  • Report:  #69365

Complaint Review: First North American National Bank Circuit City Plus Visa Account - Clearwater Florida

Reported By:
- Safety Harbor, Florida,

First North American National Bank Circuit City Plus Visa Account
24244 U. S,. Highway 19 North Clearwater, 33763 Florida, U.S.A.
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I co-signed for my grandson to purchase a computer for $2,000 with the agreement that he would make $200 a month payments. All was fine until I got a call several months later that the bill was not being paid it amounted to over $3,000. I was amazed because I had only co-signed for $2,000. However, it turned out that what I really signed for was a $10,000 limit on a Visa Credit Card. Never, never, never would I have given that kind of power to my grandson nor anyone.

The worst part of this scenario is that I am a CFO of a small group of companies and did not think of myself as easy to rip-off. I turned the paper work over to my grandson for him to learn to manage a debt - instead what he learned was that his grandmother had been ripped off and he could take advantage of the situation believing full well that he could easily make the payments and manage the account.

I will always discourage anyone and everyone from ever purchasing items through Circuit City. Not only did they not explain what the credit purchase represented, they blatantly left out that information.


Safety Harbor, Florida

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New London,
Circuit City and Grandson

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, October 17, 2003

You should have thoroughly read the contract Mam, and you would have seen that circuit city cards are visa cards financed through FNANB.Your Grandson did not live up to his part by paying on the bill, and I suspect he also ran up additional charges. Never co-sign for anyone especially a child or a person that knows if they don't pay, you will have to. Your good credit allowed him to have this high amount and perhaps FNANB did you a favor by contacting you before he ran it up further.When we do not pay a bill it accumulates late charges and higher interest charges. My opinion, I would take the computer from him as punishment until he pays at least 1/2 of the bill but this is his fault, and you do not want to acknowledge he did not pay!

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