  • Report:  #47699

Complaint Review: Dynamic - Hollywood Florida

Reported By:
- Martinsburg, West Virginia,

PO Box 816599 Hollywood, 33081 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I cannot count the number of times I have received this same bilge about catalog mailing. Every time I get a "guaranteed moneyback offer", the address has changed to a new city. Hmmm, sounds like they are getting run out of of places on a rail.

Look at what is being required of you: 1)send them money; 2)be sent catalogs; 3)send catalogs back to them. Where are the customers in this scheme? Puh-lease! It doesn't take remote people like you and me to stuff a silly envelope. If I could actually get $10 to stuff an envelope, I would already be sailing around the world!

Do yourself a break and line the catbox with it. Cat poop is worth more than this offer!


Martinsburg, West Virginia

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