is that okay with you? Would you feel that you are being slandered? You dare not make a response to the ROR, because if you pose questions, others will attack you for it. It seems for some people, that you can only support the accusation. That an unproven accusation, makes a person guilty of sexual child abuse.

What has become of us? Isn't this just like the Wanatchee Witch Hunt? Jay, you made several references to that witch hunt. About, how the authorities went around, falsely accusing the innocent of child sexual abuse. We do not know if the dentist is really guilty or not. On the unproved posting of a stranger, you are willing to find this person guilty. That is a witch hunt.


River Edge,
New Jersey,
You're not getting it...

#73Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

Ok, deep breath...

I don't believe this incident ever happened and that John/Henry is posting this for some other reason. I do not know what that reason is, perhaps he is a jilted lover, or the husbandof someone who the dentist cheated on, or perhaps another dentist or an angry patient looking for revenge.

You said:

"Mike, the information you are requesting as "proof" is absurd. Even if he gives you a badge #,etc..how is that going to prove to you that the dentist did it? "

**You missed my point. I want him to verify he went to the police. Period. I have many friends/coworkers who can verify police dept info as well as verifypolice reports that have been taken.

If I can verify that this man did indeed go to the police on the date in question, I also have many friends in the news arena that I can work with to notify the public BASED ON THE REPORT THIS MAN FILED PUBLICALLY that this man is a potential threat.

You also said:

"Are saying that if you find it's true that he DID go to police/lawyer/psych., that then you would believe him?"

**Yes. However, based on what I know about child molestation statutes in his state, the police do not have any leeway in deciding whether to pursue a case, similar to the way domestic violence laws dictate no leeway. If a crime is reported, a report MUST be made and an investigation is usually performed by the DA's office to determine if there is enough evidence to pursue the individual through Grand Jury indictments.

As for the ridiculous notion he isn't posting here anymore because people like me do not believe him...the truth is he isn'tposting here anymore because he knows he has no proof and therefore he is going to go away.


Mike, Hidden, and Jay...

#74Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007

Mike, the information you are requesting as "proof" is absurd. Even if he gives you a badge #,etc..how is that going to prove to you that the dentist did it? Are saying that if you find it's true that he DID go to police/lawyer/psych., that then you would believe him?

Hidden, he is doing something by posting it here! We ALL know about Dr. Hudson now, don't we?

Jay, RIGHT AGAIN! I'm agreeing with Jay because he's right, not because I'm him. There are other posts on ROR, where we don't agree at all.


Great... the four of you chased him off!

#75Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007


You can make all the diatribes you want but before you do that, count to ten and take a couple of deep breaths. Nobody cares if you are a self-proclaimed expert jurist our system is broken, which is why so many women don't report rape. This is also the reason why parents don't report problems. In fact, more and more people are not reporting because nothing is done!

Mike, I am sure that John/Henry is glad to know that in your studies he needs to read a book. But it is sad, very sad, that a person has to meet your demands in order to be believed. It is also very sad that you have threatened John/Henry you wrote, Once I get the officers name and verify through some people I know that he is a real officer, I will not only contact this officer to ask about this Dentist, but I will contact the press in his area through other contacts I have to let them know of a predator in their midst.

John/Henry made it clear that he does not want to pursue this... he doesn't need your threat of taking action!

I read through Banks, Mike's, Edward's, and the comments by Hidden and none of you care about the truth. John/Henry is doing the right thing. He knows his child much better than all of us put together!

All four of you have missed one very important fact Hundreds of parents reported child sex abuse to the police and were told the same thing that John/Henry was told.

Most people don't know this but the police and detectives they went too a lot of the police in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and even now are Catholic. A lot of police departments have Catholic Chaplains

Would the four of you care to guess what happened when these parents went to the police too report that Father O'Malley gave little Johnny a blow-job I am sure that Detective O'Brian gave it his full attention!

Edward, Mike, Bank, and Hidden... John/Henry isn't posting anymore because of people like you!


Great... the four of you chased him off!

#76Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007


You can make all the diatribes you want but before you do that, count to ten and take a couple of deep breaths. Nobody cares if you are a self-proclaimed expert jurist our system is broken, which is why so many women don't report rape. This is also the reason why parents don't report problems. In fact, more and more people are not reporting because nothing is done!

Mike, I am sure that John/Henry is glad to know that in your studies he needs to read a book. But it is sad, very sad, that a person has to meet your demands in order to be believed. It is also very sad that you have threatened John/Henry you wrote, Once I get the officers name and verify through some people I know that he is a real officer, I will not only contact this officer to ask about this Dentist, but I will contact the press in his area through other contacts I have to let them know of a predator in their midst.

John/Henry made it clear that he does not want to pursue this... he doesn't need your threat of taking action!

I read through Banks, Mike's, Edward's, and the comments by Hidden and none of you care about the truth. John/Henry is doing the right thing. He knows his child much better than all of us put together!

All four of you have missed one very important fact Hundreds of parents reported child sex abuse to the police and were told the same thing that John/Henry was told.

Most people don't know this but the police and detectives they went too a lot of the police in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and even now are Catholic. A lot of police departments have Catholic Chaplains

Would the four of you care to guess what happened when these parents went to the police too report that Father O'Malley gave little Johnny a blow-job I am sure that Detective O'Brian gave it his full attention!

Edward, Mike, Bank, and Hidden... John/Henry isn't posting anymore because of people like you!


Great... the four of you chased him off!

#77Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007


You can make all the diatribes you want but before you do that, count to ten and take a couple of deep breaths. Nobody cares if you are a self-proclaimed expert jurist our system is broken, which is why so many women don't report rape. This is also the reason why parents don't report problems. In fact, more and more people are not reporting because nothing is done!

Mike, I am sure that John/Henry is glad to know that in your studies he needs to read a book. But it is sad, very sad, that a person has to meet your demands in order to be believed. It is also very sad that you have threatened John/Henry you wrote, Once I get the officers name and verify through some people I know that he is a real officer, I will not only contact this officer to ask about this Dentist, but I will contact the press in his area through other contacts I have to let them know of a predator in their midst.

John/Henry made it clear that he does not want to pursue this... he doesn't need your threat of taking action!

I read through Banks, Mike's, Edward's, and the comments by Hidden and none of you care about the truth. John/Henry is doing the right thing. He knows his child much better than all of us put together!

All four of you have missed one very important fact Hundreds of parents reported child sex abuse to the police and were told the same thing that John/Henry was told.

Most people don't know this but the police and detectives they went too a lot of the police in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and even now are Catholic. A lot of police departments have Catholic Chaplains

Would the four of you care to guess what happened when these parents went to the police too report that Father O'Malley gave little Johnny a blow-job I am sure that Detective O'Brian gave it his full attention!

Edward, Mike, Bank, and Hidden... John/Henry isn't posting anymore because of people like you!


Great... the four of you chased him off!

#78Consumer Comment

Tue, May 08, 2007


You can make all the diatribes you want but before you do that, count to ten and take a couple of deep breaths. Nobody cares if you are a self-proclaimed expert jurist our system is broken, which is why so many women don't report rape. This is also the reason why parents don't report problems. In fact, more and more people are not reporting because nothing is done!

Mike, I am sure that John/Henry is glad to know that in your studies he needs to read a book. But it is sad, very sad, that a person has to meet your demands in order to be believed. It is also very sad that you have threatened John/Henry you wrote, Once I get the officers name and verify through some people I know that he is a real officer, I will not only contact this officer to ask about this Dentist, but I will contact the press in his area through other contacts I have to let them know of a predator in their midst.

John/Henry made it clear that he does not want to pursue this... he doesn't need your threat of taking action!

I read through Banks, Mike's, Edward's, and the comments by Hidden and none of you care about the truth. John/Henry is doing the right thing. He knows his child much better than all of us put together!

All four of you have missed one very important fact Hundreds of parents reported child sex abuse to the police and were told the same thing that John/Henry was told.

Most people don't know this but the police and detectives they went too a lot of the police in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and even now are Catholic. A lot of police departments have Catholic Chaplains

Would the four of you care to guess what happened when these parents went to the police too report that Father O'Malley gave little Johnny a blow-job I am sure that Detective O'Brian gave it his full attention!

Edward, Mike, Bank, and Hidden... John/Henry isn't posting anymore because of people like you!


New Jersey,
What should happen....

#79Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

I could understand where the parent is coming from as far as putting the child through more pain, and not assaulting him so you don't go to jail, but not doing anything about it is absolutely stupid. Your not only helping a child rapist get away for what he did to your son, but your letting him get away with it for every other past child he raped and every future child that he rapes. Even if you dont press criminal charges against him, call your local child protective service agency. Tell them what your son told you, tell them that other complaints have been filed against him and tell them that he has 2 adopted kids. Not only will they go interview him and the kids but have the power to remove them. After that, file a complaint against him with the American Medical Association. Get copies of the past reports filed against him, and get the report of what your son said happened. They can take his medical certificate away, which prevents him from ever raping another child in his office. JUST REMEMBER THAT BY NOT DOING ANYTHING, YOU ARE ALLOWING HIM TO HURT LITTLE KIDS.


River Edge,
New Jersey,
To Jodi

#80Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 08, 2007

In some cases of domestic violence, police give pamphlets about information to help victims, such as shelters, and divorce attorneys. But a private attorney can do no more than you or I. They can file charges FOR YOU, but the ONLY ONE who can decide to prosecute are the DA's. Period.

Now, as for proof. I asked John/Henry for proof. I asked for the police department he visited as well as the detectives name that he spoke to, along with his badge number which would be on any report, which woul dbe mandatory if he sent you to a therapist.

Once I get the officers name and verify through some people I know that he is a real officer, I will not only contact this officer to ask about this Dentist, but I will contact the press in his area through other contacts I have to let them know of a predator in their midst.



#81Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

You said to believe the original post you would "need proof". Please, tell me what possible proof can this father give you (that his son was molested) on ROR? Also, your definitions on slander 1-4, all have the word "FALSE" statements in each and every one of them. As long as John/Henry says his son told him this happened (which I believe he did), it could never be considered slander. As far as John/Henry is concerned it is FACT not false! I agree, if this report is false I would be disgusted with John/Henry. My heart tells me that this father wanted to report this doctor to let people know about him. Maybe we can agree to disagree.


Vine Grove,
Let's not hang the Dentist, until all of the facts are in. If the charge turns out to be true, then when can have a lynching party.

#82Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

It is being questioned as to why I have remained open minded about this report. It is very simple. Someone has made an unsubstantiated and unverified allegation. If and when I see proof, then I will gladly join those who already have found the dentist guilty. Until then I will not put myself in the same mind set as some of the other posters.

I have read far reaching quotes such as,

there is nothing illegal about his post. (meaning John/Frank)

this doctor has absolutely no proper or powerful recourse! Please look up the law on slander"

just because the Doctor was not found guilty, does not mean he did not do it.

In response to Jodi. You write that I said that you and Jay have no credibility. Take a look again. I only wrote that you and Jay could be the same person. That it does not make a difference. I then went to another paragraph on a topic about John/Henry. In that paragraph, I discussed the issue of credibility. Your name, nor Jays name was not being discussed. It was general conversation, not a specific accusation towards a specific person. It was only meant to apply to those who do go under multiple names in the same ROR. If you want to conclude that it was being addressed to you... sorry about that.

There is only one issue that I find wrong here. That the OP and other posters have so easily found the dentist guilty. There is a very good possibility, that the dentist is not even aware that he has been accused of child sexual abuse. He may not be aware of any of this. Some posters have already found him guilty. Even the guilty are entitled to stand before their accuser.

I truly do not know if this is a false or true report on the dentist. I think that common sense dictates that all the facts are in before anyone can come to a honest decision. Riding with blinders on , will only give a person tunnel vision. That makes them selective on what they are willing to accept as fact. Not one verifiable fact, concerning this particular allegation, has been presented by anyone. It is easy for those of us that have Internet Law Degrees, to come to a conclusion of guilt or innocense, based just on the allegation. Sorry, but I need some proof first. Proof, one way or the other. With proof, my condemnation of him would be harder than you could imagine.

For those that claim that even if this is a false post, that there is no slander. I beg to differ. The following is just a small example of the definitions from different dictionaries.

1. Encarta World English Dictionary. Slander:false and damaging statement: a false and malicious statement that damages somebody's reputation

2. Compact Oxford English Dictionary.
Slander: noun Law 1 the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

3.Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary.
Slander: the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation

4. Cambridge International Dictionary of English.
Slander:to damage someone's reputation by making a false spoken statement about them

There were about 30 different reference books that can be looked at. All of them give about the same definition. I think all would have to agree that if this turns out to be a false accusation, that there is no doubt that the dentist was slandered. I am finished posting on this thread for awhile. Should not have to defend the fact, that I need to see more than a blanket allegation before finding someone guilty of such a horrible crime.


Ed, I am NOT Jay.. I am Jodi..Thats dumb!!!

#83Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

My name IS Jodi and I am from a little town in Ohio. I'm a 29 year old female, and I can assure you that I"M NOT JAY! Even Mike can verify that (I think), I been corresponding with Mike, Jay and others on ROR for months now. If you read Jay's 2nd post (responding to me), he doesn't fully agree with me. Read it Ed, please. So your statement that Jay/Jodi have no credibility is completely FALSE. I really hope Jay responds so he can let you know that he is not me. Mostly I'm a very feminine female, and if I were to use another name it would be a female name. To the topic at hand...The only thing I'm going to say is that,yes, I know the child will not be attacked on the stand. What I'm saying is that his STORY and CREDIBILITY is going to be attacked. Thats what a defense lawyer does. If it's a good lawyer, he might even get his client off, even if he's guilty (Micheal Jackson). Then what do you think is going to happen to the kids mental stability. You guys act like if the parents choose to prosecute, that this man is going to be punished. It doesn't always work like that. One last thing, a neighbor of mine had a domestic violence incident recently. The cop that came to her home gave here a booklet of attorneys to help her with a case. So yes mike, cops do recommend lawyers.


Vine Grove,
The almighty pen is sharper than any sword

#84Consumer Comment

Mon, May 07, 2007

I am doing exactly what I have asked others not to do. I am getting off of the topic at hand. Getting off of the topic is what I asked Jay not to do. I will go with his flow for a moment. He has given some questions

First, you told me that bringing up the point that I served on circuit court, had nothing to do with the topic at hand. If you will take the time to go back and read the post again, you will (hopefully) take notice that it was only the first few words of an entire paragraph. The entirety of the paragraph, was to give a view that was different from some of the other posters views. To give support that defense, prosecution, and judge, do give very special protection, treatment, and consideration to a child.

I served on two sexual abuse trials involving minors. I have seen first hand, not hearsay, of how the children are treated in a trial. Some have posted that the child is put on trial. From what I have seen, that is not the case. It is as what others have posted, that the defendant is put on trial, not the plaintiff.

Jay has given some strong arguments on how he fully understands why John/Henry?, would not trust the corrupt court system. He embellishes John's story as though he has more than second- hand knowledge. Along with the stories of corrupt detectives, police, child services, and prosecutors, he has asked others to read about the Wanatchee Witch Hunt. I typed in those words on a Google search. It showed 13,200 links.

I only read the 10 links that were on the first page. Fascinating story. Some may have been guilty, Many confessed. I do not know what evidence was used to get convictions on those that were found guilty and for those that pleaded guilty.

There is no doubt that it was a witch hunt. That the police department, detectives, prosecutors, and court system, ruined the lives of many innocent people. It was a local legal system that was out of control. False accusations that s****.>
This is where I do not understand your reasoning of using the Wanatchee Witch Hunt, as a strong reason why John/Henry may not want to deal with the courts. There is no comparison in the two. The courts, police, detectives, and local prosecutors have not made any accusations against this dentist. They have not filed charges against anyone.

I do not see where the Muscle Shoals authorities have done anything like what the authorities did in Wanatchee. There would only be a comparison if Muscle Shoals new that John/Henry was making a false accusation, yet they were to still pursue it.

If a false claim of sexual abuse against a local dentist were made to the authorities and then the authorities expanded that into a witch hunt, then it would be a strong comparison. If charges were expanded to include the dental office workers, office workers family members, other dentists, and those who were to speak out against the witch hunt, then there would be a comparison.

Your example is only a comparison if John/Henry were to go to the authorities and make a FALSE ACCUSATION that s****.>
It does not seem that John/Jay is going to go the authorities to make a accusation. He did talk to a private attorney. For some, the prospect of getting money, does seem to have a way of giving comfort.

I do not see where anyone has made a personal attack on John/Henry. I do see where some have asked for some explanations. Mike, Bank, and myself have strongly encouraged prosecution. A child looks to the parent for protection. I hope, that if this dentist is guilty, that all children are protected from him.

Originally I thought that Jay was from Kentucky. In his comments concerning the State of Kentucky, he speaks of the state as my state (Edward) and not his state. Yet he does write as though he lives in Ohio but signs as though he is in Kentucky. Jay and Jodi both write the same thing. Here in Ohio. Could be the same people. Why else would a person sign that live in Kentucky, yet refer to Ohio, as the state that they live in? Who knows and it really does not make a difference.

We have already seen where John/Henry have signed on with different names and towns but are the same people. All one has to do is look at the same writing styles and similar post times. Could be that a same person is signing under three or four different names and addresses. If a person were to use multiple names and locations, it could be for self entertainment. Some may use multiple pen names in the attempt to give their point of view more credibility and weight. Whatever their reasons, for those who do that, it is misleading, dishonest, and causes their postings to lose credibility.

John/Henry has made a serious accusation. It surprises me as to why he has made no follow up to this issue. He wrote that he was not going to file charges but also wrote that there were other things that he was doing. It has been a week since his first post. If his intent was to let others know about this evil person, then it is important to let others know, how the other things your said you were doing are proceeding.

People have written to say that others should have an open mind. I could not agree more. Having an open mind is why I and others have asked open ended questions. A serious accusation has been made. This dentist, his business, and his family, will forever suffer because of this. Shouldn't he have rights? Isn't he innocent until proven guilty. Shouldn't he have his day in court. If he were to be found guilty, I would also be here giving him shame.

That is what I have seen from this post. That the Dentist is guilty until he proves himself innocent. That someone can come on this site and make a anonymous blanket accusation and ruin someone's life. There should be accountability for that. Even if this were to end up being a false report. The dentist will never recover from this. If he is guilty, put him in jail. If this is a false report, how can this be allowed.

If the Dentist did not do this, how does he get justice? How does he clear his name? Some may write that the Dentist can come on this site and give a rebuttal. How does anyone give a rebuttal to this charge? Too many people already want to string him up. If he did it, I would want to string him up. This is the whole point.

He has already been accused of the most horrible crime that anyone could do to a child. People have already found him guilty just because someone said they are. Even if here were to go to trial and be found innocent, he will never be able to clear his name or reputation.

People, who are not willing to listen to both sides, are the ones who should not be sitting as a juror. It is some of the first questions both lawyers ask during voir dire. Do you think a person is guilty just because a charge has been made? Can you, as a juror, wait until all the evidence is presented, before making a judgement? No evidence has been presented here. It is just a accusation. Yet, some are finding it too easy to find him guilty on just a accusation.

This accusation was made by a ghost writer. The dentist has no way of defending himself against this accusation. He has no recourse. It seems that the accused should also be allowed his day in court. For those who are not willing to give him due process, they are part of same Wanatchee Witch Hunt that ruined many other peoples lives. Don't you think that everyone involed is entitled to see this issue followed through to completion and not end on just a accusation?


River Edge,
New Jersey,
To Jay

#85Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 06, 2007

Jay, Thank you for re-writing someone else post based on absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT OCCURRED. Here's a few problems with what you said though:

You said the cop:

"No doubt he smiled, patted you on the shoulder and told you that he was just trying to give you a better idea as to what would happen to you and your son!"

In any case of a minor sexual abuse, the defense attorneys NEVER attack a child. Ever. They all know if they attack a child of 6 yrs old it looks bad for their client and it never happens. Ever.

You said:
"You tried to do the right thing! You went to the police! You went to the lawyer! You talked to the so called child psychologist! "

**Couple things here. A lawyer has nothign to do with it unless he is planning on suing. IN fact a cop would NEVER send him to a lawyer, he would send the case to the DA's office. And in most states, any charges of child abuse, molestation, rape require the case to be sent to a DA for investigaton. Period.

You said:

"The last thing you want is your son being teased/taunted by older kids that Mr. Dentist gave him a Blow Job!"

**All cases involving minors, their identities would be withheld and his identity would never be revealed.

Without proof, this should not be online. Period. It doesn't ring true, I'm sorry.


John/Henry... I believe you!

#86Consumer Comment

Fri, May 04, 2007


I believe you!

I have read your post(s) several times and I think that I have a good idea as to what you're trying to say happened.

When you wrote, Later in the car he told me the dentist tickled him with his mouth. It didn't take much questioning to find out where he was 'tickling' him. I was floored, I can only imagine what your reaction was at that moment. You must have had a horrible feeling which included anger, fear, hopelessness and guilt.

Here you are driving down the road and your six-year old is telling you what the Dentist did and you're trying to ask questions in a way that does not scare your son. You're trying to find out more details, what happened and why it happened, in a way that doesn't make a horrible situation worse!

Here you are trying to find out what in 'Hell' just happened without over reacting so that your son won't think that it was his fault!

You wrote, I went back and confronted him and he laughed and said that my son must have had a reaction to the gas. My guess would be that you probably talked to the Dentist that very day and at this point it wouldn't matter if your son was with you. Heck, you may have dropped your son off at a baby sitter or at Grannies it doesn't matter.

What matters is that you did go back and asked the Dentist what happened as any decent parent would/should!

Now the Dentist's reaction throws you off being thrown off is a normal human reaction and you should not feel bad. The Dentist laughed, he tried to brush it off, and you may have even started to feel better.

As you drove home something just didn't add up. Something in your gut told you that it didn't add up. All the warning signals and alarms started going off Six year olds don't make up stories that start with Dr. Dentist tickled my Pee Pee with his tongue!

You may have called the police and a detective stops by to talk with you I betting that you drove down to the police station. You talk to a police officer who puts you in touch with the town detective

Now the Detective' tells you, this was not the first complaint on this man He says that he believer's your son and after talking with you son he decides to have a very frank and realistic discussion of what had happened in the past.

I am guessing that this is where you find out that, This man is an apparently upstanding member of the community. He is married and has two adopted children. The detective probably tells you this!

You are angry, your upset and this is about the time the Detective brings up that he doesn't want to arrest you for doing something stupid.

This frank discussion from the Detective included the trauma of a trial speech Did he yell at you? Did he get rude with you? Did you feel as if you were on trial? No doubt he smiled, patted you on the shoulder and told you that he was just trying to give you a better idea as to what would happen to you and your son!

Now when the Detective switches from his mean horrible lawyer/prosecutor act to his nice and very concerned detective act the kind detective may have even given you the name of a Lawyer The kind detective may have given you the name of a child psychologist.

and when you talked to the Lawyer, when you talked to the child psychologist, they knew about you and the complaint and for some odd reason, they mirrored what the Detective talked about!

Do you see now why I say that justice is for those who can afford it?

You tried to do the right thing! You went to the police! You went to the lawyer! You talked to the so called child psychologist! You didn't take the law into your own hands because that was not how you were raised and you know that your son needs a father at home your son does not need a father who is in jail and nobody wants to do a thing because Dr. Pee Pee Sucker is such a outstanding Christian!

Somehow you're told about the Rip-Off Report site!

You know that something is wrong with this whole situation. This is not suppose to happen in 2007, that this is not suppose to happen in the United States so you decide to post on the Rip-Off report site.

You take the time to register. You're scared. You're angry. You don't want any parent to go through what you have been through!

You write your story and this is where you find out about the option to protect you're identity and you check it off.

The next thing you know is some guy from New Jersey is treating you like a liar and he even goes so far as to imply that a good parent would cause blood to be on the floor!

You take the time to reply and this is when you find out about the Software Glitch that does not protect your name You didn't lie, you didn't exaggerate, you were honest and you tried to tell the truth while trying to protect your identity and your son's identity

The last thing you want is your son being teased/taunted by older kids that Mr. Dentist gave him a Blow Job!

But none of this matters to people like Mike in New Jersey. It doesn't matter to People like Bank in North Dakota all they care about is having their Rip-Off Court and they are out for blood Heck you even have Edward who comes out of Kentucky with the magical story he and he alone is a qualified jurist with personal experience in child sexual abuse and they have their trial and they convict you in public!

You see John/Henry; if you think about it people like Mike, Edward, and Bank they are the police, the lawyer, and the child psychologist.

Now I am betting that your post is starting to cause a little stir Has the kind Detective called you back? Has Child Services stopped by today? Are they talking about taking your child? Because they tried to help and well you didn't listen and it is out of their hands now?

That is how things are done in the South!

I don't know what part of Alabama you're in You might be in the northern part where I have family. You might be down in the Deep South region of Mobile and if you are in the Mobile area, well that is not too far away from where the unarmed Hurricane Katrina Survivors who were shot down by the police for trying to cross a bridge in the middle of the day but that is how things are done in that area and yes I know that Edward would say this is just a tangent.

The reason why I mentioned that is because I have no doubts you are telling the truth and I believe you!


River Edge,
New Jersey,
How about this?

#87Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 03, 2007

I know, why doesn't John or Henry leave the detectives name he spoke to and what precinct, so this can be verified.

If you don't want to put your son through anything, why don't you call the press? Inform THEM about what happenned and how the cops told you about all of the reports?


New York,
LOL Jodi

#88Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

Actually, the ONLY dentists listed with 1-800-DENTIST are those that pay the advertising fee to be listed. Think about it ... 1-800-DENTIST is not a federally funded consumer watchdog program, now is it? That is why there was only ONE dentist in your area -- only one is a fool enough to pay for such advertising to attempt to gain business. All the other dentists can get business on their own because they have reputations for being GOOD dentists.


You are so right Edward!

#89Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007


You are so right about getting off of subject. What does you being on jury duty have to do with anything.

You tell the man you won't believe a thing he says unless he meets your conditions!

Edward, take a deep breath, your not objective, your own statements show that you should never serve on a jury.

Your upset because all I have done is point out reason after reason why people do not want to deal with the courts... look up Wenatchee Witch Hunt.

When John/Henry wrote about his son being sexually abused, this brought up the memory of the sexual abuse going on with the mentally handicapped in Somerset Kentucky and your response is... that is a tangent!

When John/Henry talked about why he didn't want to put his son through the B/S of courts, I understand his reasons. I know first hand that his concerns are valid... but your response is that is a tangent!

People wrote in that the police would never do such and such and I wrote back with a story about a New Jersey Police officer who did not want to investigate a murder because of paperwork but... that is a tangent for you!

Edward, you sound like a real good person... I am sure you will be praying for me and others while your in church.

John/Henry... I hope that what I wrote about helps you with your decision on not going with the legal system... I know your doing the right thing.

I just hope that your report is fair and accurate!


North Dakota,
Oh Jodi....

#90Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

1-800-dentist.....now that is hilarious! Nice try though....

Jay: Watch the Geico commercial where the woman states: "We live in a society were individual ego is at the forefront"
Commentator: "response?"
Geico Caveman: "yeah, I have a respone, WHAT?"

Pretty much sums up your post.


Vine Grove,
lets try to stay on this topic.

#91Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

This will not be very long Jay. My use of the letters OP, mean original poster/post. That would be John/aka Henry.

Jay, you can make all the diatribes you want, in the attempt to take this topic into other directions. This is just a small sampling. You have discussed the legal systems in Louisiana, Ohio and Kentucky. You talked about murder, drunk driving, road rage, rape, and homeland security. Your bringing up subjects involving Stumbo, the F.B.I., the Governor, and working conditions at mental handicapped institutions. You talk about foster care, driving conditions, and bonus's for state employees .

Count to ten and take a couple of deep breaths. What do any of these things have to do with the topic at hand? Please don't answer that. I don't want you going off on a tangent again. Your ranting did not address any of the points that Mike, Jodi, or myself have brought up. What most here are trying to understand, is if there is any validity to this serious charge. People are trying to point out why it is clear, others are pointing out why there are doubts. Your last post just muddles things up. I will not respond to anything else unless it directly has to do with the specific post that started this.


Called 1-800-dentist

#92Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

I called 1-800-dentist. I said I was moving to Muscle Shoals Alabama in the 35661 zip code. I told them my insurance allows me to see any dentist, and wanted a dentist in that immediate area. They told me there was only 1 dentist with in 20 miles of that zip code. It was NOT Dr. Hudson. I asked why Dr. Hudson was not listed to me. Their response was, If he was not listed to you, then he is on in our database. The only doctors that are not in our database ( in the entire country ) are the dentists that have complaints, bad records, or disciplined by the state!


Good point Mike!

#93Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007


I agree with you for the most part.

I just want you to know that the incident with the person being shot and killed. That happened in New Jersey!

Now you believe in our justice system... please search Wenatchee Witch Hunt and read all about our justice in action!

Now please keep in mind that I am on record that I hope John/Henry is telling the truth.

But you had better keep in mind that people do not know what happens in our weak, corrupt, poorly run courts.

Also, keep in mind... I did some work for the State of Ohio convicted drunk drivers. The average number of DWI/DUI convictions in my classroom was 21 per student...


River Edge,
New Jersey,
To Jodi..

#94Consumer Suggestion

Thu, May 03, 2007

A few things..

1. You don't know who "john" or "henry" is. It's anonymous. You don't even know if he HAS a son

2. What does he have to gain if he is lying? Well it could be anything. Perhaps the dentist screwed his wife, or maybe he is a competitor, or a fired employee looking for revenge.

3. You keep repeating the same statistic of 80-200,000 molested kids annually and claim that most of these go unpunished due to parents not wanting to put their kids through any more trauma. The more likely reason is these children are molested by unknown individuals that aren't caught. The average molester molests up to 30-40 kids prior to getting caught. Now, if more parents like John or Henry or whatever his name is now prosecute, think about how many OTHER kids won't have to go through that trauma

4. You said "Imagine 80,000-200,000 kids a year being told they are liars. No wonder so many won't prosecute. Because of people like you"...

NOBODY IS CALLING A CHIILD A LIAR! What we are saying is we doubt the truthfullness of the POSTER.

5. The problem with this type of "reporting" of an individual is that anyone can post anything they want online without any corraborating evidence. If it's not true, than his reputation and business could be in danger, and he could lose his livelihood. If it is true, than the parent should prosecute. Period. End of story. Any parent who allows his 6 yr old child to dictate what they want is an idiot and should have his parental rights stripped.

As Edward said, NOBODY in a case like this would EVER attack the victim. It automatically give the victim a sympathetic view to juries and the client would lose, period. Any "police officer", "counselor" or "psychiatrist" that advocates a child molester NOT BE CHARGED should be put in jail themselves

Rip Off Report should investigate these types of claims (as well as rape, etc) before they are allowed to be published, OR automatically contact the individual so they may respond here. To allow possible libelous claims to be posted by anonymous individuals is horrible


Edward, is your statement for everyone?

#95Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007


You wrote, "There is no doubt that this is the most disgusting... I question very much that any of the OP comments have validity."

Now I realize that you question the validity of any of the posts but I need to know, does that statement apply to your post as well?

I notice your from Kentucky... Please keep an open mind and let me tell you about the wonders of justice in the Commonwealth of Kentucky!

Before I start, let us start with a simple fact and you can speculate about it until your heart is content. Jay is not my name and I don't live in Newport.

Now the Editor does have my real name, he does have my address, I sent it by E-mail a long time ago and every time I post a comment, report on this site or send a E-mail my computers IP address is recorded.

Are you with me so far?

Now let us get back to the 'Justice' that people have in Kentucky by asking if you know what your State Attorney General would do with a written complaint that was sent in?

Your State Attorney General is Greg Stumpo and I am asking you if, since you have so much experience with the law. I am asking you what would your State Attorney General do with a written complaint?

Answer: Nothing! He and his staff didn't even have the professionalism to write back!

Here I took the time to write a detailed letter for two senior citizens and your State Attorney General couldn't even write back. Kentucky Justice at its best!

OK I can see by your letter that you consider yourself to be very objective and open-minded, not really, but this next part is even, how should I say I will use your words this next part, "...no doubt that this is the most disgusting..."

In Somerset Kentucky, there is a facility that houses Kentucky's most vulnerable citizens... are you with me on this Edward?

Now keep in mind Edward I am talking about the Justice in your state. I am talking about what is going on at this very moment in your state.

Edward your own Governor, State Police, including the Federal Government and FBI has been looking into this. (Are you still with me on this Edward?)

You see Edward, I am not suppose to know anything about this. I am not suppose to say anything!

You have in your state abuse going on against mentally handicapped citizens and nothing is being done. yes the Governor, State Police and FBI have been investigating. President Bush said there would be changes and nothing is being done as the abuse continues!

To work at this Facilities, you have to sign a statement stating that it is illegal for you to discuss anything with the Media!

You have to sign a statement that you will report all abuse. You have to sign a statement that you can be held criminally liable for not reporting abuse.

You can not defend yourself from being attacked by a severely retarded patient that is abuse!

At the end of your shift, you can not go home unless your manager says it is OK. otherwise you will have to work another shift! (I am not making this up.)

If the roads are close because of ice... your manager will threaten you with prison if you do not report for work!

If you are assigned to watch a patient who is on 24/7 watch. if an investigator comes up to you and asks you a question you will be cited for a violation if you take your eyes off of the patient and look at the investigator. I am not making this up.

Imagine for a moment, you work at this place where the patient is so strong that the beds and furniture are bolted to the floor to prevent the patient from picking up the bed and throwing it at you!

Now ask yourself why do the workers at this place, when dealing with a patient, close the doors, close the windows and close the drapes?

Think about this Edward. if you tell the investigators about the closed doors then your coworkers will know and an accusation will be made against you. and while it is being "Investigated" you are assigned to "Laundry".

You can go to prison Edward!

Some of the workers who reported the abuse, well the Jury found them innocent of the charges...

You can go to prison Edward for reporting abuse or not reporting abuse. You can go to prison for talking to the media about the abuse and this is called Kentucky Justice!

In your own State of Kentucky Edward, County officials were paid bonuses for placing children into foster care. they had quotas to meet. Do you think that some poor ignorant parent had their child taken so that a State Employee could get their cash bonus? (This happened in the last three years!)

Edward, I can not use my name or my city because there is no justice in Kentucky. Justice is for those who can pay for it. Justice is for those who can buy it. Justice is for those who can afford it. Your own State Attorney General won't even respond to a complaint.

John/Henry is doing the right thing!


Edward and Jay

#96Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

Edward, if you were to have read all of the posts closely , you would know the answers to almost everything you said. I'm not going to write it again. Also my sons dentist DOES NOT allow a parent in the room, and his assistant is in there only when he is not. His name is Dr Martin in Granville Ohio you can look it up yourselves (Edward and Jay).

STILL NO ONE HAS AN ANSWER TO WHAT THIS FATHER HAS TO GAIN FROM POSTING HERE! Except to protect other children. Dr Hudson would have to know this is on ROR, if you type his name in, it's the first thing that comes up. Both of you keep saying "what if it's not true", but what if it is? Edward are you saying you would force your 6 year old child through questioning, exams, etc..even if he begs you not to?

If so, I would question if you even have kids. This is the last time I'm going to say: 80,000-200,000 kids a year are molested. Most of the parents choose not to prosecute to save the child from further trauma.

If more parents knew that you could report them here on ROR, I'm sure they would. Then people like you could call them liars. Imagine 80,000-200,000 kids a year being told they are liars. No wonder so many won't prosecute.Because of people like you. Again, if someone knows how to research this Doctors background (complaints), please let me know. It would clear up a lot!! The last thing I want to do is support a FALSE claim, but I feel it's more important to protect the child.


Where was the Assistant?

#97Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007


Thank you for your comment.

As I read this report, all I could think about is the reaction of the Dentist when he finds out about the post.

All those years of school, training, study down the drain and destroyed!

I can understand not wanting to file charges. I can understand not wanting to identify themselves.

But what if this story is not true? What if the Dentist was telling the truth and it was just a reaction to the gas?

What if there was a cute dental assistant in the room helping the dentist?

Most Dentists have an assistant when working with children. Most Dentists will have a chair in the room for the parent to use... having a parent in the room can help with any fears a child might have!

My Dentist does allow parents to be in the room!


Vine Grove,
It is time for the Father to take a stand for his Son

#98Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

There is no doubt that this is the most disgusting ROR that I have seen posted in the last 7 months. That is how long I have been looking at ROR. I question very much that any of the OP comments have validity.

I only have two issues here. One is that a parent is trying to give a bunch of BS to justify why he, as the father, has not, nor will not do anything to get justice for his 6 year old son. The second issue is that if what you are claiming is true, then if it happens to another child, it will be your fault. In your first post you write. I don't want anymore children to be preyed on by this monster.

There are too many red flags that fly in the face of you ROR.

1. If you really did go to the Police and make the accusation as you said. They would not have let it drop. It would have been turned over to the D.A. office. You also wrote that the police already had other complaints about the dentist. Were those complaints also concerning sexual abuse of children.

2. You claim that you took your son to a psychologist. The law would require the psychologist to notify authorities about sexual crimes concerning a minor.

3. You said that you consulted with a lawyer, not an attorney from the prosecutors office. That implies you were considering filing a civil lawsuit for monetary damages. Thus, you were willing to have your son testify as to get money from the lawyer but not willing to have your son testify so the dentist would go to jail.

4. Every child dentist that I know of, allows the parent to be in exam room. Every dental visit I or a family member has had, also has a dental assistant in that same room. The same goes for doctor visits. They do this to protect themselves from these kinds a accusations.

5. Many people have posted questions. Most of the questions are because of the anger we have. A child molester, is not a human being. You have not posted any responses to these questions. You have posted under different names, which is confusing.

In February, I served on Circuit Court for one month. I was a juror on two different sexual abuse trials. The judge does not allow the child victim to be attacked by the defense attorney. The defense attorney will not attack the child. The defense understands that being hostile to the child, will only bring the wrath of the jury onto the defendant. If the plaintiff was an adult, then the defense might attack their character.

When a child is involved, that child is treated very softly. Most of the evidence presented will be through testimony of the police, psychologists, detectives, doctors, and the parents. They would also put forth the other complaints to show a history of a repeat offender. You have let your son down. Children look up to their parents for protection. Your child told you about it because he knew you would protect him. It is the responsibility of the parent to protect their children. Any person who harms a child is a punk. Any person who allows harm to come to a child and does nothing about it, is no better.

I may get some hard responses concerning my post. I will tell you now. I do not care. Myself, I think this ROR should be passed onto the authorities to really see if it is true or not. Just as the dentist should be made aware. A person who makes a false accusation of child molestation is not better than a person who would harm a child.

You have publicly claimed this person to be a repeat child molester. Since you have the proof, yet are unwilling to seek justice for your son and to protect other children, I do not believe you. I will not believe you until you have this person put in jail.


Jay and Bank... Bank please read! we might be able to end this.

#99Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

Jay, you are sooo right. Bank, Just because the Dr. was not found guilty, does not mean he did not do it. (Michael Jackson). I'm glad that when you search Dr. Hudson's name, this will pop up. Maybe it will keep another child from being molested. Are you saying that you would force a 6 year old into a rape case ? He is protecting his child. The lawyers, police, psych. can not force the child or parent to press charges. There is nothing legal they can do except make a report on it.

PLEASE look up the law! Maybe this report would be more believable to you if you knew the law. STILL, what is there to gain by reporting this? This IS one step in removing this monster from society.

I understand what you are saying about if "I" were accused of molestation. If I had previous complaints about molestation, or the person went to police, lawyer, psych., then yes I feel "I" should be reported. Mostly it's the parents job to believe his son, and he is doing the right thing by reporting it.

Yes, it would be terribly painful. If it's true, then the Dr. deserves that pain. You are wrong about the average father, 80,000-200,000 kids a year are molested. MOST of those go unreported. This father IS the average father!! Just look up child molestation on your computer. Do you have children? If so, put yourself in this parents shoes. What would you have done?

I wonder if there is a way to find out if this dentist really does have previous complaints or reports. That way it could end a lot of this back and forth. If there is a previous report on him then VINDICATION! If there are no reports then I would have to agree that this report may be fishy. I typed in Dr. James Hudson DMD Alabama. It shows this dentist does exist, but I am clueless as to how to find out about any complaints. Maybe mike or you might know how.

If I'm wrong, I will apologize.


Jay and Bank... Bank please read! we might be able to end this.

#100Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

Jay, you are sooo right. Bank, Just because the Dr. was not found guilty, does not mean he did not do it. (Michael Jackson). I'm glad that when you search Dr. Hudson's name, this will pop up. Maybe it will keep another child from being molested. Are you saying that you would force a 6 year old into a rape case ? He is protecting his child. The lawyers, police, psych. can not force the child or parent to press charges. There is nothing legal they can do except make a report on it.

PLEASE look up the law! Maybe this report would be more believable to you if you knew the law. STILL, what is there to gain by reporting this? This IS one step in removing this monster from society.

I understand what you are saying about if "I" were accused of molestation. If I had previous complaints about molestation, or the person went to police, lawyer, psych., then yes I feel "I" should be reported. Mostly it's the parents job to believe his son, and he is doing the right thing by reporting it.

Yes, it would be terribly painful. If it's true, then the Dr. deserves that pain. You are wrong about the average father, 80,000-200,000 kids a year are molested. MOST of those go unreported. This father IS the average father!! Just look up child molestation on your computer. Do you have children? If so, put yourself in this parents shoes. What would you have done?

I wonder if there is a way to find out if this dentist really does have previous complaints or reports. That way it could end a lot of this back and forth. If there is a previous report on him then VINDICATION! If there are no reports then I would have to agree that this report may be fishy. I typed in Dr. James Hudson DMD Alabama. It shows this dentist does exist, but I am clueless as to how to find out about any complaints. Maybe mike or you might know how.

If I'm wrong, I will apologize.


Jay and Bank... Bank please read! we might be able to end this.

#101Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

Jay, you are sooo right. Bank, Just because the Dr. was not found guilty, does not mean he did not do it. (Michael Jackson). I'm glad that when you search Dr. Hudson's name, this will pop up. Maybe it will keep another child from being molested. Are you saying that you would force a 6 year old into a rape case ? He is protecting his child. The lawyers, police, psych. can not force the child or parent to press charges. There is nothing legal they can do except make a report on it.

PLEASE look up the law! Maybe this report would be more believable to you if you knew the law. STILL, what is there to gain by reporting this? This IS one step in removing this monster from society.

I understand what you are saying about if "I" were accused of molestation. If I had previous complaints about molestation, or the person went to police, lawyer, psych., then yes I feel "I" should be reported. Mostly it's the parents job to believe his son, and he is doing the right thing by reporting it.

Yes, it would be terribly painful. If it's true, then the Dr. deserves that pain. You are wrong about the average father, 80,000-200,000 kids a year are molested. MOST of those go unreported. This father IS the average father!! Just look up child molestation on your computer. Do you have children? If so, put yourself in this parents shoes. What would you have done?

I wonder if there is a way to find out if this dentist really does have previous complaints or reports. That way it could end a lot of this back and forth. If there is a previous report on him then VINDICATION! If there are no reports then I would have to agree that this report may be fishy. I typed in Dr. James Hudson DMD Alabama. It shows this dentist does exist, but I am clueless as to how to find out about any complaints. Maybe mike or you might know how.

If I'm wrong, I will apologize.


Jay and Bank... Bank please read! we might be able to end this.

#102Consumer Comment

Thu, May 03, 2007

Jay, you are sooo right. Bank, Just because the Dr. was not found guilty, does not mean he did not do it. (Michael Jackson). I'm glad that when you search Dr. Hudson's name, this will pop up. Maybe it will keep another child from being molested. Are you saying that you would force a 6 year old into a rape case ? He is protecting his child. The lawyers, police, psych. can not force the child or parent to press charges. There is nothing legal they can do except make a report on it.

PLEASE look up the law! Maybe this report would be more believable to you if you knew the law. STILL, what is there to gain by reporting this? This IS one step in removing this monster from society.

I understand what you are saying about if "I" were accused of molestation. If I had previous complaints about molestation, or the person went to police, lawyer, psych., then yes I feel "I" should be reported. Mostly it's the parents job to believe his son, and he is doing the right thing by reporting it.

Yes, it would be terribly painful. If it's true, then the Dr. deserves that pain. You are wrong about the average father, 80,000-200,000 kids a year are molested. MOST of those go unreported. This father IS the average father!! Just look up child molestation on your computer. Do you have children? If so, put yourself in this parents shoes. What would you have done?

I wonder if there is a way to find out if this dentist really does have previous complaints or reports. That way it could end a lot of this back and forth. If there is a previous report on him then VINDICATION! If there are no reports then I would have to agree that this report may be fishy. I typed in Dr. James Hudson DMD Alabama. It shows this dentist does exist, but I am clueless as to how to find out about any complaints. Maybe mike or you might know how.

If I'm wrong, I will apologize.


North Dakota,
Here are the real ripoffs....

#103Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007

Up to this point, based on what we have read, here are the REAL ripoffs:

1. A medical professionals name being plastered on the internet without being found guilty of ANYTHING. If this story isn't true, then guess what? Every time someone searches this dentist's name on the internet, this is going to pop up; thus defaming his name and his practice.

2. "John" or "Henry" is ripping off his son and other children of his community by not pursuing charges of a very serious RAPE allegation.

3. The Lawyer, Police, and Child Psychologist are ripping "John" or "Henry" off by giving him poor advice in not seeking charges; or taking it upon themselves to seek police intervention.

If this story is true (like you said, why would he post this if it wasn't, correct?), then the author as a responsible parent and concerned citizen should do everything possible to remove this rapist from society.

I'm not trying to be offensive Jodi, but how would you like it if someone stated that their child was touched by you and went to the internet with the intent of defamation to your name without any legal findings of the sort? How do you think you would be affected. Once again, I'm not trying to offend you.

I guess "John" or "Henry" is a little different than the average father.

(P.S. I find it unbelievable that the police told him that there were other police reports about this dentist and yet nothing has been done. Akin to murder, police take child rape VERY serious.)


I understand your reasons!

#104Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007


First, I do understand why you would want to protect your name and this is why your given that option by the Ripoff Report website!

Second, if you accuse someone of child abuse... that can never be taken back. It is a serious accusation and I hope you are being truthful!

Third, your not alone in not trusting the legal system!

What the readers of your report fail to realize is the fact that each year thousands of women refuse to report rapes because our legal system is so weak... so why would people be surprised if parents act the same way?

Here in Ohio... our legal system is very weak and it is getting worse. It is also getting worse nationwide!

Take a look at New Orleans... people are getting murdered and eye witnesses refuse to talk to the police because prosecutors refuse to do their jobs!

We have police that are so fed up with the legal system that if they catch a drunk driver... if somebody can come and pick them up then they will be let go.

I know of a case were the police came out for a murder investigation... the shooter told the officer it was self-defense... the police officer told the shooter... "I have a report that a person was shot and killed and this means two to three hours paperwork... I now have a person who claims to be the shooter and this means at least eight hours of paperwork so I am going to ask you one more time what happened..."

File a complaint with the BBB and see how far it goes. File a complaint with the police and see how far it goes. File a complaint with your State Attorney Generals office and see what happens... I know what would happen and the simple answer is... Nothing!

I can tell you that nothing would happen... I have reported crimes and it is a waste of time!

I have had people with firearms menace me and my wife in Meijer stores. I have had people of Middle Eastern background point hand guns at me while driving down Interstate 71. I have been interviewed by the FBI because of Death Threats by a student... and I have had more than one death threat!

... and each year thousands of women see no point in reporting rapes. Thousands of assaults go unreported. Hundreds of shooting victims stay silent and yes I have seen people with bullet holes who did not go to the hospital or report it to the police!

Hey! If law enforcement was so effective... then we wouldn't have any need for the ripoff report website!

... and it is getting worse!


I understand your reasons!

#105Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007


First, I do understand why you would want to protect your name and this is why your given that option by the Ripoff Report website!

Second, if you accuse someone of child abuse... that can never be taken back. It is a serious accusation and I hope you are being truthful!

Third, your not alone in not trusting the legal system!

What the readers of your report fail to realize is the fact that each year thousands of women refuse to report rapes because our legal system is so weak... so why would people be surprised if parents act the same way?

Here in Ohio... our legal system is very weak and it is getting worse. It is also getting worse nationwide!

Take a look at New Orleans... people are getting murdered and eye witnesses refuse to talk to the police because prosecutors refuse to do their jobs!

We have police that are so fed up with the legal system that if they catch a drunk driver... if somebody can come and pick them up then they will be let go.

I know of a case were the police came out for a murder investigation... the shooter told the officer it was self-defense... the police officer told the shooter... "I have a report that a person was shot and killed and this means two to three hours paperwork... I now have a person who claims to be the shooter and this means at least eight hours of paperwork so I am going to ask you one more time what happened..."

File a complaint with the BBB and see how far it goes. File a complaint with the police and see how far it goes. File a complaint with your State Attorney Generals office and see what happens... I know what would happen and the simple answer is... Nothing!

I can tell you that nothing would happen... I have reported crimes and it is a waste of time!

I have had people with firearms menace me and my wife in Meijer stores. I have had people of Middle Eastern background point hand guns at me while driving down Interstate 71. I have been interviewed by the FBI because of Death Threats by a student... and I have had more than one death threat!

... and each year thousands of women see no point in reporting rapes. Thousands of assaults go unreported. Hundreds of shooting victims stay silent and yes I have seen people with bullet holes who did not go to the hospital or report it to the police!

Hey! If law enforcement was so effective... then we wouldn't have any need for the ripoff report website!

... and it is getting worse!


I understand your reasons!

#106Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007


First, I do understand why you would want to protect your name and this is why your given that option by the Ripoff Report website!

Second, if you accuse someone of child abuse... that can never be taken back. It is a serious accusation and I hope you are being truthful!

Third, your not alone in not trusting the legal system!

What the readers of your report fail to realize is the fact that each year thousands of women refuse to report rapes because our legal system is so weak... so why would people be surprised if parents act the same way?

Here in Ohio... our legal system is very weak and it is getting worse. It is also getting worse nationwide!

Take a look at New Orleans... people are getting murdered and eye witnesses refuse to talk to the police because prosecutors refuse to do their jobs!

We have police that are so fed up with the legal system that if they catch a drunk driver... if somebody can come and pick them up then they will be let go.

I know of a case were the police came out for a murder investigation... the shooter told the officer it was self-defense... the police officer told the shooter... "I have a report that a person was shot and killed and this means two to three hours paperwork... I now have a person who claims to be the shooter and this means at least eight hours of paperwork so I am going to ask you one more time what happened..."

File a complaint with the BBB and see how far it goes. File a complaint with the police and see how far it goes. File a complaint with your State Attorney Generals office and see what happens... I know what would happen and the simple answer is... Nothing!

I can tell you that nothing would happen... I have reported crimes and it is a waste of time!

I have had people with firearms menace me and my wife in Meijer stores. I have had people of Middle Eastern background point hand guns at me while driving down Interstate 71. I have been interviewed by the FBI because of Death Threats by a student... and I have had more than one death threat!

... and each year thousands of women see no point in reporting rapes. Thousands of assaults go unreported. Hundreds of shooting victims stay silent and yes I have seen people with bullet holes who did not go to the hospital or report it to the police!

Hey! If law enforcement was so effective... then we wouldn't have any need for the ripoff report website!

... and it is getting worse!



#107Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007

Do you think he should force his child to to testify? Or do you think he should run and hide because it's some powerful dentist. There is absolutely nothing illegal about his post. When his son told him about the molestation, he has a legal right and responsibility to do exactly what he has done. This doctor has absolutely NO proper or powerful recourse! Please look up the law on slander. You saying to either " press charges or recant your statement" is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Do you realize 80,000 to 200,000 kids get molested every year! Most of those go without pressing charges. Are you telling all those people to recant, come on! What do you mean by " get your story straight "? He hasn't changed his story once. Most of all NOBODY has answered the question, what does he have to gain? Look what he has to hear on this web-site, and you wonder why he would not want to put his 6 year old through this.


me again

#108Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007

In regarding you calling the child a liar. I was saying the reasons people don't put their kids through exams, trials, interviews.
1. Child begs them not to.
2. because the pain it causes when someone calls their child a liar ( when they know it's true) and
3. People like you ,Mike.

I meant people "like you" questioning his story, hammering him. Can you imagine a 6 year old going through THIS! For it to even get to the DA, the child would HAVE TO go through some sort of questioning. Although you ARE technically calling the child a liar.



#109Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007

I don't know the law in Alabama. Here in Ohio, if I were to call the police and say someone molested my 6 year old, I would have to take the child to be examined, interviewed, etc.

Before they would have a legal right to arrest him. A lot of parents will not put their child through that. Maybe you have a text book on statistics. I'm sure it will show that more children that are molested chose not to go through that than do.

You still haven't given me the title to that book you read. You saying " those that have seen their attackers punished and face them grow up more adjusted than those who either don't know their attacker". What does that mean? And what do you mean by " more adjusted ".

Do they become Doctors, lawyers, upstanding citizens? Are you saying that kids that don't face their attackers are none of those? Yes,it is " inflicting more trauma" to be put through an invasive exam! Just ask any molestation/rape victim. Most people are not willing to go through that. Yes, sad to say,but the abuser usually does roam free to molest again.

Even your smart enough to know that. Are you saying you study child psychology? John/Henry is obviously protecting his identity for his child. Wouldn't you? What is important is that Dr. James Hudson DMD from Alabama has been reported here, and it just might keep another kid from having the same experience. If you don't think the child is lying, than do you think the father made it up? If so, why? Nothing to gain from what I see. Right?


North Dakota,
John or Henry or whoever you are....

#110Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007

You went to the trouble of going to the police, a lawyer, and a psych; and you refuse to press charges because it is going to bring "trauma" to your son? If (and that is a big "if") this accusation is true, then your son will be going through more trauma down the road (as well as other children) if you DON'T press charges.

Something is wrong here, and you better be careful. Making those types of accusations without confirmed evidence is serious business, especially to someone in the medical field. Just because your son said something, it does not automatically make it true. You are on the verge of damaging this dentist's reputation and he will have every right to attack you will proper and powerful legal recourse.

"John" or "Henry" or whomever you change your name to next, I suggest you get your story straight prior to posting statements like this. Either pursue charges or recant your statements....that is my suggestion.


River Edge,
New Jersey,

#111Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 02, 2007

First of all, if a police officer is told of a crime that has been committed, he must file a report, at a minimum. A police officer also has the right to arrest someone when informed they have committed a crime, it is up to the DA whether to prosecute the case. The case is forwarded to the D.A.'s office for investigation (not the Attorney General). The DA would investigate and if necessary enpanel a Grand Jury to try and get an indictment by presenting all and any evidence. All of this can occur without any testimony, and if the person is indicted these types usually gets resolved with a plea agreement and no testimony necessary.

In my studies I read many text books that spoke with case studies of molested children. Those that have seen their attackers punished and faced them, grow up more adjusted than those who either don't know their attacker.

I don't understand your point about not "inflicting more trauma" on children. So any child that has been molested or raped shouldn't be examined? Their molesters or rapists should be let free to roam and abuse others with just an unsubstantiated report on some website? More children should be abused because you don't want the child examined? This line of thinking is ridiculous.

You claim I was calling the child a liar. No, I was saying I don't believe the person who wrote this item (John from Florence, Alabama or is it Henry from Pritchard, Alabama).


You are wrong Mike.

#112Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2007

How can you conclude that putting your child through a trial, and facing their molester would give them closure? What do you think a 6 year old knows about closure?When he grows older, and is able to confront Dr. Hudson, then that will be closure! Getting his genitals tested for saliva or cleaning agents at 6 years old would only cause him further trauma.

Mike, I don't know what book you read that told you it is better for a child to face his attacker. What is the name of the book? It ( a trial ) would have to be on a case by case basis. The persons age, mental stability, and some children are just to emotional to withstand a trial. That makes no sense that there would be a book saying all children should face their attackers. It must be a particular persons experience , and you shouldn't be referencing to it for ALL kids. Most of all, people do not put their kids through a trial 1. because the child begs them not to 2. because of the pain it causes when someone calls the child a liar ( when the parent knows it's true ) 3. people like you, Mike.

A parents next step would be reporting it here. Which he has every legal right to do. Mike " I in no way believe that a cop would sit there and tell you about several reports of molestation and do nothing about it ". The only thing a cop can do is turn it over to the attorney general. If the families of children don't want their kids to testify ( it happens everyday ) then the A.G. will not have enough evidence to serve an arrest warrant. So the fact that a cop knows of complaints and yes Mike he can do nothing about it. Sad but true!

So Mike, just because you believe something, doesn't always mean it's right . Maybe you should read a more wide range of books on the subject! This complaint does ring true to me. What does he have to gain by reporting this Dentist here on ROR. It's not like he's suing him. We ALL know that.


River Edge,
New Jersey,

#113Consumer Suggestion

Wed, May 02, 2007

I'm sorry John, oh wait, your name is Henry now. I don't care about the "other things" you are doing. The ONLY way to stop a child predator is to put them away. And the only way a child can have closure is to know that his attacker is not going to harm him again and to see him punished. I don't know what psychologist told you it would be worse for your son not to testify than to face his attacker but they are wrong.

Read the books on it. A child facing his attacker gives the child closure as well as a feeling of getting back at the attacker and helps them to overcome the ordeal.

Did you take your son to the hospital? Did they do an exam on him? Find saliva or cleaning agents on your sons genitals? Since child molesters are the #1 hated type of criminals (even criminals hate them), in no way do I believe that a cop woul dsit there and tell you how they've had complaints before and then fail to do anything about it.

I'm sorry, but as a parent and a rational human, your complaint doesn't ring true to me, sorry.


Dr James Hudson pedophile Muscle Shoals, AL

#114Author of original report

Wed, May 02, 2007

I am not willing to put my child through the ordeal of a trial where he would become the accused and I would be who knows what. The detective told me that this was not the first complaint on this man. He told me that he believed my son, but he had a very frank and realistic discussion of what had happened in the past. I am also not going to commit assault and go to jail just to 'leave him bleeding on the floor.' That isn't very realistic. This is only one step in doing something about this, not the only thing that I am doing.


If this story is true....

#115Consumer Comment

Tue, May 01, 2007

Can't you report him to some sort of medical board ? I understand not wanting to put your son through anymore, but is there at least something on the doctors record ( that he had been accused ). Especially if he's working with kids. You said you talked to police, so there has to be some sort of record ( police report ). If this story is true, then I'm terribly sorry. I just got back from taking my 11 year old son to the dentist THIS MORNING !

So you can understand how shocking this report is to me. I understand people make up stories of molestation for various reasons. I just don't see what this parent would have to gain by making this up, and reporting it here. Did the psychologist conclude that he was molested, and if so, did he tell the psychologist the Dr. Hudson did it?


River Edge,
New Jersey,
Are you kidding?

#116Consumer Suggestion

Tue, May 01, 2007

As a father myself, I find it hard to believe that a man would hear that his son was molested and not press charges.

So you don't want him to molest anymore kids, but you won't press charges against him, just post something online and HOPE that parents see it? I know if I was you, not only would he have been bleeding on the floor but we'd be in court. I find this story hard to believe.

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