  • Report:  #68522

Complaint Review: First Consumers National Bank - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
- Rockville, Maryland,

First Consumers National Bank
P.O. Box 5280 Portland, 97208 Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been getting assessed late and over the limit fees from this company since my account opened. I tried paying online (still the fees were recorded as late), I paid by western union (still the fees were recorded as late), I've paid by phone (for which they charged me $15.00 and still the fees were recorded as late)... now I got a collection notice stating that I owe them $26.00 minimum on a balance of $634. Funny, but my limit is only $450.

I haven't used the card in over a year because the company went out of business with no warning, no nothing. How can I still be being charged late fees and over the limit fees if this company went under, the account is closed, and they are not sending my statements?

Oh, yes, I recently moved... apparently they did not get the address change that I mailed to them with my last payment (which also posted late, btw). I have mail forwarding with the Post Office (somehow I got and paid all of my other bills, hmmm)... even if they screwed up and didn't change my address, I still would have gotten my bill, right? But, no, I didn't. And, of course, there is no way to contact these people. You cannot get a hold of anyone at any of the numbers they provide. Oddly enough, I did, however, get the collection letter--and it had my correct address on it! That proves that they had my address!

I am not paying this company anymore money... I have paid hundreds of dollars in fraudulent fees and I am sick of it. If there is a class action suit going on with regard to this company and its crappy practices, I'd love to get in on it.

I don't know how to contact anyone via this site because the Web master removes links and email addresses for our protection... if someone knows anything and knows a way to reach me, please do! I'm desperate!

It's more than the money... it's the principle.


Rockville, Maryland

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