  • Report:  #68364

Complaint Review: Financial Resources Unlimited - Willowbrook Illinois

Reported By:
- Quail Valley, California,

Financial Resources Unlimited
7000 Adams Street Willowbrook, 60527 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My sister and I were looking into Financial Resources as a possible way to make good income. But my father taught me long ago that if looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Fortunately I came to this website and found out the truth, and was able to verify it before we got hurt!


Quail Valley, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals

John Acosta

I was not robbed thanks to Rip-off Report.com!!!!

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, October 09, 2003

I found the ad in the newspaper and called them. I waited for their response and sure enough there it was offering something so appealing that hipnotizes you into believing all their lies. I was talking with my wife, since I am presently unemployed needing money to pay rent, I told her we were going to do it even thoug it sounded too sweet to be true. Tonight I went out to do something, thinking about it hard, I decided to navigate in the internet and see if there was any information leading to the true identity of this "heart breaking thiefs" and there it was I was shocked to find out they were real liars. I am thankfull to God for this site that opens the eyes of the inocents, that are almost in the ripping paws of the lions of falsehood. Thanks a billion

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