  • Report:  #186053

Complaint Review: GetMyHomesValue.com - Landcaster Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

getmyhomesvalue.com Landcaster, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a call on Friday, March 31, from an agent for getmyhomesvalue.com. She was excited to tell me about a new program being launched in Georgia, tomorrow on the 1st of March. She went though the reading of the proposal and told me about her company's services and told me that although she could not sign me up today, that she would call back tomorrow and sign me up if I was interested. She stated that the length of contract would be three months at a per month fee, and that at the end of the period, I would be allowed to continue on a month-to-month basis. I told her that I would think it over.

The next morning on the way to the gym, I received another call (my home phone auto forwards to my cell). A call again to see if I was interested working with getmyhomesvalue.com. The caller went completely through the reading of the proposal, and I was humored. I assumed that this was the same girl going though the same reading, but I didn't stop her I just figured that she was new and didn't realize I allowed her to finish the reading of the proposal. I said that I would be interested in signing up for the three-month period. She took my credit card info and said that I would be receiving an email and that I needed to sign it and send it back in order to activate my account and get things going. I told her that I was at the gym and would check my email when I got back home. Received a call from girl number one asking if I wanted to sign up and I told her that I just had with whom I though was her.

Got back home. Checked my email. Proposal was NOT as stated. You see, they launched on March 1; therefore, I would be obligated through July 31st four months minus one day. What they were giving me were three months and a prorated March (plus a 30 day pro-ration). I called immediately to cancel. I called and was turned over to Matt Self (Director of Training and Recruiting). I told him that I had checked with the better business bureau and did not like what I saw. I told him that I went out to www.ripoffreport.com and did not like what I saw there either. He said that there were always agents that would be whiners ones that were just getting in the business and would never get a listing, but that an agent like myself, with 18 years experience in the business would not have an issue.

I informed him that I thought that it was deceptive for them to say three months and send over a contract for three months, 30 days. I also informed him (they notify you that for training purposes, calls are recorded) that I had listened to the complete proposal twice from two different girls and neither had mentioned that it was a prorated March plus three months. I told him that he could check the calls and see for himself. He came back with, Ok, we will sign you up for three months only. I told him that due to the deceptive nature of the start up that I would give him a try, but that I wanted it for two months. The three months were what I thought I was getting in the first place. He said no problem, two months it is. Service was going to be stellar and I would be staying on anyway.

Now, I looked at my credit card statement online. They charged me on April 1, 2006 over $1800. I crossed through and initialed the acceptance to the agreement on April 4th, 2006 and sent it back to them. That night after 11:00 pm a bunch of emails came flooding in. Saw it the next morning. Wow. Cool. Then I signed into the website and saw that leads were going back months. None had been confirmed by anyone at getmyhomesvalues.com. Yesterday, I logged on to find that they had removed the lead submitted date, so I couldn't tell how old the leads were. Which leads were new? Nowhere could I date an incoming lead, without shuffling leads over to a folder. Nowhere could I delete the bogus leads so they didn't constantly come up as active leads.

Long story, long, I contacted my credit card company yesterday, April 10th, and disputed the charge. My credit card company requested a copy of everything, including supporting information relating to the poor services they provided. I did so. I also called and requested to speak to Matt Self, and was told he was unavailable. I went to his voice mail and informed him of the situation and emailed him a copy of everything I supplied to the credit card company including the contract, the evidence of charge prior to contract. The evidence of the contract not being signed by all parties, the info gleaned via the better business bureau, and www.theripoffreport.com. I requested that he give me a call.

My email to Matt was as follows (copy and paste):

Your website is an absolute mess. I had a ton of old leads come in and at least it was showing how old they were. Today I logged in to see that you have erased the ability for me to view the time the person registered and that all are considered new leads. I am contacting my credit card company to dispute the charge. I called your customer service number and was informed that they would "fight" the chargeback. If I have any issue with you and your company via this issue, I will file a complaint with the better business bureau and www.ripoffreport.com.

Please let me know if you will honor my request or not.

This morning, April 11, 2006, I received a call from John Redzick (V.P. Sales and Customer Support). He wanted to know the story so I told him the story. Apparently, if a sales girl has an issue, they pass it on to Matt Self if Matt Self gets a call; you get the next heavy hitter in line. At the end of the call, John Redzick asked if I had filed a chargeback (disputed the charge with my credit card company) and I said that yes indeed I had, and had informed Matt of the fact and supplied Matt with everything that I supplied my credit card company. I was informed by John Redzick that at this point our discussion would go no further and he would be turning my account over to his collection department (i.e. We are going to harass you forever).

Matt, being a stand up kind of guy, has still not returned my phone call. Maybe tomorrow. I am posting this here and am going to copy them on it once it goes up. I plan on entering this same warning via the better business bureau as well. I do hope this helps others evaluating the service that this company provides. Good luck to all my fellow realtors out there.



Atlanta, Georgia

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