  • Report:  #67595

Complaint Review: Galleria MWI - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Lewis Center, Ohio,

Galleria MWI
PO Box 241946 Omaha, 68124-9680 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was contacted on 8/8/03 by a representative from Galleria who offered me a CD player for a 30 day trial discount membership program. I agreed to try the program and was told I needed to cancel before 30 days to avoid a charge on my credit card. I called 27 days after the trial began to cancel the account. About 16 days later a charge appears on my bill for 139.95. I also received rebate coupons which I had not requested that would allow me to receive a refund for groceries, utility bills etc. Not only did I not receive the "premium"--CD player but I was charged despite my explicit instructions to cancel the account.

The supervisor who I insisted on speaking with promised that my credit card would be credited within 2 business day. We shall see...


Columbus, Ohio

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