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Famous Poets are evil dirt bag liars & ripoffs. Nationwide, Worldwide
Just today I received a letter from I was bored about a month ago while surfing the web and I entered their contest. I had written a VERY good poem, it was one of my best, and I entered it.
If they DARE publish my poem without my approval and giving me credit I swear I'm gonna get my dad to sue 'em the fithy rotton liars!
I knew when I read the 'you are a famous poet of 2002' they had to be kidding me. They obviously were. I had my dad (I'm only 12) read over all the crud they sent me, and he told me it was most likely a bunch of crap so they could just get money.
I went online to check and found this site. It was good to know that I wasn't phsyco not to know any of the people they mentioned in that stupid little pamplet!
Thanks to whoever created this site, and watch out for the bogus contests!