  • Report:  #47848

Complaint Review: First Consumers National Bank - Nationwide

Reported By:
- CA, California,

First Consumers National Bank
9300 SW Germini DR,simple escapes,OR 97060 Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First Consumers National Bank has an 800 number listed on their credit cards: 800-876-3262.

Called Verizon for Beaverton, OR and also Portland, OR, but unable to find a direct line to this bank. Have you every heard of a bank not having a telephone number to contact them directly?

It smells of fraud. Does anyone have a direct line to them or know what state they really operate out of?


CA, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Punta Gorda,
Regarding no direct link to a bank being a rip off

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, May 14, 2004

Perhaps before getting riled, Roland from CA should have established the type of bank FCNB was..and now is. They used to provide SECURED credit cards for people with bad or no credit. but anbout 2 eyears ago dropedd that line. Many finance companies call themselves bans; Many Credit companies do too. The best approach is to contact the State authorities that regulate a business BEFORE deicding to do business with the, Call your State Consumer Dept, and locate which Agency reglates the business.

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