  • Report:  #44797

Complaint Review: Fingerhut & Axsys National Bank - St. Cloud Minnesota

Reported By:
- Minerva, Ohio,

Fingerhut & Axsys National Bank
16 McLeland Road St. Cloud, 56303 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We sent a 2 day priority check to pay off our Fingerhut bill to this Axsys National Bank on the 2nd of January and it was received on the 6th of January, but nobody can find it!? The only thing that Fingerhut is willing to do is to continually charge us late fees.

We've tried tracking the check and found that it hasn't been cashed, but it did arrive at the bank. We've tried to contact the bank and can't find a phone number, let alone a listing of that bank.

We have all the proof that we sent it to the right place, but Fingerhut states that we are the ones that have to put a stop payment on the check and go through the process again.

Seems funny that all of our payments made it to that bank before and were credited to that account, but now that we try and pay off the account they can't find the check!? I want to know why nobody can contact this bank by phone!!


Minerva, Ohio

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