  • Report:  #149611

Complaint Review: Fairbanks Capital / Select Portfolio Servcing - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
- cottonport, Louisiana,

Fairbanks Capital / Select Portfolio Servcing
Salt Lake City Utah Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The rip off phone call was for my boyfriend's sister evidently she gave this phone number to somebody for a contact number. That is all I can figure. They are saying that Tim Collins is calling and he is a lawyer out of New York and basically she is being sued and they leave a phone number. {716-839-9270}. And so I go to www.google.com and type it in. I think it was the fastest search result I have ever done without saying no match.

It then brings me on a journey through cyberspace to www.ripoffreport.com. After I realize that this so called attorney is trying to screw my future sis in law, just out of curiosity I go to the home page. Well low and behold there they are.

On the cover Comedee*. I am just standing there reading all this stuff in awe. I am so appaulled that I am just like nauseated. My next thought, I have been ripped off because of a downfall in my life. I cannot believe as I read each one thinking see I told you. I told you.

So I called as a matter of fact yesterday to check on a status of an amount that starting appearing on my bill after they almost lost the $5,000 dollar payment that it cost me to get my house back from a couple of late fees.

Thank God I live in a small town and the employee at the Winn Dixie where I WIRED them 5 grand remembered me when I was arguing with them on the phone that I had sent it. It's not everyday that someone walks into this particualar Winn Dixie and wires 5 grand. Not to mention that she knew the 2 guys that were standing in line behind me and I had the terminal control number in my hand. Well by the time it was over the Winn Dixie lady was sweating cuz her boss wanted to know where the money was too. It was all in the computer. Still, "Mam I am sorry it still has not posted." Finally I got really upset and demanded to know where the money was and if they couldn't find it then Winn Dixie was going to be held responsible. So the CSR places me on hold, don't you know they come back on the line with a line of Technical problems and apologies and all of a sudden the have it. Ever since that I keep a close eye on my statement.

A couple of months ago After all of this happened I kept enquiring about other fees on my statement in the other amounts owing for approximately 250.00.{Today I called and it's now 264 and some cents} Well they had originally told me that it was lawyer fees from when they almost stole my house that had not been charged off yet. {first story} Yesterday I called to make see about paying online. Well I enquire again about that amount. She tell me that it is..Guess...yep ESCROW> left over from when the company sold the loan to them. Ok so you almost stole my house a few months ago and didn't include all of the late fees? and it cost me 5 grand. then last month I did a check by phone. This month I have a 14.00 service charge. but it's not on my statement this month. I just know this becuz I called to check on my account. She says it was late. I say it's not. It was posted on the last day to have it in. Not to mention that I asked the CSR 4 times if he was sure it would not cause a late fee doing it that way. He assured me. He lied to me.

Now that being said here is something else they do. They must specialize in at risk loans becuz at the time that I acuired this loan no one would finance me. I was going through a divorce was a single mom that had three little children and had been at home having babies for the previous 7 years. Now I could barely find a decent job much less refinance my house that the Bank was fixing to take. {which was not there fault. it was mine and my ex husband. nothing against the bank because they did try to help me but I just didn't have the money} So I finally got on my feet and was struggleing to pay this big mortgage on a lil bit of money and raise three girls; so from time to time I was late. I am woman enough to admit that. So they use this so called bad credit against you. They would charge me like and exta 130 dollars on months that I was late and say they sent an inspector to see if the property was vacant. Then when I would complain saying that there was never an inspector here. They would explain it by saying that an inpspector can do a drive by inspection. So I ask the woman, "So you are telling me that someone can drive by my house and I am at work all day and see if I reside here or anyone resides here for a whopping 130 dollars?" Why can't I get a job like that. Becuz it's BOGUS!!! You know what I wanna know? Is where are all those so called recored phone calls that they warn you about when you call in.

Another thing. You cannot even get a piece of paper faxed to you without a fee or a charge. And a substantial charge like 50 bucks.

Ok I feel a little better. This is all very fresh but I did call them and tell them all the things that I am writing here. The CSR never said a word.

I need pre paid legal services in my life ..

Cheeez!! How hard are the high dollar criminals gonna make it for us peons to live?

If you are a victim please report it so that these people don't do this to anyone else.


Cottonport, Louisiana

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