  • Report:  #67202

Complaint Review: Financial Resources Unlimited - Willowbrook Illinois

Reported By:
- Richmond Hill, Georgia,

Financial Resources Unlimited
7000 Adams Street Suite 101 Willowbrook, 60527 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am so glad I researched on this company before I sent them the money. My husband said it sounded too good to be true and by reading all of these reports, I see that it is. I hardly have any money to send them and now knowing that I wouldnt get it in return, I'm so glad I didn't send them anything. I am glad this website is here to inform the public about scam company's out there. Thank you so much for saving what little money I have left.


Richmond Hill, Georgia

1 Updates & Rebuttals


La Joya,

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, October 08, 2003

I sent my money which was about fifty five dollars, they kept saying that i needed to be trained , but first i needed to send two dollars for each letter that i sent. i asked the company to return my money and they gave my another address to refung my money they never returned anything. i am very upset and angry that companies like that can scam seberal people through the united states. A company like that should be shut down!!!!! Irma Rodriguez

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