  • Report:  #69146

Complaint Review: First National Bank - Legacy Visa - Souix Falls South Dakota

Reported By:
- Madison, Alabama,

First National Bank - Legacy Visa
Souix Falls, SD Souix Falls, South Dakota, U.S.A.
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Watch out for these credit card offers. I received an offer in the mail not long after filing Bankruptcy so I figured I could start rebuilding my credit. The offered me a non-secured Legacy Visa card with a fairly high interest rate and with a $300 limit. After receiving the card I had to call an 800 number to activate, which I did. The first time I tried to use the card it was rejected. I received my first bill not long after and had an outstanding ballance of over $100. They charged me around $120 to setup my account and $6 a month service charge. I was shocked. I am a fairly intelligent person with good common sense, and I did not remember reading or being told that those fees would be charged to me. I called the customer service number that was on the bill and spoke with a person named Melissa. She would not give me her last name and would not give me a number to call for a manager. She would not even give me the name of her company, which was not the First National Bank of Souix Falls, SD., which is on the card and the literature they initially mailed to me. So I was steamed at this point. I said to myself, well I will just pay the dang fee and chalk it up as experience. I started sending payments in of $40 or $50 a month for the past 3 or 4 months. I got a call last night from the same person, Melissa saying my account was past due and that they had not received a payment for September or October and they were charging my account $29 for a late fee and I did not make a payment in September. I told her to hold while I pulled up my bank account online and verify my payments. My account showed that I had sent payment on the 5th of September. I told this to her and she then said that they did not receive it until the 16th. She had just said that I did not make a payment in September. What the F***? I was pissed. I told her to close the account and I would be contacting someone other than herself about this matter. She was a smart A** about the whole situation. I warn you, watch out for these people! They are very sneaky and will try to rip you off if you don't check them out. I caught this person in a lie trying to get more money! It's not over!


Madison, Alabama

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