  • Report:  #91549

Complaint Review: EMC Mortgage - Irving Texas

Reported By:
- Kystn Hgts, Florida,

EMC Mortgage
Irving, Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Emc Mortgage is foreclosing on my house because of an accounting error that they made. I did not declare bankruptcy or fail to make a payment. I sent over 2,000$ last March [2003] to cover 2 years property taxes and a monthly payment.

Emc acknowledged payment on 2003 April statement. In October 2003 I received a monthly statement for 1800$ for unpaid taxes anerror that they made. I did not declare bankruptcy or fail to make a payment. I sent over 2,000$ last March [2003] to cover 2 years property taxes and a monthly payment. Emc acknowledged payment on 2003 April statement. In October 2003 I received a monthly statement for 1800$ for unpaid taxes and notification of a new escrow account for same.

After spending considerable time talking to Emc operators I was finally transferred to a vice president in charge of mortgages. She told me that my account was up to date and that the funds were misapplied, and she would do some number crunching to fix this misunderstanding.

I was to continue to send my monthly balance along with an extra 65$ to cover tax escrow for the following year. I was told to ignore any default statements that might follow. I sent in my payments and did not call them again until Dec 2003 when I recieved 3 monthly statements, all with different amounts due! Of course the person who "fixed" my account was no longer available. No one at EMC could make heads or tails of what happened to my account or the payment of 2000$.

I decided to refinance in Feb 2004 and found that my credit was being hit with late payments from the previous October. The money I had been sending was being applied to last years erronous statements. The harassing phone calls started, sometimes 3 a day. No one at EMC could help or wanted to. All they wanted was the unpaid funds that I did not owe. While finalizing the refinance contract I called EMC for a payoff statement. I was told that unless I paid 1800$ my loan was in default and they would foreclose. I was not sent the payoff amount and when I contacted the EMC law group of David Stern for the amount I was told 7-10 days. It has been 2 weeks and no payoff amount. I was served foreclosure papers today. My wife cried herself to sleep and I can't help but think that all we worked for can be taken away just like that.d notification of a new escrow account for same. After spending considerable time talking to Emc operators I was finally transferred to a vice president in charge of mortgages. She told me that my account was up to date and that the funds were misapplied, and she would do some number crunching to fix this misunderstanding.

I was to continue to send my monthly balance along with an extra 65$ to cover tax escrow for the following year. I was told to ignore any default statements that might follow. I sent in my payments and did not call them again until Dec 2003 when I recieved 3 monthly statements, all with different amounts due! Of course the person who "fixed" my account was no longer available. No one at EMC could make heads or tails of what happened to my account or the payment of 2000$. I decided to refinance in Feb 2004 and found that my credit was being hit with late payments from the previous October. The money I had been sending was being applied to last years erronous statements. The harassing phone calls started, sometimes 3 a day. No one at EMC could help or wanted to. All they wanted was the unpaid funds that I did not owe.

While finalizing the refinance contract I called EMC for a payoff statement. I was told that unless I paid 1800$ my loan was in default and they would foreclose. I was not sent the payoff amount and when I contacted the EMC law group of David Stern for the amount I was told 7-10 days. It has been 2 weeks and no payoff amount. I was served foreclosure papers today. My wife cried herself to sleep and I can't help but think that all we worked for can be taken away just like that. I intend to fight this thing and make EMC pay for the way they treat people.


Kystn Hgts, Florida

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Jay, don't contradict yourself and may God bless you.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 21, 2004

Jay, The mere fact that you believe that most victims got into their victimization themselves by being financially irresponsible contradicts the nature of your own advise to stay away from certain companies. If us, victims of predatory lending and mortgave servicing fraud, are responsible for our own misery,...What's the use of staying away from the Ocwen, Emc, and Littons of the wordl? Obviously, you are not a victim: your unjust judgement shows it. Keep reading more; you might be able to comprehend it all later. God Bless you. Marlene from Miami P.S. Copies of cancelled checks are "honored" by decent companies ONLY- FYI.


Edgewater Park,
New Jersey,
govt is getting involved and the serviers are loosing lawsuits all over the country

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 21, 2004

I can understand your veiw, but your obviously not understanding. We dont pick the servier they buy the loans from whoever your original mortgage is with. I had prof, EMC didnt care, they would NOT ACCEPT PAYMNETS FROM US FOR OVER A YEAR! ANd they wanted us to pay all the late charges because of this. And the fees they saw fit to add to the loan. You dont understand these people do this to get your home period. We have affidavits from Ex Employees, and thousands of pages of prof. Please do some investigating. Even the govt is getting involved and the serviers are loosing lawsuits all over the country. They are stealing homes.


New York,
Same Companies, different Day

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2004

It seems like I am reading the same companies over and over again. Ocwen, Fairbanks and Litton. I am in the mortgage industry and these companies are notorious for lending in the sub prime market and rural housing (double wide mobile homes , etc.) I believe personally it is thier incompotance, not thier undying need to put people out of thier homes that are the reasons for these foul ups. Granted they most likely are misleading customers after they find the error was commited by them. Don't any of you people have your cancelled checks that your bank sends to you after month end. That right there should clear up any problems you may have had as far as a payment not getting posted. Also, not in this particular article but in many others, I am reading about appraisers, mortg brokers/lenders, and insurance co. being in on it together. I can assure you that this never happens. It is not a worldwide conspiracy against homeowners between appraisers and banks to put people out of thier homes. That is a joke. I feel like this site is for people who screwed up thier finances, did not pay the bills and are now in trouble for it. Sometimes this leads to foreclosure. My advice is stay away from these companies in particular and please dont let it hamper your plans for the future.


Edgewater Park,
New Jersey,
EMC Victims

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 21, 2004

Contact your local Acorn contact they have great numbers and powerful lobby to help. You can join and get the benifit of good lawyers who WILL NOT BE BOUGHT, they are as passionate about this as we are, for real help contact them at this web address, www.acorn.org Ill keep you all posted!


EMC, OCWEN, New Century: They all party in Irving, California

#6Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 20, 2004

I am Marlene from Miami, an Ocwen Federal Bank victim, and don't deal with EMC. But I can tell you that all you are singing the same songs we all victims from EMC, Fairbanks, Ocwen, Litton, and all their equals, like us to sign. Not even a note is different. I'm posting here, because for me, personally, Miami, Florida, and then, Irving, in California, are linked together in RICO crimes related to predatory mortgage and mortgage "servicing' fraud. I had my loan from an Irving based lender, NEW CENTURY, who had prearranged my victimization with Ocwen Federal Bank, an international corrupted bandit who calls itself a bank, and all the money they get, they get it by stealing people's homes and lives. There are many Ocwen class Actions being consolidated in Illinois, Chicago now. Our hero is the HONORABLE Sir Kweku Hanson (an impossible to buy lawyer) who started the biggest class action against Ocwen in his city, Hartford, CT. Mr. Hanson also leads the most important class action against Litton loan. Our brothers and sisters from Fairbanks were sold for some big names lawyers and most legal actions could end up in the same thing: THE SALE OF OUR LIVES AND HOMES FOR THE PROFIT OF THE BIF NAMES LEGAL OFFICES. WE ALL HAVE TO REMAIN VIGILANT! ALL THESE COMPANIES WANT TO KEEP THEMSELVES IN BUSINES WHILE OUR FAMILIES ARE DESTROYED! I have read all your reports and you experience the same things Ocwen victims experience. I can tell you this: Never trust a voice from EMC, asking you to stay quiet, and disregard papers. It's just the opposite. EMC wants to steal time from you to plan your homelessness. Spoken words are nothing, and only written documents count. So, refuse to take their words at face value. Another thing, Bankrupcy, if you can get it, will be only a momentary help. Later on, they will victimize you big time and your credit will be worst than ever before. You will not be able to refi with anyone.Your children will end uP homeless. Educate yourselves in this Servicing Crimes! EMC wants your equity. They think they will get it by surprise after they tire you. In the meantime, you pay them money they will never credit to your loans. Never send an extra cent to them, NEVER EVER! Do you think they will post it to your account and advance a month for you? Even if they say that, it's never true. Don't believe it! Send the minimum and keep the rest for you. You will need it. Never do things because they "told" you. Will you negotiate with a killer? Irving and Miami are in the same RICO circle with other cities in the nation. They have the same and good Masters in Crime. Therefore, they share the same RICO crimes. I advise you to read all reports you can on Litton Loan, Fairbanks, Ocwen, and others, so you can get some vital tips. They have many many many reports that can be tailored to your individual situations. We all have to unite because the entire "subprime" industry is corrupted and some parts of our government are points in their RICO circles. That's why many don't see the obvious while our American families are being destroyed for these greedy companies. Hi, NEW CENTURY DEVIL, .....How are you doing? Is EMC a good friend of yours? Just like Ocwen Hell, and the others. I sent your papers to the FBI, New Century, and to the IRS and other significant ones. They know you are right there in Irving. They know more about you than what you want them to know. I love you all. Our common misery unites us all. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT! It's stressing, I know. But there is no way out. These companies are not crative in theri ways. They all use the same tricks and have the same habits.

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