  • Report:  #999320

Complaint Review: DSL EXTREME - CHATSWORTH California

Reported By:
DSL EXTREME ARE SCAM ARTISTS - , , United States of America

Plummer Street Suite A Chatsworth, CA 91311 CHATSWORTH, 91311 California, United States of America
(866) 491-7221
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They were extremely defiant about letting us get out of the contract they TRICKED us into, when there were countless service problems over the weeks and months that were by and large NOT out fault! (but DSL EXTREME will lie and try to blame you anyway) Then they threaten you with a 250 dollar cancellation fee if you try to end the suffering, they arte the most despicable company I havce EVER dealt with, that in no exaggeration.

After being mired in the never-ending cycle that is their system which you are forced to go through EVERY single time (no matter how much you have been through with them already) and getting the same exact responses, the robotic scripted repetitions coming from the "techs" they employ there now in the Philippines, (which they hired for a small fraction of
the worker's pay /rights/environmental concerns etc. as those which were once had by the laid off American techs, ( and which were the big selling point of the 'service' to begin with, and big part of why I evereven signed up with this crooked organization in the first place))

... I had exhausted all of the possibilities and my health began to decline.

Countless hours were wasted by this ethics-devoid automated machine of an entity.

This experience actually has had me incredibly concerned, and fearing for the direction that we are heading towards, as a human race. That we allow such greed ... such sheer contempt for our fellow men and women to run uninhibited
as displayed by this lying, incompetent and uncaring money-wringing organization. It is a good example of corporate
organized crime which is bankrupting our nation run rampant.

Don't take my word for it, if you feel that you must see it all for yourself.
Hope you like torture, if things should go wrong. IT REALLY AND TRULY begins to feel absolutely HOPELESS ...

and it is one of the most frustrating and helpless sensations of feeling trapped that I have ever had in my life in dealings with ANY company. NEVER have I had something like this, and I have dealt with and also worked in a lot of diverse customer service scenarios over the years.

So we are talking congestion, Line issues, poor/ intermittent connectivity and being dropped flashing lights flickering lights Peak hours etc. etc And you know what, those outsourced techs,they act and make it sound like they just did you THE HUGEST FAVOR to get Verizon to actually get off their rears and come take a look at the problem ,to simply put in a ticket for that. (after we had gone through days and days and days of being forced to keep trying the same lame modem resets etc and expecting somehow different results.) YOU HAVE TO PULL TEETH TO EVEN JUST GET THAT DONE, for them to click their mouse and get that done. AND THAT is a big part of what I am talking about, it is LOUSY SERVICE JUST ABOUT EVERY STEP OF THE WAY

other customers on a popular forum that reviews isp's:
customer 1 "Beware of DSLExtreme return modem SCAM
After years of disappointing service speeds with DSL Extreme, I
cancelled after doing all my homework. I read about the scam they ran on
requiring you to return a modem of several years old, or pay their
$99.90 modem fee. I learned from others that you must send it with a
Signature Confirmation Receipt to protect yourself."

I was a good customer of theirs, always paid on time for years. I'm glad I learned
about their scam in advance and had the Signature Confirmation Receipt. I
never expected to find out that a third party collection agency
Affiliate Credit Service in Minnesota at 1-800-264-2439 would make their
first call to me after 3.5 months, now demanding payment for never
having received it.

I have my confirmation number and you should, too, if you ever leave them

customer 2  We too are a target of this "scam". DSL Extreme didn't even send a
letter or e-mail to us. They simply turned it over to Affiliated Group
(a collections company). We have a USPS receipt w/ date, their city and
zip and even the weight of the package BUT no tracking number! Our
bad! We're disputing w/ the collection agency. I was told by the rep
at Affiliated that the file "sits" at their company and is NOT reported
to a credit agency. It seems like employees at DSL Extreme in
Chatsworth must target any return with no tracking number knowing they
can just "bag" the modem. We are making a formal complain to the BBB

ME: I feel your pain, OP. I was with them for years under my name and then my sister's name. They never went to bat for us when we had many technical problems for months, and then they tried to rip us off for the 250 ETF when the problems were NOT our fault I was not going to abide by that.you need to FIGHT dishonest money hungry companies like this DSL Extreme who do NOT care one lick about the customers.They are owned by IKANO Communications, a skeazy scammy company if ever there was one. DSLE once was decent, many years ago, but that time is long past now. Avoid them like the plague! Spread the word. We are not alone. How many old ladies with DSL problems know to come here for help? This is an independent site, and the only one you can MAYBE get helped on, after holding their feet to the fire publicly! And still, you see the attitude
in their replies, it is disgusting. They treat you like they are doing you a favor every step of the way, like a nuisance. I am SO much happier being with Verizon directly versus dealing with this worthless middleman that just resells bandwidth to you, and then hopes you go away and leave them alone. And then sends people to collections, just unbelievable. How have they not been sued out of business by now? They do this to many people, take a look online at some other sites! (Yelp is just one)
I am saddened that dishonest companies are allowed to stomp all over the little guy in today's society. With time, this will
be changed..

unbelievable agent's  reply to me, condensed:
(over half of what they stated was misleading, false, exaggeration or just plain their own warped view on it, they NEVER admit that they are wrong!)

"I'm going to reply to this because I take personal offense.
She called us on 12/29/10 to confirm her contract expiration date.

It's quite obvious that your mother knew full well that she had signed
up for an annual contract and was not tricked or lied to, as you
claim. Despite this, one of our representatives put in a request
on your behalf to have the ETF waived (which meant that WE had to
pay it ourselves).

So, no. We aren't trying to 'rip you off for the 250 ETF when the problems are NOT your fault', nor
never 'going to bat' for you. Most of the issues you contacted us
for technically WERE your responsibility (to be precise, problems
with your modem and computer, not blaming you personally),
 and we DID resolve the issues you ran into whether your fault or not
(working with Verizon whenever needed, even managing to get them
out same-day), and WE paid the 250 ETF when we didn't have to...
and most importantly, we DO care for our customers. .... It's often a thankless
job, and we tend to deal with angry and upset people ....

... if you're going to talk about us, keep it truthful, please. .........

Now, here is MY reply to this defensive agent, who you will notice in the forum ALWAYS has to have the last word, and desperately tries to make his company look good online no matter what (they are basically never wrong, HUGE red flag) :

"You do not even know the extent of what I went through, FACT. That is due to the fact that over 90%
of these and the other calls made were with the PHILIPPINES, not with you, and they hardly had a clue what was going on. I
understood them perhaps about as much as they understood me on a good day. And, conveniently you did not include the 2-3 dozen calls I made to tech support in the last year of service in this cherry picked list of calls here or how many hours or people I spoke with on the line. I had issues with the old modem I had in the first year, which by the way, you guys never solved. I did not have computer issues that I recall but maybe my sister did on her account. The problem was NOT our lines inside, or the new modems we got later. One small issue was a computer network setting later on, but it was all congestion and deteriorating main phone lines. Of course, between you the contracted reseller and verizon, no one wants to admit that! But after we left DSLE for good, we found out the truth from Verizon and the technicians. A bunch of bull from you guys! You have NO IDEA how hopeless, stressed, and just miserable we were made to feel with you guys. We were held hostage by the contract we were put into without our knowledge, and then made to feel like it is impossible to get out when the service would not work at ALL for at least a month, and then it is like you are doing US A favor? Give me a break!

Ok, I just hopped onto yelp and within 20 seconds read this:
"When I changed my internet speed thru their website, my contract renewed without my consent. Whenever you make any slight changes to your account, you're automatically renewed for a year."
... there are tons of similar accounts to this online all over the web, so I am clearly not the only one who is experiencing this.

100% my mom told me later on that we were not supposed to be under contract, so now are you are telling me here that she and I are both liars? This is what she and I were led to believe. I only realized later on after calling at a certain point that we were under contract. But we were not supposed to be. Those were two different accounts, I initially started it in 08, and my sister in a different location, then she had her account sent to my house. I did NOT ever state that the modem I had in 09 and later was the problem, but I suspected it like anything else that might be possible. Your guys were happy to chalk it up to that I guess. OF course the tech found nothing and then it was conveniently our fault (not)! IT was intermittent and as luck had it things were fine when they were there. Whenever I would troubleshoot the problem at the NID, we would have the same issue, so it was NOT the inside wiring, but incompetent technicians and tech support sure do like to jump to blame these things.

But then it is easy to blame the customer. People can see it too, in your replies, I am not the first to take notice. Take little accountability for problems, it is never your fault I noticed. And, more than that, you spin things here to turn it around and make yourselves look like angels, and the customer like a nuisance, which is just absurd. I made it a point not to call for any little thing for the bulk of those years and tolerated downtime and outage after outage. Only at the end when enough was enough and it just stopped working completely did I call, fax, write, chat and drive there to try to get answers, for weeks and weeks, and was IGNORED almost COMPLETELY. HORRIBLE COMMUNICATION. Did you document there how many weeks total we were without internet? You failed to mention the times I asked for a manager. Dozens. And every single time almost, they were 'tied up in a meeting' which you know, and I now know is 100% baloney. So, don't you dare come here and try
to make me sound like a liar, and you guys are these spotless angels. Others out there besides just me have seen a whole
different side of the matter, I am not the only one. Good luck, you guys need it at this point."

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