  • Report:  #66396

Complaint Review: Electronicaccessory.com - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Naples, Florida,

P.O. Box 25436 Dallas, 75225 Texas, U.S.A.
972-480 9432
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought a Plantronics Hands free phone last November. It was the wrong item and was never taken out of the box. It was sent back exactly as required.

Electronic Accessory has not replied to my many e-mails, has not refunded my money ($83.99) and has not replied to the complaint that I made to the BBB.


Naples, Florida

2 Updates & Rebuttals


you can send a letter to their house and really freak them out

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 04, 2004

I too am having problems trying to get answers about my order that I placed with them. I will not do it again. But this is what I found out about them. This is their real home address. Maybe you can send a letter to their house and really freak them out. I plan to. Joe F Barbee Jr, (972) 783-4804, 714 Cambridge Dr, Richardson, TX 75080 R R Craycraft, (972) 783-4804, 714 Cambridge Dr, Richardson, TX 75080


Here's some more contact informtion

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 03, 2003

The Post Office Box is the same on all their files, but you can still send them a Certified letter, and MAKE them sign for it. Tack the cost of extra postage on to what they owe. Don't let them hide behind that d**n box. For the record I will post it just in case, someone else needs it: Electronic Accessory.com P.O. Box 25436 Dallas, TX, 75225 I have a different phone number: 1-972-783-4804, this is also a fax number. The phone comany says a lot of small businesses tie their phone and fax in together. Here is a Technical contact, that if necessary would still serve as some connection: ComCity Corporation 6690 Amador Plaza Rd., Suite 115 Dublin, CA, 94568 Their phone and fax: 1-925-556-6940 Here is an email you might already have: [email protected] This is sloppy useless contact information which is characteristic of irresponsible businesses, who have no regard for their customers. Honest businesses have multiple sources for customer service, and friendlier sites. Write them a letter with a 7 to 10 work day time limit, insisting that you receive a full refund. I have seen the BBB Report, bug them (theBBB) some more too. The BBB is very complacent, and memberships are purchased not earned. Still, I would push it, because most people only know to look them up. For those people the inevitable link remains, and their report on this company is not sincere. IF it were, your unanswered complaint would be in the electronicsaccessory.com report. Try for that refund.;)

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