  • Report:  #138476

Complaint Review: forsakethetroops.info/ - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Philadelphia, Mississippi,

forsakethetroops.info/ Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I seriously can't believe there's people out there like this. He hates the military and says their over paid and worthless. He says he pays to much taxes and the military makes an obundance of money. That the military people are his human shield and they are all useless and he's tired of paying for them. Here is the front page of his site:

"This website is dedicated to the notion that our nation's military is grossly overcompensated, at the expense of the American taxpayers. This is a sight to truly behold! It's better and more soothing than the picture of the gimp marine....an injured US solider being carried away like the candy-a*s punk he is! Witness here!"

He has a forum also to post on, so feel free to let them know how you feel. Also if you say something they don't like he will ban you. It's sites like that this that need to be taken down and people held accountable for. But then agina it's people like me who fought for him to has his 1st Admendement right to put up stuff like this! This website is dedicated to the notion that our nation's military is grossly overcompensated, at the expense of the American taxpayers.



Philadelphia, Mississippi

24 Updates & Rebuttals


OK Micheal-

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 10, 2007

I agree that this is you right to say what you want on the web. My father, grandfather, uncles, great uncles, great gradnfathers all stood on that wall so the scum like yourself can wave your ilk in the air for all to hear. But let me tell you just this, your right to fre speech has come with a very heavy price. I, and many of us, have had family members die in all of the worlds conflicts just so you can get fat eating bon bons and spread your ilk for all to hear. I know that this will not sink into that thick skull of yours, so let make sure to place blame where it belongs. The troops are taking orders from their commanders who are influenced by who??? Bleeding hearted liberal such as yourself. If it was not for the troops walking that line for you today, you would be screaming allah from your roof. Why? Because you liberals have no balls to step up and defend this nation. You, Billary Clinton, and the Anti-american Civil Lawyers Union are bigots and should just leave the America that you hate so much. How can you say such hateful things about our troops in one breath and them scream for their help when a little raincloud comes over your town in the next? It is called hypocracy! And you sir are VERY full it. If Hoover was still alive and running things, your site would have been shut down and you might have even been labeled as a traitor. I do not need Hoover to convince me that you are indeed a traitor to this great nation! It is not perfect, but is sure beats being French!


OK Micheal-

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 10, 2007

I agree that this is you right to say what you want on the web. My father, grandfather, uncles, great uncles, great gradnfathers all stood on that wall so the scum like yourself can wave your ilk in the air for all to hear. But let me tell you just this, your right to fre speech has come with a very heavy price. I, and many of us, have had family members die in all of the worlds conflicts just so you can get fat eating bon bons and spread your ilk for all to hear. I know that this will not sink into that thick skull of yours, so let make sure to place blame where it belongs. The troops are taking orders from their commanders who are influenced by who??? Bleeding hearted liberal such as yourself. If it was not for the troops walking that line for you today, you would be screaming allah from your roof. Why? Because you liberals have no balls to step up and defend this nation. You, Billary Clinton, and the Anti-american Civil Lawyers Union are bigots and should just leave the America that you hate so much. How can you say such hateful things about our troops in one breath and them scream for their help when a little raincloud comes over your town in the next? It is called hypocracy! And you sir are VERY full it. If Hoover was still alive and running things, your site would have been shut down and you might have even been labeled as a traitor. I do not need Hoover to convince me that you are indeed a traitor to this great nation! It is not perfect, but is sure beats being French!


OK Micheal-

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, January 10, 2007

I agree that this is you right to say what you want on the web. My father, grandfather, uncles, great uncles, great gradnfathers all stood on that wall so the scum like yourself can wave your ilk in the air for all to hear. But let me tell you just this, your right to fre speech has come with a very heavy price. I, and many of us, have had family members die in all of the worlds conflicts just so you can get fat eating bon bons and spread your ilk for all to hear. I know that this will not sink into that thick skull of yours, so let make sure to place blame where it belongs. The troops are taking orders from their commanders who are influenced by who??? Bleeding hearted liberal such as yourself. If it was not for the troops walking that line for you today, you would be screaming allah from your roof. Why? Because you liberals have no balls to step up and defend this nation. You, Billary Clinton, and the Anti-american Civil Lawyers Union are bigots and should just leave the America that you hate so much. How can you say such hateful things about our troops in one breath and them scream for their help when a little raincloud comes over your town in the next? It is called hypocracy! And you sir are VERY full it. If Hoover was still alive and running things, your site would have been shut down and you might have even been labeled as a traitor. I do not need Hoover to convince me that you are indeed a traitor to this great nation! It is not perfect, but is sure beats being French!


OK Micheal-

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, January 10, 2007

I agree that this is you right to say what you want on the web. My father, grandfather, uncles, great uncles, great gradnfathers all stood on that wall so the scum like yourself can wave your ilk in the air for all to hear. But let me tell you just this, your right to fre speech has come with a very heavy price. I, and many of us, have had family members die in all of the worlds conflicts just so you can get fat eating bon bons and spread your ilk for all to hear. I know that this will not sink into that thick skull of yours, so let make sure to place blame where it belongs. The troops are taking orders from their commanders who are influenced by who??? Bleeding hearted liberal such as yourself. If it was not for the troops walking that line for you today, you would be screaming allah from your roof. Why? Because you liberals have no balls to step up and defend this nation. You, Billary Clinton, and the Anti-american Civil Lawyers Union are bigots and should just leave the America that you hate so much. How can you say such hateful things about our troops in one breath and them scream for their help when a little raincloud comes over your town in the next? It is called hypocracy! And you sir are VERY full it. If Hoover was still alive and running things, your site would have been shut down and you might have even been labeled as a traitor. I do not need Hoover to convince me that you are indeed a traitor to this great nation! It is not perfect, but is sure beats being French!


Downs Syndrome IS NOT AN INSULT

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 09, 2006

Just for the record, I find the forsake the troops site noted grossly offensive. My support of the military is rooted in gratitude for doing what I can't do, for starters. Anyway, I just have to note two things I noticed in the responses that I found as offensive as the site, but also, a product of Free Speech. Being gay does not indicate, in any way, your level of patriotism, nor a desire to just be seeking to prey on a fetish for the uniformed. Being gay doesn't make you a traitor, or one iota less a patriot. That's just irresponsible mudslinging that is as bad as the ingratitude and blindness the site owner exhibits. What is most offensive, though, is the statement that the site owner, Michael Cook, exhibits signs of Downs Syndrome. I am so hurt that someone would use a diagnosis of Downs Syndrome as a basis for insulting someone. In my experience, which is far from vast, with Down Syndrome people - there's more love in just ONE of them than in 100 non-DS people. God has made DS people, as He has seen fit. DS is not a choice. Michael Cook's views, they are a choice. There is no basis for comparison between the two, and no comparison SHOULD BE MADE. Please do not use genetic dispositions as an insult, particularly to such a low-life. He would be lucky to have DS. He might be a beautiful person, then.


Fort Hood,
The Site is not a rip off

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, December 09, 2006

First, the site is not a rip off, you dont get scammed out of money, or get crappy service. Its just an ignorant man expressing his right to free speech. But wait, whats this, as of today 8 DEC 06, that site is shut down. It is not even in operation anymore. So whats all the hoopla about?


Look, both sides of this argument are wrong...

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 21, 2006

Let me start off by saying I was released from USAF basic training with an ELS (Entry Level Separation). I was given an adjustment disorder w/ depressed mood diagnosis and discharged under service code- JFX personality disorder. I had a breakdown and threaten ed to 'go postal and kill everyone' a big no no under the UCMJ. My MTI (Military Training Instructor) was actually kicked off my flight for maltraining. Out of respect for those proudly serving I will not discuss brutal details, let's just say that during the first week of basic a trainee sliced himself up so bad with a razor blade that the showering facilities were covered in blood. Long story short, he hated me from day one because I had a college degree but could not adapt to the military. Before you make the mistake of judging me as another screw up consider what it takes for an MTI, DI, or DS -all the same, different branches- to actually get fired for abusive tactics and face court martial. I will somewhat proudly admit I was not military material. If you have a college degree but cannot enlist as an officer, don't enlist. Why do I say this: College teaches to ask questions, the military teaches to follow orders without question Less than 5% of enlisted troops have higher education, meaning your the oddball that has something the others don't and some are jealous If they don't like you they will try to force you into a physical confrontation either with recruits or MTIs. If you do engage you go to jail (CC) and have to earn the right to be abused more. An older 23 year old mind is much harder to mold than a younger 17 year old mind. You may be too set in your ways. They try to use 'patriotism' as a guise for systematic reprogramming utilizing 'us vs. them' logic. The military needs people willing to kill 'terrorists'the enemy. In college you are taught respect for life so you will invariably have a difficult time with this thought process. If you do not fear them you will hate them which can lead to unpleasantness. It's hard to say 'yes sir, trainee dips^it reports as ordered' when your thinking of smacking someone in the jaw. Believe me when basic goes wrong its no cakewalk and the pain physical, mental, and emotional is quite real. Nothing quite like running 45 minutes on three days with no sleep because your MTI gave you 5 nights of dorm guard (0000-0200 shift) to 'get you right'. When I talked to my former wingmen (there was a competition with all squadrons, separations-casual company-319th was invited) many said they were surprised I made it up to Warrior Week just because of the bullsh^t I endured. If you believe theres more to life than drinking, screwing hot chicks, fighting, and being a badass you'll be sorely disappointed. One of the reasons the other recruits wouldn't screw with me was very high physical fitness scores much to the MTIs dismay. It is a very dominating environment, dominate or be dominated. I would also point out that the persons leaving the military had significantly higher ASVAB scores than the ones staying. This could be disputed, but in the 319th (separations squadron) the average test scores were about 92 out of 99, I was a 95 only because I skipped a couple of questions and knew I had everything else right. The average test score for the normal trainees was about 10 points lower. Still not bad, it was the Air Force after all but worth looking into if the Air Force wishes to retain competent individuals. Bear in mind that was only my experience... Basically, if your looking for objectivity, good pay, and a chance to expand your horizons get a civilian job. I'm out less than a year and make about $40,000, a lot more than I would've made there. If your looking for a mob mentality, $12-20K per year, and a chance to see every cesspool in the world then Uncle Sam's got a plan. Of course you will also have the honor of defending freedom and the American way of life, which is why I joined. Then again, even our training superintendent said that the only real reason to join the military is to kill people and blow sh^t up. Despite the bad people (and believe me there are some truly crazy evil SOBs in our military, war will do that to you) all soldiers come with honorable intent. Their fighting for our freedom and what they believe in. It would be easy for me to jump on the hate wagon after all I went through, but I'm better than that and I'm honest. The honest truth is I feel somewhat privliged to have briefly worked alongside the people defending our freedom. Without them killing people and blowing sh^t up we would not enjoy the liberties we do today. To the forsakethetroops.com assh^le all I can say is that I hope you mouth off to a Marine or myself and catch a boot in the teeth. Your website is s**t written upon the backs of the bruised. I have many friends currently serving in Iraq who need support, not sh^t like this. For argument's sake I will assume that you are not a shameless overgrown vagina seeking attention and that your intentions as well are noble (you seek an end to death and violence), but you have also missed your mark. If you think the war sucks, thank the government not the military (most of them don't like Bush Jr. or Darth Cheney either though to say so openly would violate the UCMJ and could constitute an act of treason). Look in the end we elected these f^ck-ups and they issue the orders. Just don't take it out on my friends or people you yourself couldn't aspire to be.


Chicagoland Area,
freedom rings yet no one's home.

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, August 20, 2006

I see the Site has been taken over... Funny. On that site now is a video where michael is being interviewed and it clearly shows that he is un-educated, immature, a hint of down syndrom, and should clearly be an exception to being beat by his parents without any legal action taken towards his parents. Im 25 soon to be 26. I do not agree with this war, or pretty much any war. I do not agree with how our government is mostly run. But I do support the troops, I support them and the fact that they are the pawns in this game called freedom and do what most of us dont have the guts to do. As much as I have Anarchy beliefs in me I understand that as humans we need to protect ourselves from ourselves. Im all for freedom of speech, Im all for Michael making his website, as well as im all for the people who took over his website. Do what you will, but understand the consequences of your actions regardless of what rights or freedoms you feel you have. The people who are in the military understand this and understand that they can or will die. As I write this I understand that some of you will disagree and agree. Michael is just to immature to understand this and tries to hide behind ignorance and repetitive arguments that go no where. If you truely beleive something, know what your talking about. As much as I hate all forms of government, The U.s. is the only place I want to be.


El Cajon,
Somebody needs a civic lesson.

#10Consumer Comment

Tue, May 10, 2005

I find it a little silly that someone starts whining and crying about his free speech rights just because someone is critical of his views. Yes, he does have the right to free speech. But his free speech rights are not being encroached upon by the government. The original poster is exercising his free speech rights to criticize the owner of the website. I look at the website in question and I agree that the owner is an absolute moron. It might not be a true "ripoff" and this might not be the best forum to express criticsim of the moron, but all of this discourse is protected. There is no government action involved here and thus no constitutional violation.


St. Peter,
TRAITOR you are under the impression that the Unites States military is a waste of time

#11Consumer Suggestion

Mon, May 09, 2005

So Michael you are under the impression that the Unites States military is a waste of time and that all of us troops are worthless, spineless, wimps who deserve to die? Do you even realize, you worthless waste, that if it wasn't for us troops that YOU would NOT have a website. This is because in the world that the military fought to overcome there was no freedom of speech, you would be hanging off the next tree right now or worse. You people are a cancer to our society and should be eliminated with EXTREME prejudice. Logically speaking, however, let us look at a few spots in the world where there is no order and justice. Somalia is a war torn waste of country where nearly everyone is armed out sheer nessacity(spelling?). I happen to know Somalians and they have told me this I did not make it up. That was just one example there are many others where your right to speak is non-existant. Do you think that we attained this status by dumb luck? NO YOU BLITHERING IDIOT, we attained it by WAR. Now for the record I am a soldier and I DO NOT agree with the war in Iraq, but you Micheal are a traitor; and I do believe that traitors are put to death in this country. If you don't like the military move to France or Switzerland then you can be a spineless piece of trash like the rest of them. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY COUNTRY YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF GARBAGE. One last thing in the army it is said "people can sleep peacefully in thier beds at night because rough men stand ready to violence on thier behalf" That's how we run things, you don't like it, we don't need you. Take you and your pink panty website and be gone because you are NOT American TRAITOR!!!!


My experiences with the site.

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, May 04, 2005

I knew from the start there wasn't anything involving ripping-off or bigotry, but I thought I'd go by the site anyhow. I was even subsribed to the message board... And for less than 24 hours! : D When I my registration for the message board was confirmed, I gave my own personal oppinions. I guess I fit somewhere between the pro and anti crowd (leaning towards the latter), so I made it clear I don't have anything against the bulk of the servicepeople, but I did voice my hatred for officers and military recruiters, my dislike of the UCMJ (the Uniform Code of Military Justice) and the Iraq War. At the same time, I was critical of the webmaster for saying "these morons are in the military because they want to be" and then a back page had an article about some people who are counter-recruiting. (Critical not because of the article, but for calling solders "morons" and how his words and the article formed what I think is a contradiction.) I also voiced my oppinions about the VA (whom the webmaster claims is spoiling veterans; a first time for me!) and a few other things, but the issues of my greatest concerns were addressed in the previous paragraph. If the webmaster is reading this, I would advise you that you're not doing a good job of persuading anyone (myself included), and if you're going to attack an establishment such as the military, you're certainly going to need a better reason than "taxpayer burdeon" (and a lot more than just one reason!), and you better get a good idea of how the military functions (or could function), or else the Forsake The Troops website will just be something who's legacy is most likely to be a spot on the Useless Pages website. (If even they don't consider it too useless for themselves!)


New Orleans,
This is not a rip-off

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, May 02, 2005

As much as I hate to agree with him, Michael is correct in a way. He does have the constitutional right to his opinion, and to put it in writing. He is not ripping off anybody. That being said, I spent 21 years in the Navy, retiring in 1994. I am proud of the time I served, and I do not share the opinion with Michael about the military. It most definateloy is not a waste, and more importantly is essential to ensure our protection, however that may be projected. I should remind Michael that if the has a problem with the military, he should bring it up with the administration in office. There should ONLY support offered to our troops. These are young men and women who have volunteered to serve, to be placed in harm's way, and implement the policy of their superiors. They are you husbands/wives, brothers/sister, sons/daughters, etc. They don't make the rules, they just carry them out. There is a huge difference. And finally, the actual quote is: "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire Jonathan is correct, and Bob was not. Doesn't "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." seem somewhat dumb?

Found God

Michael Lives by the Double Standard

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, May 02, 2005

My oh My, Michael, you rip yourself off when you debase the necessity of the military. Everything you espouse in your web site and your (lame) ROR response is directly due and attributed to the fact that the U.S. Military exists and functions to provide you the RIGHT to post the ridiculous rant that you are FREE to post on the web. You show that ignorance is not based on any criteria besides ignorance! Of course, soon enough, your own freedom to do so will be infringed....Maybe a visit from Homeland Security, or having your domain revoked, or maybe your life threatened directly will set you straight. Or is it that you are Gay, and have been rebuffed by your uniformed fetish prey. You are young, dumb, and you don't have a clue, there will be no sympathy for you at any time. And as you bask in all the attention you are garnered by your ignorant positions (being anti military isn't in itself a bad thing, but not having the intelligence to back your position in a logical manner using critical thinking is, and of course you don't have to address intelligent thinking when you are in control of your web site, but the lack of it shows itself). So enjoy all of this attention while you are free to do so. Myself, on the other hand, will enjoy focusing my time on my family and friends, being thankful for my freedoms, and honor both the living testimonials to freedom, as well as remembering the legacies of those that have given their life so that I have the chance to practice free will. Your web site is a testament to the tolerance this nation has toward ignorance. That may not last much longer. Good Day!


New York,
Forsake The Troops Response

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 01, 2005

I am the owner of the website mentioned in this rip-off report, the site named Forsake The Troops. I find it amusing, somewhat, that my opinion labels me a "rip off". I run a website that does not make any money whatsoever. I pay for my server out of my own pocket. I do not ask for donations, and I do not charge for anything. Therefore, if anyone has a problem with my opinion, I would submit that they can certainly click the "X" in the corner. It's slanderous and inaccurate to call me a "rip off", no matter how disgusting one finds my opinion. Looks like it's free speech until someone disagrees. It's certainly a double standard.


My views on this website. I can say with certainty

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, April 14, 2005

As a 6-year veteran of the USAF, I wish to express my views on this website. While I absolutely do not condone what is contained in it, I do defend "Michael Crook's" right to express his views on the topic. I spent 6 years of my life defending that right, for him and ALL Americans. Personally, I think he is a sicko whackjob (especially if he thinks that an Army wife receiving a false death notice of her husband is "hillarious") who either has no clue what he is talking about, or is trying to play "spin doctor" with the information he provides. I can say with certainty that even with base salary, housing/clothing/food allowances, hazardous duty pay, language pay, etc., I still did not make anything close to what I make today in my civillian job. To all those who have served, or are serving our contry, I say thank you. Thank you for defending the freedoms that my family enjoys today. Even if it means speaking out against those who protect those very freedoms. As far as quotes go, this is the only one that matters: "Freedom is not free."


10 years Eric - oorah!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 14, 2005

Eric, I couldn't be a lifer, they were 400% over in ssgts in my MOS and they wouldn't let me make a lateral move since they were short in Sgts in my MOS. I was thusly caught in the middle and my monitor didn't have an end in sight. So and even though they were offering kids as much as 30K to enlist into certain MOS's, I was kinda screwed by the system. I don't blame the USMC - it just happened. And of course, after 10 years of service in the USMC, the other services wouldn't touch me with the proverbial 10 foot pole - I was deemed to much the Marine! Personally, I thought being deemed too much the Marine was a compliment. I weep on Memorial Day and I stand proud the 4th of July and Veterans Day. Actually I stand proud any chance I get. I have always thought it would be a good thing for all our young men and women to serve 2 years in the military - let them get their feet wet and good or bad, it will change them for the better. Back to Michael Cook - who graduated high school in 1997 and which makes him a whole 26 years old, he was married once and maybe now once again - a whole five months and now he'll probably talk like an expert on marriage. He also attacks the elderly, "I propose that any elderly driver who gets into an at-fault accident which results in serious injury or death should have their license immediately revoked, and lose Social Security benefits, eligibility for organ donations and be forced to pay a substantial financial penalty, as well as a heavy insurance surcharge." His letter to the editor in Syracuse created a number of rather harsh reactions by older Americans. He seems to take great pleasure in jumping on any body and everybody whom he doesn't like. However, I gleefully thank Ed, for having this site and allowing us a place to protect and defend - Thanks Ed.



#18Consumer Comment

Thu, April 14, 2005

I thank each and every individual who has served this great country of ours - Web sites like this are a slap in the face to our brave men and women who serve, and have served, the United States of America - My Grandfather was a German and was a proud member of the United States Army during World War II God Bless Stacey


Bob how many years did you bust your ass in the military

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, April 13, 2005

Good to see you responded. Semper Fidelis brother. I wonder where Melissa from Ludlow, Mass. is? This guy's site is right up her alley. Again thanks to Bob, myself and MANY more like us everyone in this country has that 1st Admendement right that Jonathan thinks so highly of. This may not be a rip off to you, but how many years did you bust your a*s in the military Jonathan? If you said none then it wouldn't be a rip-off to you but people who have and still do this is a HUGE rip-off. Last time I checked we all had history Jonathan you don't have to cut and paste the things you want to say we ALL know what they are and what they mean. Hence me posting on this site about that site. Also this guy's main site all ABOUT him is www.silentmike.us his name is Michael Crook or so he says. He seems a bit young graduated high school in 97, so how the hell would he know how things turn in this world when he's barely 25 himself. He probably made this site out of hate because he tried to join the Military and got shut out for some reason. Who knows, maybe he's just a turd living in his parents basement and wanting to cause hate and discontent! But any who his name and address are out their now so everyone enjoy. LATA


Jonathan, misquotes as he is misguided

#20Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 13, 2005

Actually, Voltair said: "I may not agree with what you say, but to your death I will defend your right to say it" Do you get that phrase "...to YOUR death..." George Bernard Shaw: "Liberty means responsibility." That man and his web site are not very responsible to those men and women who are dying in Iraq. Since you are so into quotes, consider: Thomas Campbell: "The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree." --------OR------- Felix Frankfurter: "We have enjoyed so much freedom for so long that we are perhaps in danger of forgetting how much blood it cost to establish the Bill of Rights." --------OR------- Thomas Jefferson: "The cement of this union is the heart-blood of every American." --------OR------- Bryant H. McGill: "Freedom is not a gift nor does it simply exist for us to have, but rather it is a sacred duty, and its blessed yield of hope is born from none other than the blood of the innocent." --------OR------- Ronald Reagan: "Some people live their entire lifetime and wonder if they ever made a difference to the world. Marines don't have that problem." Apparently Mr. I-am-not-a-patriot has the above problem of wondering what difference they will make in their lifetime. Put your finger in a bucket and pull it back out again, the hole it leaves is the difference his lifetime will make. Concerning our volunteer troops, Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson said, ""The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth." and finally, Daniel Webster said, "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it."


BIG DEAL. People have hated the military since its creation.

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, April 13, 2005

I went to this site and obviously it's another troll looking for attention. I am Active Military and this guy doesn't bug me in the least. People have hated the military since its creation. My service gives him the right to pretty much say whatever he wants, no matter how much we don't like it. You gotta love free speech, most countries I've been to would never let this guy post his webpage. Let it go, life passes too quick to worry about the crap this guy is writing. Don't sweat the small stuff. SUPERSQUID-somewhere in the ocean


Ever heard of free speech?

#22Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 13, 2005

"I disaprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -- Volitaire "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." -- First Amendment of the US Constitution


Not really a rip off but thanks

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, April 13, 2005

Your post isnt really a rip off, but Thank you none the less for pointing out that such a web site or more importantly such a person or thing as I would call the creator of that site exist. If you really feel as wronged as I do about it then do what I did. I just sent the link to the vice president's Email. You can do so by going to whitehouse.gov. If enough people complain about the site I am sure there must be somthing that can be done about it. As a former Infantry man I must say that it sickens me that after we give up everything in our life to fight for the freedom of speach that some gutless coward can turn around be so cold to the people that fight for him. I know freedom of speach cuts off when you advocate the overthrow of the government so maybe there is a way to show that such a website as the one you have shown us is not covered in the freedom of speach.


It's rippin off good solid american citizens and the military.

#24Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 13, 2005

It's rippin off good solid american citizens and the military.


This has nothing to do with a rip off

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, April 12, 2005

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I don't see how this should be a "rip off report".

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