  • Report:  #359943

Complaint Review: Face To Face Technologies Inc. - Golden Colorado

Reported By:
- hillsdale, New Jersey,

Face To Face Technologies Inc.
Golden, Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Mark Shumate is fake and the whole company is a lie. look they put in ads in the newspaper telling you how great the job is when really the job is a mess. the minute that you call they have you. you call because you probably don't have anything going on at home and you want to leave that place. so you get sales talked into traveling half-way across the county to start working.

then when you get there you are told about how great the job is and all the fun you are going to have. by the time the other agents get back to the hotel you are sold into staying. they feed you so much bull sh*t about the money you can make, "look how big my watch is? the nice cars that i drive are from this job" mark shumate famous words. then the other agents get into the office to check-in and all you hear is the other managers, plus mark yelling at them for not picking up enough business on the day.

most of the time you are lucky to escape the meeting room without getting your a*s kicked or screamed at till you want to quit. the other thing is that after that is all said and done you go and get something to eat. the cars are filled with no less then 10 people in the van or truck. the best part is, that at this time it is 10:00pm and there is nothing open to eat at but fast food. when you return to the hotel, which has to be before 10:30pm to go to the sales meeting. That is re-tarted!!

you sit in the meeting for about half hour to an hour listening to more people tell you about how they make so much fake money. "Fake Money" is money that is on your books. the reason that i am writing this letter!!!! after the meeting you go back to your room, where there is no less then 3 people in a room and no more then 2 beds in a room. make sense to you? not me! you sit there and talk about how bad the day was or how mean the "Joneses" are, and smoke weed all night to get the stress out of your mind. then you have a manager or car handler come down to your room and brainwash you some more. tell you that you are "sharp Bo", "you can sell s**t to a pig" which is a lie. that is if you a good agent. if your not you sit in your room and either do meth or ice or just smoke crack. some or most of the time it is with the managers.

the next day you wake up around 9:30am and get dressed and head into the meeting. then at the meeting you wait around for the managers and car handlers to get out of "Car Handlers meeting." where they decide where each car, van, or truck full of agents are going to for the day. the worst part is that when in the car they talk about getting "Big Biz and competing for the front seat" when you get back to the car every drop(which you have 4 a day) the person who picked up the most gets the front seat. and the same with at the end of the day.

the agents go out there every day and are trained to lie to people. the worst part is that they do it without even thinking about. being a new person you get 3 days of training. that is it and if they think that you are sharp they send you out after 1 day of training.

The whole point is that this company is a scam. if you want to go door to door you need a permit. if you don't you get arrested. i know i got 3 warrants for this s**t and more money out of my pocket. this man owes me $1,800.00, he lies and alters everything. he alter my "books" which is illegal. "Books" are the amount of money that you didn't get paid at the end of the day. it is the amount that he holds to "pay off rent, cancellation, emergency( a important one)" the thing is that you don't get your money. you don't get to go home on vacations, you don't get s**t!! the only one getting anything is the managers and Mark Shumate. I was a car handler and one of the best leaders this guy in his hotel and when i left i know that his hotel was falling.

Now Mark Shumate is into a Insurance fraud. he is dealing with Windshields. so if you see either a mag agent or a window guy call the cops. My name is mike and i want this guy to pay me and everyone that he owes money to. lets see how big that watch is no Mark!!!!


hillsdale, New Jersey


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