  • Report:  #146769

Complaint Review: Findacomputerguy.com FractionIT Linn Boyd - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- Clearwater, Florida,

Findacomputerguy.com FractionIT Linn Boyd
10301 Northwest Freeway Houston, 77092 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I did 3 jobs for findacomputer guy in April. I was told I would get payment on the 1st of May. I have not seen payment. People at findacomputerguy.com say they aren't allowed to talk to me.

I finally got thought to Linn who was very rude. He said they are close to bankruptcy and if that happens no one gets anything. He also threatened to sue me if I posted anything in public.

Apparently this is his common threat since I didn't mention anything about posting anything on on. Thanks for the idea Linn!

Any who can use google can see why not to use this company. I only wish I knew what they were about. I lost about $200, but I bet other people lost more before they knew what hit them.


Clearwater, Florida

14 Updates & Rebuttals


United Kingdom

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 27, 2005

I have read the majority of these reports on FACG.com and have found very little grammatically similar in them, aside from some posts from Lynn that have apparently turned out to be the same guy. I am also wondering if the poster who tends to argue for proof is either Lynn, an employee or someone with an interest in the company. However, I do have no proof and so they are, and will remain my personal thoughts remember it is not a crime to relate personal thoughts in any country (at least not yet anyway). I have been a teacher of teenagers (16-18) in the past and noting them as the most plagiaristic of people I have a good indication of when someone sounds' the same. However, I would like to share some points, that I hope will be taken on board by Lynn before it is too late. If I were Lynn and this were my business I would be all for helping out the people obtain their refunds or actually pay them the credit due because they are essentially his businesses staff. He has no technicians of his own and must rely on third-parties to cover his work. How is it hard to pay a person for a service Lynn must charge over 45 an hour to make a profit, so he is making money by essentially doing very little, he sets up the deal and then has to pay for the work. The only people I have met who never pay are usually those who have problems that take their money elsewhere, and don't leave it in the business. This is a simple business opportunity, in fact, I don't know that many companies that follow this business model, sure there are large corps who have local centres that fix on their behalf, but he is essentially relying on people he doesn't strictly know to do the work. Has he had reports of faulty workmanship? Not that I've read on here, so it is at his end the fault lies, not at the workmanship. Pay people if they perform to standard, dispute those that don't, its simple business etiquette. Similarly, the system of applying for credits to work due seems a little unnecessarily longwinded. People don't get paid because they don't ask for the money who thought that little trick up. They don't ask, we won't give, so we get the interest on the funds in our bank, a nice side earner for the fact Lynn doesn't do any repairs and so therefore has no costs before the work is complete (other than office expenses and website costs). Sure most large corps wait until the bill is red and people are getting irate before paying, but they do EVENTUALLY pay. It seems as if the owner is not accountable, the owner feels it is easier to take bad publicity and bankruptcy than pay up (and lets be honest, this is BAD for business), which also passes on to everyone involved, tarnishing innocent third parties too. Lynn, you have a superb business platform here, if you have problems there are people that can help, hell I'm sure half of the people you have outstanding disputes with would be lenient if they knew if you were in trouble. You have a business that has 100% profit margin since you don't pay for the gas, you don't waste the money getting to the client, and you don't have to buy stock that can sit around wasting money you just pay the percentage to the people who do all that for you. Problem is, you've let it go on too long for anyone not to think you're trying to be scammy' when you ask for help or leniency. You've dug this pit yourself when you could have made it a mountain. I don't really care if he owes money to the feds, or if he shoots up with whiskey, all I see if that there is a golden opportunity here for his business to work and he's wasting it. Admit there is a problem and get back into people's good books before it is too late. Ok, you might say I don't care, you're competition are doing our jobs instead of you but are they getting paid? One day someone will ring around the businesses and find out that no one is getting paid, and so the work will stop. Then you'll be in more mess than you are now. Think about it right now you've annoyed and hurt a lot of people, but I hope, they can forgive you if you show them honesty and that you can be trustworthy in the future. If I were owed money from you and all you could pay me was a dollar a day, I'd take it, because you are doing SOMETHING to show trust and goodwill. Don't ruin it and get bankrupt and start something else, people will remember what you did the first time around. I had a local computer store that did similar (sold dodgy computers and then went bankrupt taking nearly 100k profit for second hand or faulty goods). They never managed to get back in business within 30 miles and even then people remembered the faces, names and voices. You have a national product, with some fantastic growth and profit margins, don't waste it, because someone will see and make a system like yours that works, and does pay.


La Canada,
Did you know you can

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 24, 2005

Did you know you can post photos (scans) of your documentation here on Rip Off Report? I see you have not disputed you are the same person posting the crud here. I would like to see EITHER SIDES PROOF here on Rip Off Report! Lynn has posted here is aware of this web site he has not answered the call to post his proof you are a rip off, as he had claimed you are. What it sounds like and I could be very wrong is your all a bunch of con men who prey on people whose computers need fixing, IMHO. No proof = useless internet chat room blather = no justice. But Rip Off Report + Proof = The world can see justice gets done! Heck I will be on him like white on rice if you post your proof. Not that will do anything mind you.


Karlton I want the money that we agreed to

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, June 24, 2005

Karlton, Lets clear a few things up. I want the money that we agreed to. facg.com changed the amount per hour on me after the work was complete. Of course I am NOT working for another company. I own my own company. This was the same when my company and facg.com started doing business again. I did not steal any customers from FACG.com. This is another lie by Linn, and FACG.com. They have also smeared my company by making up fake reports.


La Canada,
Read the reports they are all the same

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

If you read the reports they are all the same. Non have been able to post any proof, in fact they have refused to post any real proof. I agree this is a fantastic venue for reporting true Rip Offs BUT in some cases people are posting fake reports to harm competitors. The reports sound as if they were all done by the same person out to get a competitor. I have said and will state once more IF the reports are true the company needs to make good. But come on one report was busted for demanding more then job paid per hour and he is now working for another company doing the same work! He is even taking the first companies clients. Who is the Rip Off? I would like to know so I have asked someone to post proof either the company or the contractors NEITHER have. SO Who is Zooming Who?


La Canada,
Read the reports they are all the same

#6Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

If you read the reports they are all the same. Non have been able to post any proof, in fact they have refused to post any real proof. I agree this is a fantastic venue for reporting true Rip Offs BUT in some cases people are posting fake reports to harm competitors. The reports sound as if they were all done by the same person out to get a competitor. I have said and will state once more IF the reports are true the company needs to make good. But come on one report was busted for demanding more then job paid per hour and he is now working for another company doing the same work! He is even taking the first companies clients. Who is the Rip Off? I would like to know so I have asked someone to post proof either the company or the contractors NEITHER have. SO Who is Zooming Who?


La Canada,
Read the reports they are all the same

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

If you read the reports they are all the same. Non have been able to post any proof, in fact they have refused to post any real proof. I agree this is a fantastic venue for reporting true Rip Offs BUT in some cases people are posting fake reports to harm competitors. The reports sound as if they were all done by the same person out to get a competitor. I have said and will state once more IF the reports are true the company needs to make good. But come on one report was busted for demanding more then job paid per hour and he is now working for another company doing the same work! He is even taking the first companies clients. Who is the Rip Off? I would like to know so I have asked someone to post proof either the company or the contractors NEITHER have. SO Who is Zooming Who?


La Canada,
Read the reports they are all the same

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 23, 2005

If you read the reports they are all the same. Non have been able to post any proof, in fact they have refused to post any real proof. I agree this is a fantastic venue for reporting true Rip Offs BUT in some cases people are posting fake reports to harm competitors. The reports sound as if they were all done by the same person out to get a competitor. I have said and will state once more IF the reports are true the company needs to make good. But come on one report was busted for demanding more then job paid per hour and he is now working for another company doing the same work! He is even taking the first companies clients. Who is the Rip Off? I would like to know so I have asked someone to post proof either the company or the contractors NEITHER have. SO Who is Zooming Who?


Karalton... what is your point

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 21, 2005

Ill tell you what it is. I have read all these reports about this company. every post.. including yours. Like the one where you say Dave said things that he didnt say. You know what you sound like. An instigator. Your responses keep saying the same bull crap. "you are all the same person. You guys are lying, this would make good television." How old are you? 12? I cannot stand how you come on here and say things without proof and say things that are blatantly wrong. This site is for reporting rip-offs and to warn the public and to seek help. If you do not have anything constructive to say to help these technicians out, or proof that they are lying then I suggest you stay off the boards. This is not just any public forum for what ever you wish to say. This forum is for rip-off reports and the cases that follow them. Not your baseless accusations and rude name calling. Here is a tip. Get off your computer and go do your homework kid, and save the space on this forum for people who have answers. Now as for those of you that have been riped off by this company. Thanks for the warning. I do hope you get your money and that it all works out well for you in the end.


La Canada,
Proof Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, June 21, 2005

Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person posting trash without posting any real proof. As I have said on the other threads here post proof of what you say or shut up. So how do you know he uses and abuses? Did you party with him?


La Canada,
Proof Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, June 21, 2005

Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person posting trash without posting any real proof. As I have said on the other threads here post proof of what you say or shut up. So how do you know he uses and abuses? Did you party with him?


La Canada,
Proof Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, June 21, 2005

Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person posting trash without posting any real proof. As I have said on the other threads here post proof of what you say or shut up. So how do you know he uses and abuses? Did you party with him?


La Canada,
Proof Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, June 21, 2005

Either this company is a TOTAL RIP OFF or YOU are all the same person posting trash without posting any real proof. As I have said on the other threads here post proof of what you say or shut up. So how do you know he uses and abuses? Did you party with him?


Some inside info, the money is gone

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 20, 2005

Linn if you haven't figured out is not the most upright guy. The reason you all never got paid is because the money is gone! Linn has a habit of disappearing. He has issues with drinking, drugs, and gambling. That is where your money went. He was a smart guy, but he has now through his life away and screwed his family, friends, girlfriend Julie, and people he had an agreement with. His plan is soke as much money up as possible then declear bankruptcy, but like I said he is spending more money on drugs, booze, and gambling than he is taking in. I wouldn't trust him in my house much less dealing with my money anymore.


La Canada,
Get a new copy and paste program

#15Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 20, 2005

How come all the reports "sound" the same and how come they are all from people who sound like they work for another company like the one they are "reporting"? Answer because it reads like you are all the same person! Not one of you have posted any real proof non of you. How come? "Where is the beef" as it was once said. Post real proof you have been riped off or shut up!

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