  • Report:  #23140

Complaint Review: First Capital Consumers Group - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
- reno, nv,

First Capital Consumers Group
30 Eglinton Ave. East Toronto, Ontario, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was contacted by First Capital Consumers Group last week. After I saw your web site I decided to call and cancel my membership yesterday (6-19-02). The next day when I checked my checking account balance, the money had been taken out. They won't except phone calls or return my messages.

They're customer service line is ALWAYS busy but I did find an alternative number on another RipOff Report add. They're customer service line is 416-488-4664. I did get through to somebody using 416-282-5119, however, the lady told me that she would talk with her supervisor and find out why the money was taken from my account after she had faxed the cancelation request in, but I never heard from her.


Reno, Nevada

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