  • Report:  #415684

Complaint Review: Ferrell Gas - Ferrellgas - Liberty MO 64069 Missouri

Reported By:
- Clearlake, California,

Ferrell Gas - Ferrellgas
P O Box 1003 Liberty MO 64069, 64069 Missouri, U.S.A.
800-399 8600
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ferrell Gas Co is nothing but a ripoff. Last winter when I was using propane for water heating, cooking, furnace, I had to order tank top-off every three weeks because of the poorly-insulated house I rented. I was put on a balanced payment plan of $174.29 and paid the bills immediately on the day I received them.I moved from that house last August, notified Ferrell I had moved, gave my new address and phone number. The person I spoke to fully understood I wouldn't be using fuel service any more.

Since August I have continued paying on the account and the amount owed was coming down by nearly $175 each month. Last month I got a notice that my balanced payment plan would be $190 per month (quoting..) "because of historical usage." "Historical Usage," on an account I wasn't using for any purpose other than to pay it off.

Called Ferrell Corporate, since it makes no sense to try to deal with Ferrell local here in Lake County CA. I was told that since I wasn't living in the prior house any more, I'd be sent an amended bill. That showed up yesterday. It was amended alright. Ferrell demanded a final lump-sum payment of over $700 which I was somehow supposed to pay out of my $1,000 SSA (Disabled Person) check and supposedly be able to pay other bills such as rent, electricity, and oh yes, also little luxuries such as food.

I again phoned Ferrell Corporate where the offices were of course closed so left a message asking that I be contacted. This morning, January 24, 2009, I have been shouted at, interrupted, scolded, maligned, and had full-payment demands leveled at me by 4 of Ferrell's non-listening employees. "You must pay immediately." "I cannot as I've explained already pay over $700 immediately. I have $78 to last until the 3rd of February. Would Ferrell accept, starting in February, the same balanced payment amount I've been paying until this fee raise nonsense began?" "No, you didn't pay so you are now off the balanced payment plan. You MUST pay something this month. We want at least $60."

I again explained I have $78, and said that I couldn't live on $18 for food for a week and a half. The B*tch #4 (I kept getting transferred from person to person), apparently head supervisor of corporate, didn't want to listen, interrupted me constantly, kept raising the volume of her voice despite the fact I told her I'm just old, not deaf. She insisted she could see to it the amount I owe now could be doubled because she fully intended to turn my account over to a collection agency.

Well, I sorta lost it. I told her to go ahead and send me to collections, that my SSA check is NOT attachable..."Yes it is, she interrupted to shout at me. "No, it's not. I suggest you read the law," I told her. "We can TOO attach all your money, you won't have a dime to live on until what you owe is paid, plus whatever fees the collection agencies want to charge you." I finally got the idiot to calm down, stop shouting at me unnecessarily, and was forced to agree to somehow try to live on $18 till February 4, '09.

Then the ripoff Ferrell (ought to be "FERAL" considering how I've been treated) will be instantly-grabbing chunks of my dollars from my bank account monthly until what I owe and have been paying down each month is in the coffers of the rip-off b*st*rds.

DON'T DO BUSINESS AT ALL WITH THIS COMPANY. I certainly never will again, no matter if I again move and must again buy propane for any or all of a house's operating needs.

Ferrell B*tches' parting shot was to demand an e-mail address from me, when I asked for a confirmation of today's discussion on the phone. "Absolutely not," I said, "I'm not going to let Ferrell sell my contact information to every spammer who wants it...send the letter of confirmation to my home address." She yelled at me, interrupted still more, and claimed I HAD to give her an e-mail address. I wonder what she would have done to someone who didn't have access to a computer??


Clearlake, California


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