  • Report:  #67743

Complaint Review: Financial Resources Unlimited - Willowbrook Illinois

Reported By:
- Plymouth, New Hampshire,

Financial Resources Unlimited
7000Adams St. Suite 101 Willowbrook, 60527 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I applied for the home business, because being a single parent and soul guardian for my three young boys I need to stay close to home in case of emergency. I have a dead beat father who does not pay child support and I need extra income to make the mortgage payments and pay all the bills.

This is frustrating to me since the initial information said that they send all the required paperwork. The paperwork came but then all of a sudden I need a 5 number password which was not on the original application form and then I have to come up with the stamps to mail all these letters.

This was not up front information and contact is impossible. Please go after this company. Rip off groups like this should be stopped and if I had more access to the internet, I would have researched this better before sending them money.


Plymouth, New Hampshire

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