  • Report:  #67266

Complaint Review: First National Credit - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- Kapaa, Hawaii,

First National Credit
P.O. Box 17800 Las Vegas, 89114-7800 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
When I Recieved the First National CCS Credit Cards in the Mail, I was really excited about the enormous credit amount I was going to have. They "hooked" me in and "reeled" my very personal information right out of me. I have never been so scammed in my life.

When I called, the gentleman was very convincing. He was nice and polite. Now that was when I was calling to activate my cards and to give him ALL of my information.

When I received the cards, I had a feeling of being "RIPPED OFF" come over me. I called the Credit Department and I was on hold for TWO hours. I called again the next day and was on hold for 1 and a half hours before I got to speak to a live agent. When I spoke to her. She was not only rude, but she spoke in a tone of voice like "ha ha you big dummy!" I have never felt so RIPPED OFF. Don't get hooked in like me. Yeah, they seem to be a great deal and a great offer, but THEY ARE NOT.


Kapaa, Hawaii

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