  • Report:  #1073641

Complaint Review: Elizabeth Moreno & Jose Chaparro - Union City New Jersey

Reported By:
LANDLORDS BEWARE - edgewater, New Jersey,

Elizabeth Moreno & Jose Chaparro
500 Central Ave Union City, 07087 New Jersey, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

FINALLY after months of dealing with excuse after excuse on why these people didn't pay rent we got them out of our apartment but LANDLORD BEWARE these people are professional scam artists.  The unmarried mother of two lives with her boyfriend (who is known to be a deadbeat by many) and she plays the sweet talking innocent one, while is behind the scenes.  They off the bat asked to deal with a OWNER only, didn't want to deal with realtor which should have been a flag, but being the owner I was willing to see what these people were all about.  She had a small child and wanted to move into my one bedroom.....ok fine, but should have been another flag, then we found out after 10,000 excuses that they couldn't pay rent that she was pregnant again----HOW TYPICAL!! 

She kept promising they'll pay, but what she was doing was actually buying time.  Beware of these two because they are nothing but a drain on the economy and will be a drain to you as a landlord as well.  These two blamed an early birth on us  I MEAN REALLLLLY??? and stupid enough to break the closet door handle and blame it on me..? they clearly think they are the owners and I was the renter.  I am more concerned with the $5,000 you owe, not the $3 handle you mindless idiots broke off the closet. 

We have all the court documents and eviction letters so hopefully if you google these two you will see what lovely people you are dealing with. 

KARMA will come into play with these two-I think it already has, so maybe the boyfriend who claims he makes $200,000 a year (which he doesn't because if he did we wouldn't have to get the security in little installments, lets be honest) will shape their lives up and be decent role models for those children I already feel bad for.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Best read in a LONG time!!

#2Author of original report

Fri, September 13, 2013

OK, CLEARLY YOU HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES, WERE YOU PAID TO WRITE THAT GARBAGE?? By far the funniest part about your entire letter of stupidity is the comment about drugs in my apartment!! hahah- REALLLLY??YEAH NO, not the cause of our divorce you no sense idiot, and that's like me saying Jose beats Elizabeth...Cause that's actually what I heard, except that moron that is called HEAR SAY so I'm not stupid enough to make those accusations based on what others in the building "say, or hear" ! See what I stated was FACTS which makes me the smart one and you the idiot ! The facts were maybe she wouldn't be stressed if they paid the rent ...after months of non-payment and threats of eviction I'd prob be stressed to,nevertheless if I were pregnant ALSO NOT MY PROBLEM,,END RESULT, PAY THE F'N RENT!!!! If she needed her personal belongings maybe she should have gathered her garbage before her and her boyfriend got the boot, instead she was at court trying to get an extention to live rent free in MY apartment longer...YEAH great mom,her kid was on life support and she's trying to work the system instead of being by his bedside while the boyfriend is home with his feet up on the couch!! GREAT JOB! THEY SHOULD GET THE PARENTS OF THE YEAR AWARD!!! Like I said for the sake of their children I hope they follow a different path in life and learn responsibility, something their "hard working/non-rent paying" parents lack!  LADY YOU CLEARLY LACK EDUCATION for battling this- just consider yourseld lucky for not being the one who got screwed!!

Elizabeth and Jose I'm sure you are living a wonderful life in a wonderful apartment- why the hell wouldn't you be, you clearly had $5,000 to F*** around with because it's certainly not in my account! Idiot who's fighting their battles BE APPALLED all you want because your not the one who is dealing with loss of rent, if the roles were reversed you'd be the one writing this report...As far as your "typical comment" I don't even know what the hell that means, but the fact that she hide the fact she was pregnant when I originally met her (becauce I asked if she planned on more children and she said..ahhhh not now) YEAH.......AGENDA!!!!! Don't get involved with this because you really really sound like an idiot! AGAIN- BOTTOM LINE PAY THE RENT, DID ANYONE GET THE MEMO ON WHY THIS STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE, HOW DUMB ARE YOU PEOPLE !!!!!!!!  ALSO Honey my husband is an attorney so the slander your'e speaking of me will wind you up in court! IF YOU CONTINUE TO SOUND LIKE A TOTALLY FOOL MAKE SURE YOU STATE FACTS BECAUSE THE ONLY THING WE WERE IN COURT OVER IS THE GOD d**n RENT MONEY! UNLESS YOU HAVE THAT FOR ME BACK THE F OFF AND MIND YOUR GOD d**n BUSINESS, I'M PRETTY SURE THEY CAN FIGHT THEIR OWN BATTLES, AFTER ALL THEY FOUND PLENTY OF TIME TO COME UP WITH 110 EXCUSES ON WHY THEY COULDN'T PAY THE RENT SO I'VE WITNESSED WHAT THEIR CREATIVE MINDS ARE CAPABLE OF!


THE END!!!!!!!!

500 Central Avenue

New Jersey,
The Truth

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, September 13, 2013

After five years of tenancy, I am completely surprised and disgusted by this report left for Elizabeth Moreno and Jose Chaparro. I cannot sit here knowing that this written about one of the best families I have ever rented to. Therefore I must clear up some things, because this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. First and foremost, Elizabeth and Jose lived in my unit for almost five years leading up to March of 2013. I, the landlord, was in between decisions of selling my property or not. 

Previously I had discussed this with them, but never set anything in stone. As time went on, I decided to leave to Florida, to see what the market had to offer. I did hire a Realtor, to show my property, just to see if I even had the chance to sell. After a few months, I finally had a potential buyer. It had been quite some time, that even I lost hope on a sale. It was not until after my Realtor showed the property, did I become aware of that the Realtor showed the property without also notifying Elizabeth and Jose.

The Realtor walked into the home of Elizabeth and Jose, without any permission and upset this family very much. They have a daughter and Elizabeth was pregnant with their second child. Like any other person would, they became afraid that the unit would be sold, therefore they began to look for somewhere else to bring their family. They were upset at first, thinking I knew, but on the life of my family, I knew nothing of this, until after it occured. As I heard Elizabeth Moreno was bathing as the two gentlemen came into her home. 

Elizabeth and Jose told me that they would begin looking for another apartment. I was upset for them to leave upset, but I understood their point of view. Elizabeth called me to let me know she had interest in another apartment. I came to her apartment to see the ad on Craigslist, because she said the ad did not seem right and wanted my opinion.

The ad stated a large 1, bdr, $1850, "That They Were the Owners", The Last Tenant Signed Right Away, and live the rest of the month free. So let me first state, They did not request to only deal with the owner, not a Realtor. I saw the ad myself, and thankfully they still have that original ad. Elizabeth stated after speaking with Owner #1 Stefanie that they would accept any amount to hold the apartment. Furthermore, she enjoyed speaking to Elizabeth, that she would take anything and tell the other potential tenant who had " security and 1st months rent in hand" that it was rented. This was in the beginning of March, therefore this family had paid my rent already, and explained they did not have the $3600 on hand. They were okay. SOunds funny to me, as a business person, money talks, and I would have taken the person with the money, but Stefanie loved the fact that they were a family.

Yes, they were in a 1bdr, because Elizabeth jokes, that she was a first time mom, who brought her daughter into her bed with her and her daughter has never left. By all means she had just turned 1 years old. Elizabeth, a teacher for the Handicapped and Jose a Union (Elevator Mechanic) works very hard took this apartment. With reservations about the terrible area of the Union City, Jersey City, North Bergen and Hoboken merge, however the building was nice and close to work for them. 

Stefanie, in reference to the ad, allowed them to move in the middle of March with a lease beginning in April. I explained to them to make the best decision, because the gentleman was 80% sure of renting. They felt it was the best move and they will slowly begin to move, as they had a toddler and she was expecting. As this family worked and moved, I had some weather damage done to my apartment, which damaged their furniture. I felt completely terrible, and promised them, assistance to purchase new items. 

I felt terriible, but had to explain to them that, it may take me a little time, as I had to return the security plus their furniture. I honestly set them back, and this was due to the damage the weather did to my home. And I have pictures, documents, and everything needed to prove this. 

Elizabeth and Jose are amazing hands on Parents. You can always hear them laughing, playing with their daughter, and by all means, she is one of the happiest little girls I have seen in my life. So this is disgusting to see Elizabeth portrayed as this terrible mother. 

Elizabeth and Jose struggled a bit. because they had to wait for me to return their deposit and furniture. However Stefanie and Owner Chris Daniele (Owner of a Bartending School in South Jersey) began to send this family disgusting emails, texts, and phone calls. I particularly remember the night I sent Elizabeth their money, and I assume it was not on Chris's time, that he bagan threatening her that he will be at her apartment with his "friends" to collect the money. Now Elizabeth, pregnant, and alone ewith their daughter, because Jose was away at work, became extremely afraid. He called this family deragatory names, and continued with the threats. Squatters? They lived there for 3 months in hell. Elizabeth on each of these dates, ended up in the hospital with contractions, as is associated with stress. Finally she went into Full Labor, almost 2 months, before the baby was due. 

Their son was close to death, because he could not breathe on his own. As a landlord, and it is clearly visible here, they needed to take things to extreme, and as he wrote to Elizabeth, he said " His mission in life is to make their life miserable". I felt completely terrible for this family and honestly it was hard to believe this was going on. 

I advised them to speak to police, lawyers, and neighrbors to see about these people. People in the building did not hesitate to say they saw their divorce coming a mile away, that they were not good in that apartment, that one tenant told Elizabeth as she was doing laundry, that police actually investigated that apartment for drugs in the past, and police said if the threats continuedt that they could have pressed charges. It stiill sounded crazy to me. I am a landlord and if someone doesnt pay, then just have them evicted, not go on trying to ruin them. It is on their credit, what more did they want to do? They even decided to place the same ad on Craigslist for rent, while they were still living there! In addition to saying they know people in Hudson County that will expedite their eviction and have them out.

Well one day, I came home to find a letter on my door, Stefanie Conci as I have her letter and business card, came to my residence to ask me to give her their social security numbers and work information. Talk about scamming? Who the heck were they? She talked negatively about Elizabeth having another baby and I can honestly say by reading this " Typical" why?? Is it because, shes a young black female, with two children. This was the most racist statement and by all means after I read this I am happy they don't live there. Look at the lengths these two people went through. They want to damage the names of two amazing people and their two young children. I am glad to say they live in a beautiful home, with space for their children, in an amazing community. 

I will close this by saying, this family is far from ghetto scammers. They are amazing parents, hard workers, and an overall great young family that you do not see too much these days. I will gladly take the stand at court for them, because I do feel Chris and Stefanie should now be sued for defarmation of charachter, harrassment, and yes the EARLY BIRTH of their son. And also the fact that Stefanie came to my house begging for Social Security numbers and swearing that no one will find out is pretty pathetic. So take a look at their great lengths of trying to destroy a family. God bless them, because yes, KARMA will come back. They are a living a great life, I visited their new home, and God has blessed them with a healthy baby boy, despite everything. 

After numerous attempts to retrieve their belongings, Chris and Stefanie purposely held onto their belongings, including medical equiptment that the hospital required for their newborn to have. The judge told Chris that, and he was evil enough to keep it. This family, just wanted to get their stuff and even then, they made that difficult for them.

So TENANTS BEWARE, I will now fight for this family! They were a gem to my home and I will see justice! Please any landlord, if needed in the future, I have all rent receipts for 5 years worth of time, the damage done to their property, pay stubs, anything you may need. These landlords are terrible! I still want to know what was so typical of her having another child. This report disgusts me, and I know they wiill see that their bad actions, will come to surface. Justice will be served, because of those 2 children!

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