  • Report:  #67471

Complaint Review: Girls Gone Wild - SYLMAR California

Reported By:
- saint louis, Missouri,

Girls Gone Wild
P.o.box 9231 SYLMAR,CA 91392-9231 SYLMAR, 91392 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This company is sending videos to me all the time with-out my autorization and there are charchaing to my credit-card for someting that I have never order.

I want this to stop


saint louis, Missouri

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Hampshire,
A Few Suggestions: ..go to your bank tell them you no longer authorize this company to take money out of your account

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 24, 2003

I have a few suggestions, this same type of situation has happened to me before, not with this company but books, magazines, tapes etc.. 1: If they are drawing payments from your bank account. go to your bank tell them you no longer authorize this company to take money out of your account. If need be you may have to change your checking account number. 2:. DON'T OPEN THE TAPES!!! Send them right back, unopened, with return to sender put on them. After a few times of this they will get tired of the cost of shipping, and stop sending them to you. 3: Write them a letter stating you no longer want these tapes and will not pay for any you recieve. Send it certfied, return recipt and keep a copy of it. Hope this helps!!

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