  • Report:  #83071

Complaint Review: Elena Barabash - Lugansk Other

Reported By:
- Hawley, Pennsylvania,

Elena Barabash
Pankova Street,house 12,flat 55 Lugansk,Ukraine,91000 Lugansk, 91000 Other, Ukraine
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Scammer details:

Surname: Elena

Name: Barabash

City: Lugansk

Country: Ukraine

Postal address: Pankova street,house 12,flat 55 91000

Phone number: 011-380-642-41-16-38

Photos she sent you (all you have): Included in ElenaBarabash.zip

Letters she sent you (all you have): Included in ElenaBarabash.zip

Agency details:

Which agency/website you contacted her through: Elena's Models http://www.elenasmodels.com/

Is this agency a member of Anti-Scam Program: Yes

Did you report the scam to the agency: Yes

What was the agency response: We are sorry to hear about your experience. Please provide us with more information regarding her activities.

Your contact details:

Your name (will not be published): Michael

Your email address (will not be published): **

Your pseudonym (under which name to publish your story):**

Your contact email address/URL to publish with the warning (optional):

Your story (as detailed as possible):

A little Brief: .

In February of 2003, I started writing Elena who was on Elena's Models

website http://www.elenasmodels.com/ it seemed we where off to a very well beginning.

March 24, 2003 I left on my flight to Lugansk for 7 days and rented one of http://lugan-girl.com/ flats. I enjoyed the rooms very much. Elena and I had a great time together, so on March 28th 2003, I proposed to Elena, gave her an engagement ring and she said yes! I was the happiest man in the world! On March 31 I was heading back to JFK airport in the US. From then on I kept in touch with Elena Through 3 way calling. Calling her with http://www.russianservice.com/ emailing her and sending many gifts to her through http://lugan-girl.com/. First I paid off a $1000.00 Debit for Elena and then We started with the Fiance Visa around September 2003 when I sent Elena $600.00 so she can pay the Lawyer in Lugansk and the remaining payment would be $200.00 when all documents where finished. After that we would meet in Warsaw, Poland at the Embassy.

This past month February 16, 2004, I sent her $800.00 for her to visit her Mom in North Russia and she has not written me back ever since. She didn't write me when she

was leaving or when she would be returning. I keep emailing her friend and he tells me.

Hi Michael,

Excuse, it is my fault. Elena asked me to inform you, that she has gone to the mum. She successfully managed to take the ticket and she urgently has gone. I was very

much engaged at job and has not written to you at once. Do not worry. All OK.


Hawley, Pennsylvania

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