  • Report:  #25109

Complaint Review: First National Credit - Aliso viejo California

Reported By:
- fortwalton beach, fl,

First National Credit
Pacific Park Plaza 27101 Aliso Creek Rd unit 126 Aliso viejo, 92656 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received the 15000 offer and sent in the 37 and have not seen or heard anything. One thing I did notice was I was able to contact them by phone when I recieve my package with the gold card. If anyone has the package still the phone number is in there to cancel but not to get back you money. If we could locate them by this number it would really help. I sent my package back before I found out this was a scam. I do not have bad credit just was looking for something with low intrest and and good credit line. ronald' fwb, Florida

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