  • Report:  #66671

Complaint Review: Financial Resources Unlimited - Broadview Illinois

Reported By:
- Milford, Pennsylvania,

Financial Resources Unlimited
120 Broadview Village Square-#445 Broadview, 60155 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Please be careful when responding to ads for employment at home. I was taken in by this phony. I was promised a starter kit to assemble bracelets at home for extra money. I sent the "refundable" $42.00 and what did I receive? A pathetic little list of companies that supposedly want people to assemble products at home.

I guess I should have researched it more before I sent money, but being the naive person I am I trusted what I was reading. Now seeing all the problems with this company I have a very big doubt about getting my money back. I cannot afford to throw good money away, I was trying to make a few bucks from home so my family could possibly get ahead. It saddens me to see that these kinds of people are allowed to pray on the public trust.

Lesson learned "If it sounds too good to be true, it is"!


Milford, Pennsylvania

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Call Illinois State Attorney General 1-312-814-3000 for current investigation

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 09, 2003

Ms. Lisa Madigan is the Illinois State Attorney General, currently investigating the Financial Resources Unlimited scam. Please call or write, I understand it would be a long distance phone call for you. Here is the number and address for which ever is most convenient: Illinois State Attorney General Ms. Lisa Madigan James R. Thompson Center 100 W. Randolph Street Chicago, IL, 60601 312-814-3000 It is really important that she know he is changing his routine. This was not how he started, and he might very well be trying to weasel out of the consequences. He's not getting out of it. I don't care how many little directories he mails out. He is still lying to you. When they sell those directories, they have to tell you. He's still using deceptive selling practices, which will be held accountable by law, IF we inform the law. You should also access www.usps.com for the U.S. Postal Inspectors, and fill out their online claim form. I don't know if they are investigating yet, on this one specifically, but they never will, if we don't tell them. This is potential "mail fraud" and may also fall under the category of "False Representation Statues". I hope you get get that information out. Thank you, Consumer Advocate Rip-off Report Volunteer

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