  • Report:  #1039564

Complaint Review: FanBox - Internet California

Reported By:
TLH65 - Honolulu, Hawaii,

San Diego Californina Internet, California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
FanBox(Principal: Mr. Michael Pousti, CEO)  is a scam, Look at the 2009 San Diego California FanBox scandal, Channel 6 news and you will see why I am filling out this warning.  This was discovered after I was signed up with stolen or should I say phished information from this site (FanBox) and signed me up sending me notification that I had money in an account. I was told by a few people that they had seen it too and they were doing it. I decided to join as it said it was free and you could blog and post things and earn money.

Not a get rich scheme they said! I couldnt find anything at first. I was given a free Success coach that I talked to on a daily basis and before I knew it I was making money that was maturing in a FanBox bank account for me. I started getting ecited and wanted to become a Success coach too because there were potentials to make extra money and I need that as I am currently unemployed. I thought, "Why Not" , I was going to get to help others and I could earn a little extra money. Who can't use that.

Now, long and short I worked hard for almost a month and finally passed all the modules and the tests and interviews.  I made my Success Coach and was given on the upwards of 500 clients. I was making money but things didnt seem right with me or the others I was helping cause I noticed a pattern. No way could this be true as this IPL (I Pay Later) they were offering everyone that was suppose to be so helpful was really holding anyone back at the 90 day cash out point. No one I had started asking, Some of them had been on the site for month, were benefiting but were paying a processing fee each month of their own real cash.   No one but a select few that were there for years were getting money.

I have so much to tell, so little space. I had Bonus and S C money and over 400.00 of my own money. I have lost it all.  I had to delete my account to keep them from stealing from me as many thing on my profile were getting changed by someone on the FanBox team.

 No one had my account info or any of that but FanBox so they are the only ones that could have done the things to my account that were happening.  Not to mention they took 50.00 cash off one of my PayPal cards unauthorized.  I started investigating to find that they had been sued in London in 2009 ish..  Why?  For internet spamming and Phishing and similar issues on peoples mobile phones.  It is all out there.

Business Category, Social Media, Social Networking  Alternative Business Name.  SMS.AC
Industry Tips, Internet Shopping, Phony Invoices, Spam/ Unwanted E-mail

FanBox Report San Diego Channel 6 News - YouTube


The problem is that they are making many poor and uneducated 3rd world country folks become hopefuls and they are spending money they can afford to pay to get their chance at making money and taking better care of their families.

 When they can not afford to pay their processing fees and longer they loose the IPL and then the account closes but they are expected to keep paying that IPL charge and that IPL balance off even thought they are not ever seeing or will never see a dime. Leaves them with no choice but to delete there account then they have lost out of a lot of money in those real cash IPL processing fees they paid to FanBox and they get nothing in return for all their hard work, time and energy.

These people have stolen from hundreds of thousands of people. Sure a few make cash out. These are the ones that have paid thousands of dollars in or they have been there for many years and are grand fathered or Perhaps they are paid to make the place look good. I have talked to well over 200 people in their attempts to make their cash out and will never get it.

They have at least 2000  or more in their bank there at FanBox but because the crooks have allowed them little information about this IPL they have exceeded the amount of their bank balance and there for that IPL has to be paid back and you can not get any of your matured earnings until that money for the IPL is paid back or down at least to a lower balance of the Matured earnings. Then you must have 25.00 in that matured earnings to be able to cash out and you must not own any fees.  Then,  only then can you cash out!  This is just a smidgen of the deception that is there.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Successful FanBox blogger fails to respond

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 10, 2013

I questioned a HubPages blogger who reports that they have made $30K from FanBox using less than $350 of their own money. They did not post my comment nor bother to explain nor reply. NOT GOOD!!!

And as said blogger points out, you now have to be INVITED to join FanBox...

---- MY POST ----

OK, <***NAME***>. 3rd time is the charm?

It would be interesting to know why you refuse to allow my post and reply to it. However, moot point as I doubt anyone will allow me to have my account back and, as you point out, I cannot (re) join.

I will keep my eye on on FanBox. As soon as I they make it clear  how the money is ACTUALLY generated (like listing which cause or charity, where ads are posted and page views, etc.) I'm actually HAPPY to be OUT...

Post if you want. Reply if you can actually get me in touch with ACTUAL support. Otherwise, best wishes; I'll make my fortunes elsewhere. Peace.


New Jersey,
How do you contact FanBox?

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, April 06, 2013

Some thieves contacted me via FanBox :( (They stole money from me last year by promising business dealings, etc.)

My wife saw the e-mail and demanded that I delete the account (foolish me for using my real name, picture, etc. after what happened) which I was reluctant to do, as it said I was earning $20+ a day IPL Boosting.  But I finally agreed because I couldn't really explain where the money was coming from. (What charity? What cause? Where are these ads posted? etc.)

Anyway, what I *should* have done is change the account...

So I attempted to contact Customer Service asking if there was any way to restore the account,  first e-mailing [email protected] as per TOS less than 24 hours after the delete. Nothing for a week.

Then I attempted to call. 877 # is always busy.
619 # in San Diego, CA, USA does not accept incoming calls

Since both fax #'s I found seemed to work I printed my original e-mail
request and faxed it to both... NOTHING!

SO, I am thinking more and more my wife was right; how can a company with 'Millions of members worldwide', scientists designing algorithms, patents used by FaceBook, etc. have -NO- Customer Support? Not even an automated response.... REALLY???!!!


New Jersey,
How do you contact FanBox?

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, April 06, 2013

Some thieves contacted me via FanBox :( (They stole money from me last year by promising business dealings, etc.)

My wife saw the e-mail and demanded that I delete the account (foolish me for using my real name, picture, etc. after what happened) which I was reluctant to do, as it said I was earning $20+ a day IPL Boosting.  But I finally agreed because I couldn't really explain where the money was coming from. (What charity? What cause? Where are these ads posted? etc.)

Anyway, what I *should* have done is change the account...

So I attempted to contact Customer Service asking if there was any way to restore the account,  first e-mailing [email protected] as per TOS less than 24 hours after the delete. Nothing for a week.

Then I attempted to call. 877 # is always busy.
619 # in San Diego, CA, USA does not accept incoming calls

Since both fax #'s I found seemed to work I printed my original e-mail
request and faxed it to both... NOTHING!

SO, I am thinking more and more my wife was right; how can a company with 'Millions of members worldwide', scientists designing algorithms, patents used by FaceBook, etc. have -NO- Customer Support? Not even an automated response.... REALLY???!!!


FanBoxers Reaching out

#5Author of original report

Tue, April 02, 2013

ExploreBusiness and Employment (19,123)Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs (2,617)

by Doug Cutler

Things I Don't Like About Fanbox

I have a blog on fanbox that explains how I see the way it works: http://posts.fanbox.com/8qkq5

There is a lot of deception and misinformation going around on fanbox that needs bringing out and correcting.Things I Don't LikeI have been on fanbox since Nov. and have a few issues. When I joined I got emails that stated I was earning $5.22 a day. Wow this is good money! Then realized it was only the $0.22 part.Then It was the long 60 day and 90 day wait I didn't like. They claimed if you did all the steps your earnings would double. That didn't happen.They claimed if you become a power user you got up to ten time earnings. So I bought some over price items that I really didn't want.

No increase in earnings, Actually earnings went down. I Bid on items and got charges on my PaypaL for bids I didn't win.
When I complained I was accused of trying to defraud fanbox. So I took  fanbox off my Paypal when they sent notice they where going to take out IPL fees.They told me you now have to have matured earnings higher then the IPL you owed instead of just earnings. They then charged my credit card $17 without my permission. They got my info when I used the card to buy on item. I did not give them permission to use it any time they wanted.

Then I found out that all the time I spent on categorizing and rating, about $1.50 a day, went to your IPL total instead of regular earnings. And that only pays about 5% for most of us. So that $1.50 is only .05 x = about 8 cents for the hour or so I put into it. I also had sold a couple items and they don't let you use that right away to pay IPL fees.They make it sound like you are going to earn money by placing ads. I lost about $90.There have been many others that have lost money on ads  too. Those that are good at blogging love us because we are funding their ads while we get charged.
All together I am $51 out of pocket instead of the $16 I agreed to.

They took money out of my Paypal and when I disconnected that they took money out of my credit card. I have changed my credit card account number. Now they are threatening to delete my account if I don't pay the latest IPL fees. Then I wont have the chance to cash out the $100 I have earned when it reaches the 90 days mark. Fanbox is changing and updating right now. I may have more to complain about then.

Let me know what problems you are having.

Fanbox Join LinkIf you are not a member yet and want to try it out join here:

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