  • Report:  #66837

Complaint Review: Garrett Motors - Coolidge Arizona

Reported By:
- Cooldige, Arizona,

Garrett Motors
197 N. Arizona Blvd. Coolidge, 85228 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I purchased a 2000 Oldsmoblie Alero back last year in August 2001 I think It was, anyway I've had nothing but problems with it since purchaase date. The salesman said oh you will have a very good warranty but when the cruise control went out a week after I had it Garretts said no warranty I would have to pay to mix it myself $300.00."What"?

Then the brakes go bad I replaced those when the tires still made a funny nosie had to replace rotors too. I've done this 4 times already brakes I mean have been replaced, rotors twice. I even buy lifetime warranty brakes still go bad. Then the window fell on the drivers side kept coming off track until it finally fell repair cost $371.00, then the interior lights that are below the rearview mirror wouldn't turn off I had to unplug it. Then the interior light that is on the inside of the vehicle fell and just hangs by the cable.

The exterior lights, fog, brakes, low tire pressure, etc, stay on, I have had mechanics turn them off they come right back on. then the passenger window came off track then finally fell as I heard the clips fall or something fell inside the door. The back window defrost wire burned leaving a burn mark on my back window. The passenger side mirror shatter as I was driving the city street about 25 miles hour just shattered. Now the vehicle won't start all this in a years time.

I still owe $10,000 on this vehicle I gave up paying it, it's not worth even if it messes up my credit. I'm tired of this we pay out good money and work hard to be burned I don't think so!


Coolidge, Arizona

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