  • Report:  #254174

Complaint Review: First Texas Homes Gallery Custom Homes - Houston, Dallas, Richmond Texas

Reported By:
- Richmond, Texas,

First Texas Homes Gallery Custom Homes
350 N Sam Houston Pkwy E # 260 Houston, Dallas, Richmond, 77469 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Top 10 things they won't tell you at Gallery Custom Homes / First Texas Homes

1. Construction Standards, Whats that?

Yeah, they only follow their construction standards. That's unbelievable but that's right. We hired professional Inspector Certified in Texas to inspect our home during construction. He had more than 20 years of experience in industry. He noted several code violations and we passed details to builder including code numbers and page reference. Their reply: oh' we don't have to follow any of this standards and so we don't. We pointed to the fact that other builders do follow standards and their reply was "That's why their houses are more expensive". Furthermore, they disputed dictionary defined meaning of construction terms like Attic, Foundation and asked us to believe what builders are doing.

Support: Pictures built home with corresponding code violations with ICC number.

2. We dont follow any Blue print, including ours..

Before our construction began, they showed us a set of paper blue prints. We signed off our contract based on that. They eliminated major features like couple Box Windows. When we asked why, their reply was, "Our Architecture made an error. They did not know what they were doing. In addition, they are not on the site and they know nothing about construction. Blue print was not correct" so we humbly asked for some compensation and they gave us, you guessed it, NOTHING. They accepted mistake but flat out denied any compensation for that. They sensed our Time, Money and emotional involvement after 6 months into contract and took full unfair advantage of us.

Support: Portions of Blue Print dont match with constructed home.

3. We don't return calls from customer

To express our code violation complains, we placed several calls to higher ups of Gallery Custom Homes. Despite promises from their secretary, not a single call was ever returned. I have yet to speak with that mysterious man Mr. John who made countless decisions for our home.

Check this out: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/230/RipOff0230382.htm

4. We lie to our customers and that's normal

On submission of inspection report, first they challenged the credibility and qualification of state certified inspector. Finally, they agreed to address some of the concerns in inspection report. They gave us in writing that they will address issues before starting sheet rock installation. Guess what, they started sheet rock without fixing any of the problems they said they are going to fix it. On drawing their attention, reply was "I will tell supervisor of your concerns"

Support: Fax copy from Sales agent and corresponding pictures in construction stage.

5. Behave rudely with customer. We lead by example.

Diane Jackson, Sales agent was nice until we signed on dotted contract. After that, she shouts and yells over the issue on the phone. She makes countless contradictory arguments and makes false promise that she cannot fulfill. She is very nice compare to her supervisor. First, supervisor is hardly ever on job. If available, he will be on the phone. In pre-sheet rock meeting, he made several false and contradictory claims. He acknowledges violation of warranty term on shingles but said he will not fix it as he is not responsible for design. When I asked him to give me in writing what he just claimed, he angrily walked out on us from meeting.

6. Be prepared for whimsical charges AFTER you sign the contract.

We were building house on the lake lot. We paid the highest premium in community to get desirable lot. As per the association rules, all houses on the lake has to have brick on the back. Every other builder in community, do not charge extra for brick on the back as it is included in premium charge for the lot. I thought it might be this builder specific. Therefore, I called other locations of Gallery Custom Homes or First Texas homes and they told that they do not charge extra for brick on the back. However, in our case, they forced us to pay extra for the brick on top of lake premium. I have never seen anything like forced upgrade.

Support: Our Change order statement.

7. Our customers pay for our mistake

We chose to buy several upgrades from builder. They failed to document one of the important changes we requested. We discovered that a day after our "redline" meeting. They acknowledge their mistake BUT if we still wanted to have that change done, we have to pay full change and administrative fee. What a joke? We essentially pay for their mistake.

Support: Our Final Change order statement.

8. Our upgrade cost are whimsical(So come on a good day and pray god before asking for any upgrade)

Yeah, that's right. Most of upgrade charges are based on mood and whims of sales agent. They have no standards defined anywhere. By the way, they use computers only as a modern typing machine so be very patient and do not get frustrated with them, please.:)

Support: Our neighbors have very different charge for exactly same upgrade.

9. Dont rely on our promise for closing dates.

Well, our closing was delayed three times and about 30 days because. We found too many mistakes in finished house. We were literally living in U-Haul truck but they refused to close our house while they were working on slowest pace possible. Their solution, dont live your old house until TWO months after scheduled closing.

Support: Their emails and our final closing statement.

10. We can take advantage of your time and emotional investment.

It was typical bad business story. We were attracted to this builder by their big and relatively affordable houses in desirable neighborhood. We checked the reputation of builder and it was not good. We are young and naive, so decided to sign on with them anyways thinking it would be short-term hassle. Eventually we made huge emotional and time investment into this, which we could not get out. They have taken through advantage of us and have treated us very badly and rudely. Dont go through this if you dont have to.

Support: http://www.ripoffreport.com/searchresults.asp?q5=first%20texas&q1=ALL&q4=&q6=&q3=&q2=&q7=&searchtype=0&submit2=Search%21&Search=Search


Richmond, Texas


21 Updates & Rebuttals

roland s.

st. ann,
North Carolina,

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, October 27, 2009

unfortunaety i didnt know that they were this way and i had given them $860!!!! now i cant get it back, they said i would have to take them to court to get it back and it wouldnt even be worth it.. i could pay more in court costs if they manipulate the judge like they do their customers!! i am so upset about all of this. i feel like my hands are tied, if anyone knows the best way to resolve this, let me know!!!!!


Happy so far with Gallery Custom Homes

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, August 05, 2009

My experiences tells me that when building a new home, there will always be "issues". We moved into our Gallery Home in Westheimer Lakes a few months ago coming from a Perry Home in Cinco Ranch. Given some of these earlier reports I was a bit apprehensive about the new purchase but very pleased with the price and ammenities. Moved in basically on schedule, with usual punch list of items, mostly caused by sub-contractors trampling on work of earlier sub-contractor work. Sales people and Foreman eager to please, but attention to details and follow-up could have been improved. Certainly more supervision would be helpful during the various stages of construction. My Inspector was not impressed with quality of work prior to closing and noted some of the recent codes were not being followed pertaining to some attic wiring if I recall. Brick work, A/C efficiency and attic/roof venting could have been better. Again, nothing significant in my opinion, but time will tell. It helps not to have very high expectations with any builder. I would also like to see more cement board (less wood and pressed board) used in construction, but for some reason (cost cutting perhaps) Gallery does not do this. We did pay extra for Tech Shield in the attic. Warranty service on a few items we discovered and reported online has been great...no problems (leaking tub, A/C check and air flow balancing). Just submitted list of 60 days warranty items (all pretty minor), but so far so good. Love the home layout and features...very pleased with our new home.


Happy so far with Gallery Custom Homes

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 05, 2009

My experiences tells me that when building a new home, there will always be "issues". We moved into our Gallery Home in Westheimer Lakes a few months ago coming from a Perry Home in Cinco Ranch. Given some of these earlier reports I was a bit apprehensive about the new purchase but very pleased with the price and ammenities. Moved in basically on schedule, with usual punch list of items, mostly caused by sub-contractors trampling on work of earlier sub-contractor work. Sales people and Foreman eager to please, but attention to details and follow-up could have been improved. Certainly more supervision would be helpful during the various stages of construction. My Inspector was not impressed with quality of work prior to closing and noted some of the recent codes were not being followed pertaining to some attic wiring if I recall. Brick work, A/C efficiency and attic/roof venting could have been better. Again, nothing significant in my opinion, but time will tell. It helps not to have very high expectations with any builder. I would also like to see more cement board (less wood and pressed board) used in construction, but for some reason (cost cutting perhaps) Gallery does not do this. We did pay extra for Tech Shield in the attic. Warranty service on a few items we discovered and reported online has been great...no problems (leaking tub, A/C check and air flow balancing). Just submitted list of 60 days warranty items (all pretty minor), but so far so good. Love the home layout and features...very pleased with our new home.


Happy so far with Gallery Custom Homes

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 05, 2009

My experiences tells me that when building a new home, there will always be "issues". We moved into our Gallery Home in Westheimer Lakes a few months ago coming from a Perry Home in Cinco Ranch. Given some of these earlier reports I was a bit apprehensive about the new purchase but very pleased with the price and ammenities. Moved in basically on schedule, with usual punch list of items, mostly caused by sub-contractors trampling on work of earlier sub-contractor work. Sales people and Foreman eager to please, but attention to details and follow-up could have been improved. Certainly more supervision would be helpful during the various stages of construction. My Inspector was not impressed with quality of work prior to closing and noted some of the recent codes were not being followed pertaining to some attic wiring if I recall. Brick work, A/C efficiency and attic/roof venting could have been better. Again, nothing significant in my opinion, but time will tell. It helps not to have very high expectations with any builder. I would also like to see more cement board (less wood and pressed board) used in construction, but for some reason (cost cutting perhaps) Gallery does not do this. We did pay extra for Tech Shield in the attic. Warranty service on a few items we discovered and reported online has been great...no problems (leaking tub, A/C check and air flow balancing). Just submitted list of 60 days warranty items (all pretty minor), but so far so good. Love the home layout and features...very pleased with our new home.


Toni - Still Standing - Are you sure you know what you are talking about?

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, January 17, 2009

In your post you stated: "The person who switched to a Triumph Home - you switched to a builder who closed their doors and now who is going to do your warranty". Who told you that Triumph Homes is out of or ready to go out of business? Last time I checked (Jan 09) they were still building homes and pulling permits. Do you work for First Texas Homes? You also stated: "You can't believe every word from people who are complaining on this website because you don't know both sides of the story and frankly, I don't want to know." True, you can't believe everything on this site as your statements prove. Not wanting to know about complaints concerning your builder is foolish. I have counseled builders that addressing complaints should be their first concern as continued complaints will devalue the brand. This means that when you decide to sell your home it will not be as valuable as it could be. Builders have the same branding problems as do car makers and any other entity with a product. Generally, First Texas Homes tends to be a high pressure sales organization which builds large homes as economically as possible. Many of their components are less expensive options as compared to other builders. This gives them the ability to sell their product at a lower cost. They also dote on making the sale. Triumph Homes tries to build quality in and includes many nuances which adds value and cost. They also take customer complaints seriously. My disclaimer: I have no interest in either company other than having watched and walked their homes as they were being built and have competed with both in the past. I also have quite a bit of experience in many states and several licenses before I retired.


Triumph Homes is going strong in 2009

#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 16, 2009

Triumph Homes continues to be a successful builder in Houston. They were a featured Builder on TV last Sunday. I know they build in multiple communities in Houston and they build in Dallas. Toni must of confused them with someone else. In fact, I consider them to be a preferred builder for my buyers because of their outstanding customer satisfaction ratings. They have a research firm that posts their results on their website www.triumphhomes.net


Still Standing

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, September 28, 2008

I bought a First Texas Home and I have been very pleased from the day I stepped into the door until now. There are many well known builders who are closing their doors and First Texas Homes is still in business says something about the company. The person who switched to a Triumph Home - you switched to a builder who closed their doors and now who is going to do your warranty? You can't believe every word from people who are complaining on this webiste because you don't know both sides of the story and frankly, I don't want to know. Repush - why did you ever close on a home that you though was so horrible? The money you put down (which First Texas Homes only requires $4,000) is worth losing if you thought the home was that horrible. I put my money down and if my home was that bad I would have been glad to walk away from my $4,000 or tried to get it back rather than to spend over $300K for a house if is that that bad. Sounds fishy!!!!


We walked away from Gallery

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, September 13, 2007

My husband and I canceled the contract with Gallery Homes back in July. We are now in a Truimph Home and are very happy with it. FTH/Gallery did refund our earnest withing 30 days of canceling the contract.



#10Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

Like all of you I'm going through the same issues buying my first home with FTH. however my home is in SENDERA RANCH. I have not closed yet due to the fact that every time I go down to sign off on the home I find at least 15 PROBLEMS! I read all of your stories and their so true. If anyone could send me a list of what to watch out for and what to double check and ensue is done properly before I sign off it would be greatly appreciated.


Yet Another Victim

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

I have been fighting with First Texas Homewreckers for almost two years now and I try my best to get the word out as much as possible. My experience with them was the worst evidence of poor customer service that I have ever been involved with, not to mention the fact that the workmanship is poor to say the least. I'm willing to bet that the writer who comments "I love my First Texas Home" did not supervise the construction from start to finish. And I will also lay odds that this "dream" home will turn into a nightmare before long. I guess its all about what you are willing to accept, but I believe spending that amount of money deserves much more accountability. I have written to Lawmakers and others tring to make First Texas and the other "crap" builders more accountable but it is obvious that pockets are being lined (yes, I will say it to thier faces) when common sense goes out the window. I have suggested that earnest money be limited by law, usual and customary upgrades be included in the total cost of the home, and contracts provide some remedy for consumers in the event of an irreconcilable disagreement. Wow! Common Sense! First Texas Homes bilked me out of 13000.00 using the system and they have created an enemy for life. The best part about it for me is that I know that I am right and when the time comes to prove it I am ready. They had no way to figure that an average Joe, like myself would walk away from such a large sum of money and that how they swindle so many people. There is always a silver lining and mine is that I have a beautiful well built home in a much better neighborhood by Imperial Homes. I feel bad for those buyers forced into those money pits by First Texas and others but help is on the way.


Yet Another Victim

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

I have been fighting with First Texas Homewreckers for almost two years now and I try my best to get the word out as much as possible. My experience with them was the worst evidence of poor customer service that I have ever been involved with, not to mention the fact that the workmanship is poor to say the least. I'm willing to bet that the writer who comments "I love my First Texas Home" did not supervise the construction from start to finish. And I will also lay odds that this "dream" home will turn into a nightmare before long. I guess its all about what you are willing to accept, but I believe spending that amount of money deserves much more accountability. I have written to Lawmakers and others tring to make First Texas and the other "crap" builders more accountable but it is obvious that pockets are being lined (yes, I will say it to thier faces) when common sense goes out the window. I have suggested that earnest money be limited by law, usual and customary upgrades be included in the total cost of the home, and contracts provide some remedy for consumers in the event of an irreconcilable disagreement. Wow! Common Sense! First Texas Homes bilked me out of 13000.00 using the system and they have created an enemy for life. The best part about it for me is that I know that I am right and when the time comes to prove it I am ready. They had no way to figure that an average Joe, like myself would walk away from such a large sum of money and that how they swindle so many people. There is always a silver lining and mine is that I have a beautiful well built home in a much better neighborhood by Imperial Homes. I feel bad for those buyers forced into those money pits by First Texas and others but help is on the way.


Yet Another Victim

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

I have been fighting with First Texas Homewreckers for almost two years now and I try my best to get the word out as much as possible. My experience with them was the worst evidence of poor customer service that I have ever been involved with, not to mention the fact that the workmanship is poor to say the least. I'm willing to bet that the writer who comments "I love my First Texas Home" did not supervise the construction from start to finish. And I will also lay odds that this "dream" home will turn into a nightmare before long. I guess its all about what you are willing to accept, but I believe spending that amount of money deserves much more accountability. I have written to Lawmakers and others tring to make First Texas and the other "crap" builders more accountable but it is obvious that pockets are being lined (yes, I will say it to thier faces) when common sense goes out the window. I have suggested that earnest money be limited by law, usual and customary upgrades be included in the total cost of the home, and contracts provide some remedy for consumers in the event of an irreconcilable disagreement. Wow! Common Sense! First Texas Homes bilked me out of 13000.00 using the system and they have created an enemy for life. The best part about it for me is that I know that I am right and when the time comes to prove it I am ready. They had no way to figure that an average Joe, like myself would walk away from such a large sum of money and that how they swindle so many people. There is always a silver lining and mine is that I have a beautiful well built home in a much better neighborhood by Imperial Homes. I feel bad for those buyers forced into those money pits by First Texas and others but help is on the way.


Yet Another Victim

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

I have been fighting with First Texas Homewreckers for almost two years now and I try my best to get the word out as much as possible. My experience with them was the worst evidence of poor customer service that I have ever been involved with, not to mention the fact that the workmanship is poor to say the least. I'm willing to bet that the writer who comments "I love my First Texas Home" did not supervise the construction from start to finish. And I will also lay odds that this "dream" home will turn into a nightmare before long. I guess its all about what you are willing to accept, but I believe spending that amount of money deserves much more accountability. I have written to Lawmakers and others tring to make First Texas and the other "crap" builders more accountable but it is obvious that pockets are being lined (yes, I will say it to thier faces) when common sense goes out the window. I have suggested that earnest money be limited by law, usual and customary upgrades be included in the total cost of the home, and contracts provide some remedy for consumers in the event of an irreconcilable disagreement. Wow! Common Sense! First Texas Homes bilked me out of 13000.00 using the system and they have created an enemy for life. The best part about it for me is that I know that I am right and when the time comes to prove it I am ready. They had no way to figure that an average Joe, like myself would walk away from such a large sum of money and that how they swindle so many people. There is always a silver lining and mine is that I have a beautiful well built home in a much better neighborhood by Imperial Homes. I feel bad for those buyers forced into those money pits by First Texas and others but help is on the way.


I love my First Texas Home

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, August 06, 2007

I bought and had a built a Gallery Home/First Texas Home and I love it! I have had no trouble with any issues that others have mentioned. First Texas/Gallery Homes has built my dream home and they did a great job. It was a great experience!


Firt Texas Homes Gallery Custom Homes Stay Away Dont buy

#16Author of original report

Sat, June 23, 2007

Hi Mary, I'm not sure if I understand entire situation. Would you please contact me outside this forum as I do not want to clutter this forum with our one to one conversation. My house is next to ditch(25XXX) on lake lot. Thanks


Firt Texas Homes Gallery Custom Homes Stay Away Dont buy

#17Author of original report

Sat, June 23, 2007

Hi Mary, I'm not sure if I understand entire situation. Would you please contact me outside this forum as I do not want to clutter this forum with our one to one conversation. My house is next to ditch(25XXX) on lake lot. Thanks


A correction of one of my statements to "Comments for Rupesh"

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, June 23, 2007

Rupesh, I was mistaken when I stated that the inspector for FTH/Gallery was through the developer. The inspector used by FTH/Gallery is through the 10 year warranty people.


Comments for Rupesh

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, June 21, 2007

Rupesh, My husband and I are also building a home with Gallery Homes in the same subdivision in Richmond as you did. Can you tell me if any of your problems have been resolved with FTH? I am very concerned. The inspector that I hired reported no code problems but did say that some of the boards in the structure of the home should be replaced. The builder agreed to replace only a few of them. Come to find out the inspector that FTH/Gallery hires is one that the developer picked out. Thank you for your comments.


Fort Worth,
Not True, Cory, here's why:

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, June 15, 2007

Why? At the time we purchased there were no reports like this to speak of warning consumers of these thugs. We closed in 2004. We purchased 3 years ago and the nightmare continues today Our list of warranty issues is posted and they were all filed within the 1 year warranty period. I have enough paperwork and back up to write a mini-series but for the sake of brevity I will not post it all here, now, today, but may in the future. You know, the blow by blow, details since day 1. you need only to come to our home for a tour to see the shoddy workmanship that their own inspector agreed needed to be repaired but NEVER WAS! Many in our development live this way as they were all in my living room complaining last April. At that time of our purchase their JD Powers rating was 4 stars.......after our closing I checked it and it was down to 2 stars. Since it was 4 stars I didn't think to look at the BBB or check the law suits registered with Tarrant County. But I have now since being BURNED. And they are numerous. We posted here to help other potential home buyers like you. We have already been Hurt. Deeply. Also, we were a relo, and flying back and forth monthly while still working in CHGO. We had been referred to what we were told was the LEGEND IN FORT WORTH as a REALTOR, by, at that time, my husbands NEW boss. Only to discover we had been severely lied to by her as well after we had already moved in. She was also nowhere to be found whenever we needed her as she was part time, semi retired and always on vacation.---this we discovered after we signed. some of the stories (lies) she told us were unreal for a suppposed LEGEND IN THE AREA. The best thing this LEGEND did was RETIRE so she cannot hurt anymore homeowners. Her and their rep were in cahoots all along. If you check the dates on the rip off report complaints you will see that they are all after we had already closed in 2004. So, this is why. This sort of information just wasn't readily available at our time of purchase. Unfortuntaely for us. We checked with a couple of neighbors who were happy at the time and their homes were built much better than ours was. Major mistakes were made on ours by their incompetent builder that they fired due to so many mistakes. There had to be a big change in sub contractors during that period of time for their JD Powers Rating to drop by 2 stars. This was happening WHILE we were in the process. You know a new home is only as good as the subcontractors and builder. We had a problem builder, Billy Booten, one that they fired after getting numerous complaints about him. WE WERE HIS FIRST HOME. We really thought someone would come to our door and knock and try to make things right after they discovered that our complaints about him were legitimate since we were the first to be his victims but after they recieved so many more complaints about him that were justified to the point of them terminating him from the company.........but nobody came. we were just stuck. there were no offers to make things right. just more run around, lies and threats....some posted right here on rip off report by their unprofessional unethical representative. You need only to read to discover that. So, i hope you understand why now. We did not have the information available to us that you have available to you present day. also, i do believe if more homeowners were aware of this website that there would be thousands of more complaints against this home builder. Take care.


San Antonio,

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, June 14, 2007

"We checked with the reputation of the builder and it was not good"? If his reputation was bad, why in the world would you go with him? I know, because he was cheaper then everyone else. Now you know why his reputation "was not good". When we had our house built, we went through a half dozen builders before we found one we liked and interviewed 4 or 5 homeowners he had built homes for. Having a house built is like the third or forth most stressful time in your life.


Fort Worth,
I feel for you whole heartedly and have been there but I'm afraid the worst is yet to come!!!

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, June 13, 2007

We were in your shoes and have all of the back up in fact it took a year for us to close! Even hired a lawyer our 2nd year in the home but they got to him as well. You think this is the worst of it...but it's not, just wait until things start to go wrong with the house and see how incompetent their warranty department is...... all they know how to do is paint and caulk and tell you, "well, ma'am that's how it's supposed to be!"-----NOT! We still have a list of defects some of which their own inspector agreed with and others that our inspector pointed out...that have not been addressed and they were all filed within the 1 year warranty period. Dealing with them is a non ending nightmare I'm afraid and the current laws are on their side although they are working on repealing them hopefully, this year. check with Senator Jane Nelson's office for updates as to revisions in the law. May God Bless you But I'm afraid your nightmare has only just begun. CJ

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