  • Report:  #69385

Complaint Review: Fairbanks Capital Corporation - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
- Jacksonville, Florida,

Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Www.fairbankscapital.com Jacksonville, 32256 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Working for Fairbanks Capital Corp. has been an eye-opening experience. I work in the servicing end and not in the main administrative office. Based on my insight and experience, I want to suggest to anyone who is a current customer of this company to beware.

Please read every bit of correspondence you receive, but don't wait for the mail to monitor your loan. If you have elderly family members who have loans with this company, please help them to prevent possible foreclosures! Any disputes you have MUST be sent to a specific fax# or mailing address that always seems not to be communicated to the customers. I strongly suggest you send any correspondence via certified, notarized mail and keep this for proof as long as you live. Unless you must resort to an attorney.

Track you mortgage insurance and send updates policies annually to a specific insurance dept fax# or mailing address! I see to many "forced placed insurance" problems that are still not resolved despite the customers continued communication with the company.

Don't ask me why the people that run the company allow loans to go unattended, despite their loud, distraught voices. Employees who care for the individual customers don't seem to last long at the company because our efforts to resolve disputed issues can often go unresolved. I see supervisors and managers who can't answer questions and try to make the efforts to resolve the matters, even when it's in their power to.

Even though this company records conversations (which I suggest every customer to allow) it doesn't seem to motivate this company to conduct proper business practices.

I can tell you this company does NOTHING to show appreciation for its employees, which I believe reveals a lot about the lack of character it has. We can't even get 1 writing pen when we begin employment. And forget them repairing bathroom problems.

This company's lack of respect it displays toward its employees convinces me it is not hard for it to not respect its customers. If the management staff doesn't follow policies when conducting proper day-to-day business with their employees, then I'm not surprised that this unethical practice flows into the customers servicing. There seem to be no accountability within the ranks, thus enabling its management to continue on its road to failure.

To all customers, don't let this company's ill practices discourage you enough that you allow your credit to be hurt. Be patient, persistant and strong. And keep copies of everthing!

And please don't refer anyone to work there.


Jacksonville, Florida

5 Updates & Rebuttals


I have left employment with Fairbanks Capital Corp.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 23, 2003

This is in response to the two people who responded to my inital information on my employment with Fairbanks Capital. Thank you for responding. I am appalled and surprised to discover that you've been disputing the PMI for SIX years! I'm sorry. This company does NOT educate its employees on what is actually happening with its customers. I do know the state of West Virginia is reviewing this company's practices. No loan in West Virginia is currently not being refered to Foreclosure because of this. Maybe you can appeal to your state attorneys for help. I have resigned from Fairbanks. I can answer from my perspective the reason why people work for them. I was unaware of the magnitude of the company's problems. And when I began working there I trusted the management who kept telling us to "hang in there" and that "things will get better" for the company. Nothing seems to have changed according to my view; so I left. Whew! A large burden has been lifted off my shoulders! The only factor that kept me motivated was that I was able to help some customers prevent foreclosure. But normally employees with a conscience don't last long there. Who wants to get a mortgage after this?! Take care and take charge of your future!


Warner Robins,
The few employees that seem to want actually help a customer tends not to keep a job very long.

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2003

Ann, Thanks for cracking the door thats seems to be slammed shut in the face of many. Feel free to open it up a little more and let the light in. I guess what alot of us wonder is why anyone would go to work there or how they could stay after seeing the devastation of homes, families, credit, finances, health, etc that they can bring to an individual, all in the name of greed. From what little info thats been provided from employees the place seems like a total circus, one hand not knowing what the other hand is doing. The few employees that seem to want actually help a customer tends not to keep a job very long. It amazes me how they still remain in business and can continue to steal money. I know I wont be the only one to tell you to get out while you still can if at all possible. God bless you.


Saint Pete,
Thankful to you for coming out an being so honest

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2003

Anne, I have been fighting the illegal practice of Fairbanks an PMI...for 6 years now. They have nearly destroyed my life. I am so Thankful to you for coming out an being so honest. My hope is that more employees like yourself will post on here for the world to see. We welcome anything more that you have to say. Thank You Again,


Saint Pete,
Thankful to you for coming out an being so honest

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2003

Anne, I have been fighting the illegal practice of Fairbanks an PMI...for 6 years now. They have nearly destroyed my life. I am so Thankful to you for coming out an being so honest. My hope is that more employees like yourself will post on here for the world to see. We welcome anything more that you have to say. Thank You Again,


Saint Pete,
Thankful to you for coming out an being so honest

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2003

Anne, I have been fighting the illegal practice of Fairbanks an PMI...for 6 years now. They have nearly destroyed my life. I am so Thankful to you for coming out an being so honest. My hope is that more employees like yourself will post on here for the world to see. We welcome anything more that you have to say. Thank You Again,

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