  • Report:  #66404

Complaint Review: Fairbanks Capital - Salt Lake City Utah

Reported By:
- Papillion, Nebraska,

Fairbanks Capital
3815 South West Temple Salt Lake City, 84165 Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company is the biggest ripoff ever - they charge "fees" and then when I send in a payment they post it to the "fees" instead of a payment there by making me look behind on payments. They cannot explain where my money is going. They are rude on the phone and threaten foreclosure.

They say I owe thousands and if I do not pay it they will force me to sell my home or foreclose. They are predatory lenders who take advantage of people with less than perfect credit. I had my loan originally with Conti Mortgage and the loan was "purchased" by Fairbanks. I have had this headache for 5 years!!! I tried to refinance but they are reporting me so far behind that I cannot get credit.

I recently sent them $3500 and $3100 - amounts they said would get me caught up - and they applied 1 payment to my account and the rest to "fees" instead of applying it to payments, making me even more behind. If anyone else in Nebraska is having problems with Fairbanks, please contact me ASAP as I am hiring an attorney and suing them. That is the only way to handle these crooks.


Papillion, Nebraska

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