  • Report:  #204621

Complaint Review: ELTMAN<ELTMAN&COOPER/Travis J. Murray - Sacramento California

Reported By:
- DAMASCUS, Virginia,

7311 Greenhaven Dr STE Sacramento, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In August 2006 I received a call on my job fraom a Travis J. Murray. In this call he tol me who he was and tha he had received information from my part time job as to where I worked and the phone number. He was informed at this time to NEVER call my job again.

On August 29th,2006 he again called my job and when told I was not available he called my home phone number. He informed me he had already discussed the matter with my husband who in no way was involved in this at that time. It was confidential information he discussed.

During the course of this conversation my husband and I both were on the phones. He informed my husband he wasn't involved but he had already discussed this with him.

He informed my I was worthless, not worth his time, a deadbeat, etc. I requested his supervisor and was informed he made three times more than Travis and that was why he was dealing with me and not wasting his supervisors time and refused to give his name or phone number.

I then requested he record the converstaion and was inform there was not way he was going to do that. I owed him money, I was going to pay him. He was informed I did not owe the debt and he stated he didn't care I would pay it.

I offered to pay $25.00 a month as that was all I could afford and he informed me that was a worthless, unacceptable amount. He said OH NO YOU'LL pay a lot more than that. But, go ahead and send me a check then I'll have your cheching account number and routing number and garnish your wages for 25% of them.

He put me on hold severl times and then would come back on and say have you hung up yet? Please Please do then I can say you refuse and go ahead with prosecuting you. I refuse to hang up and again informed him I wasn't refusing to pay.

After the 3rd or 4th time of putting me on hold he came back on and told me he was leaving and I could hold on til Monday he didn't care.

I know they probable ar monitoring this site but it is time someone does something about people and companies like this. The Government get involved in everything else why don't that stop this type of abuse and harrassment?


DAMASCUS, Virginia
