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FCNB/SPIEGEL CARD PROCESSING CENTER ripoff, dishonest and fraudulent credit reporting Old Bethpage New York
I paid off my FCNB/SPIEGEL card July 16, 2003 and it is still showing a $1775.00 balance. I understand that FCNB Spiegel is now being managed by the Card Processing Center.I managed to get a live person on the phone with a different nuumber 2 months ago and asked them to update my "0" balance with all 3 credit bureaus. I was told that I need to write a dispute letter. I then wrote a VERY DETAILED dispute letter (certified return receipt)on September 3, 2003 explaing my problem with my account number, copy of proof of payment and a simple request to report it correctly.
I just received a form letter asking me for a copy of my credit report, nature of dispute and then they will be able to proceed, THEY NEVER EVEN READ MY LETTER..!
The Card Processing Center is incompetent to handle the job and should be reported to the FTC, AG and BBB. It isn't fair to people that have paid their bills on time to be jacked around by these monkeys and they should have to pay us for incorrect or the lack of reporting to the credit bureaus.