  • Report:  #46013

Complaint Review: Efreestores.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Vacaville, California,

efreestores.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am unemployed and was looking for a home-based business. I received an email regarding opening a "mydollarshop" - the ad claimed all you had to do was pay a one-time fee of $29.95 and THEY would do the rest. (Later, they tell you that YOU must follow their suggestions for marketing the store in order to get a refund if it fails to work.)

Then, I got a second email regarding opening an efreestore. (Both of these stores, I found out later), are offered by the same internet company - efreeblvd.com.) Similar to the first offer, this was to be a store that THEY would do all the work, and all you had to do was put your name on the store. This one, however, was free to open, but after opening, they send you a second email saying that they realize you might need help advertising your store, so, for $9.95 a month, they GUARANTEE a certain number of visits to your store (I think it was 50), or for $19.95 a month, they GUARANTEE x number of visits to you store more than before (it may have been 100) - they keep going up on price, and the number of GUARANTEED visits goes up too. I signed up for $19.95 a month.

You can go to your store stats to check how many visits your store has received - mine says 0 to this very date - so, they have not kept up their end of the agreement - the GUARANTEED # of visits has never happened, yet they have charged me several monthly fees - still are - and email responses do not address this issue, and phone #'s do not have humans on the other end - simply a recording saying send them an email! I will be filing a grievance with my credit card company, along with a request for them to get back all my money.

There is one more thing, though, my efreestore shows prices of $5, $10, $15, $20, etc., for items in the store, and the description says 'all items would be free to consumers, they just pay shipping.' (This makes me wonder if there is yet a THIRD TYPE of store this company offers!)


Vacaville, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


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#2Consumer Comment

Fri, March 28, 2003

I have done my homework before joining this company and have found they are owned by Encenta, Inc. They are listed on the internet as a travel company. Maybe you can get some answers there. Best of Luck! Hunter, Olympia, WA

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