  • Report:  #211640

Complaint Review: Frontier Pharmacy LSM5-us-pay - Weston Florida

Reported By:
- Berkeley, California,

Frontier Pharmacy LSM5-us-pay
Weston, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The site appears too good to be true! Very low prices! The site looks good, the HTML code is very well-developed. It even uses ASP and advanced languages and other tools to make it look professionally done. It advertises prices way lower than any American pharmacy I've been to in person.

After you add to the "shopping cart" -- which is a clever code that looks like it is working, it asks for information. You fill it out, like most other pharmacy sites, but there are many mistakes that stick out. First, it looks like this:

Please list all current medical conditions. Choose "None" if none.

None I will specify

2. Is there anything in your medical history that you consider to be relevant? If yes, please specify. Choose "None" if none.

None I will specify

3. Please list all medications that you plan to take while on this program. Choose "None" if none.

None I will specify

4. Please list all past or present allergies including allergies to any medications. Choose "None" if none.

None I will specify

Now here is the problem. If you choose "I WILL SPECIFY" there is no field for you to do so. You cannot specify anywhere what allergies you have to what medications. You can't specify anything relevant in your medical history like it asks.

You can't even explain the medications you are on in case of a conflict, because they don't have a field for you to answer this question. Yet, IF YOU ANSWER "I will specify" and fill the rest out and then click the button "REVIEW AND CONFIRM ORDER" it will not allow you to go on. It shows errors: YOU MUST SPECIFY answers to questions 1,3, or whatever. Like, it expects you to have written your reply to those questions even though it IS IMPOSSIBLE.

I especially love question 1: "Please list all current medical conditions" -- but there is no field or blank or place to list them. You have no choice but to choose "NONE" or else you can't get past this page in the order process. That should raise a few flags!

So to just speed it along, you can just click NONE to all of the above questions, even if it is a lie and would be a problem with a medication ordered. It doesn't even ASK YOU FOR ANY SYMPTOMS. Isn't that strange? I wanted an anti-anxiety medication (one that I take every day now for 5 years) but they didn't know how long or if I ever took it before.

Shouldn't they ask what my symptoms are? Every other pharmacy site asks for symptoms and details. Other sites also ask if you smoke or drink or do recreational drugs, other important issues that can conflict with medication.

Even after I lied about everything and chose NONE for all my answers, it didn't process my order. I got a server error message stating something about how the shopping cart code was not querying the ASP database or code database properly. Anyway, it was a big fat ERROR message.

No confirmation, no order number given, nothing. JUST AN ERROR. When I used their system to ask if they did indeed still get it, their automated response stated something like, "WE CANNOT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION AT THIS TIME BECAUSE YOU DID NOT PROVIDE A PROPER ORDER NUMBER IN OUR RECORDS..." which is true, because I never got an order number.

At this point I gave up on this site.

HOWEVER, here is where the fraud begins!

They state that there is something called CARD33.COM that will be billed to you for free the first month for $19.95 and will continue to be billed every month after that unless you cancel the membership. What is the membership for? They never say. They offer NO SERVICE with this mysterious billing.

Well, I got a $20.95 billing on my card from a "CHECKCARD 09/15 LSM5-US-PAY.COM 866-2215391" which doesn't sound like "CARD33.COM" to me. This "LSM5-US-PAY.COM" has been linked to Frontier Pharmacy amoung other things, and is based in Cypress, out of the United States (and out of the US juristiction). It wasn't $19.95 either, so that was another lie. I was outraged, because I didn't make an order, yet they went ahead and had enough info to sign me up for their "free" trial membership to this fraud company.

Amazing, after 60 days most banks have a hard time refunding fraudulant activity. Isn't it sweet that the first month is free, but at the end of the second month, finally, the billing starts to show? That is at day #60 you first notice this activity on your card.

I raised hell about it to my bank and spammed Frontier Pharmacy and they refunded the money in full. But why they put me on the list to begin with is fraud. I am lucky to have caught it just in the nick of time. They put my bank in the red. I didn't expect to hear from Frontier Pharmacy again because I never actually got an order to them, no tracking number, no order number, no account, nothing. They also offer "FREE OVERNIGHT SHIPPING" on the website.

I put my doctor's name and info on their site to verify that I indeed get this script monthly anyway, so it couldn't be they rejected me because I wasn't giving them the info they needed (they claim they need that info to verify you are truly a patient). Their web server showed an error and appeared to crash, yet mysteriously, they stole my billing information and used it to forward on to CHECKCARD 09/15 LSM5-US-PAY.COM 866-2215391 to allow them to bill me a monthly fee of $20.95.

Frontier might not be the fraud company, but it is a front to a fraud company. Someone or something is laundering fraud money through them, and they know it.


Berkeley, California

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