  • Report:  #68589

Complaint Review: Financial Mergers -Donald Kreis CEO - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
- Sparks, Nevada,

Financial Mergers -Donald Kreis CEO
9601 Wilshire Blvd Suite 315 Beverly Hills, 90210 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Mr Kreiss along with Tim Kenner his partner in this scam promised to teach me to find businesses for sale and they would have the buyers and we would split profits 50-50.

I was to provide a 5,000 "good faith" deposit refundable on the first deal. The training I received was an email with a 5page pdf.file Although I submitted over two hundred businesses I found for sale, none ever was quite what the "buyers" wanted ie.. not enough cash flow, not big enough, not the right market,


When I called Mr Kreiss on numerous occasions he promised to return 3,000 dollars citing costs involved in putting together the "deals" that never materialized.

Here's a copy of an email he sent to me:

I never received your voice mail but have been in touch with you frequently. I have consulted legal counsel. I believe it is in our mutual best interest

to settle this matter on a reasonable basis. You have been with the company for 8 months and services have been rendered in connection with deals that you presented. I have all the backup regarding these services including presentations made to third parties on your behalf. In addition, costs and expenses have been incurred attributable to your account, including long

distance calls, faxes and marketing. In light of these facts, you are legally not entitled to a full refund. Of the $5,000, I netted $3,000.

I am prepared to settle with you on that basis, and personally eat the time spent on your account.


Don Kreiss

This email was dated December 8, 2002. To date I have received nothing from him and he refuses to answer my calls or email. In fact his website is no longer up and although I filed a complaint with the BBB of Ca. They now show no record for this business.

DO Not Allow these Con Men Don Kreiss & Tim Kenner steal your hard earned money. I borrowed the 5,000 to do this and I am still paying it back with interest.


Sparks, Nevada

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