  • Report:  #47215

Complaint Review: Drive Financial - Dallas Florida

Reported By:
- ocala, Florida,

Drive Financial
Dallas, 33127 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i've read most of the reports that were filed here and i would like to offer some advice as these are the steps i am now taking.

first you need to send a letter to them asking them to cease and desist calling you at your place of employment (get it notarized, keep a copy, and send it to them via certified mail. then file a complaint with the attorney general's office in your state as well as file a complaint in their state at the attorney general's office (512-463-2070).

Then call the Dept of Banking and Finance for your state to report them as well. To call someone 10-15 times in one day is too much. After that to call and say you have won a sweepstakes is a bit too much--no i did not fall for it. So legally, this is what i'm told can be done.


ocala, Florida

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