  • Report:  #1274504

Complaint Review: Glassbook Magazine - Internet

Reported By:
photographer + agency - NYC, New York, USA

Glassbook Magazine
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Jasmine Glass of Glassbook magazine hired me to do a photoshoot in exchange for a copy of the printed magazine with full credits of the team involved. 

She said Glassbook was a printed magazine in 7 or so fashion capitols which is a total lie.

It is a MADE TO ORDER magazine and she has a website thats not been updated in years.

Glassbook IS NOT PRINT unless she prints one for you! Its facebook and instagram only!

Its simply a digital mag which is fine but Jasmine had to clever audacity to print one up, place it in a news stand window next to Vogue, W and the other big mags so she can fool everyone that its a printed magazine! 

When it came time to for the magazine to hit the news stands she gave me the runaround said it was at all these locations that i checked nearly all of them, over $70 in cab fares and each vendor said they never heard of Glassbook!

An editorial to a photographer can help pay for the photoshoot by selling the credits of the PRINTED STORY in echange for equiptment, rad models, studio time, lighting, food everything for production. For models it means being published. For make up artists, they too can sell the credits for make up. Wardrobe stylists go through hell to gather all this wardrobe from professional showrooms that only lend for print stories, so when there is no printed mag it causes all kinds of problems for all the artists involved.  

She’s lying to everyone telling the world she’s in print and its very valuable for artist to be published.


The entire team involved can sell the credits in the magazine in exchange for all kinds of goods and services which leaves all the artists empty handed when the story actually doesn’t get published in print!

She’s using artists selling them lies and had the nerve to contact my agency to book me! 

She keeps foward dating WHEN the mag will be out then lies and says "oh they mustbe sold out" or sold out in every country!" until finally most of us forget and move on. 

My agency and I are reporting her to immigration. 

This lady is taking advantage of Americans and international artists everywhere. 

Glassbook is NOT distributed all over the world! ITS an instagram and facebook mag. 

Stop scamming people and be responsible so we all know what we are getting into!


7 Updates & Rebuttals

J Glass

New York ,
New York,

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 26, 2017

When I came here to respond the first time, I was unaware of the fact that the person who wrote these slanderous, and primarily false accusations, is the same person who had violently attacked me just a couple of weeks earlier. I was quite baffled reading these statements because I have zero recollection of having such a negative dialogue with anyone that would warrant such an aggressive attack on my character.

However, after being stalked and harassed by this same person, using a variety of platforms and aliases, I now feel very confident that I know exactly who wrote this, and they are misrepresenting themselves. They have not, and will not ever contribute to glassbook. Rather, these ongoing attempts to destroy my reputation, my livelihood etc. have all been in an effort to scare me into stopping the pursuit of justice through the appropriate legal channels. I would rather not waste any more time than I already have over these last 13 months of dealing with police and other legal counsel, but since this specific attack is of a very public nature, I feel it is necessary to share my side of the story, to provide clarity. It’s very unfortunate that I would have to write about something that has been traumatizing, and which is very personal in nature, on a platform such as this, but it seems to be the only way. 
I have contacted Ripoff Report and they confirmed what I already knew. People submitting these claims do not have to back them up with any evidence. They can say whatever they want, and even when the other party is able to provide supporting documents to disprove the statements, they will not remove the post unless you pay for their arbitration services. So although I have offered to show them a lot of legal documents that back up my statements regarding the irrelevance of this complaint, which is riddled with ulterior motives, they have advised that my only option other than arbitration is to respond publicly here.
Also, I'm not going to publicly post images of my multiple restraining orders and piles of police reports for harassment, stalking, cyber attacks, hacking etc here, since aside from the assault case itself, these cases are ongoing and therefor I am obligated against discussing them openly. But if anybody wants to contact me directly about this, I would be more than happy to show the evidence I have to discredit these malicious accusations. 
The *only* further statement I will make in regards to this thread, is about the screen shot of the image that was apparently “stolen" from EVU. First of all, if someone was going to steal someone else's work, do you think they would post about it before-hand and tag them? That would be very stupid indeed. It was an honest miscommunication, wherein I took the word of someone who was involved in the shoot, stating that we had been granted a few images from the story to publish alongside an interview about someone featured in the images. I have never, and will never, proceed with printing something until I have written consent from the person who created the images. I merely posted a screen shot out of excitement in the meantime. The producer had not been included in the initial decision made, and he did not get along with the person who granted me rights to publish the images, so he was surprised and pissed off by seeing the image on our instagram. I did what any respectful person would have done, and deleted the image the moment I saw the comment, inboxed him to get his number, then called him to apologize and hear his side of the story. We talked for quite awhile and I can assure you he had no problem with me, and was only upset at the person who told me I could publish the images, without asking him first. It turns out he and I have a mutual friend and she vouched for me as well and said it was an honest mistake. Still, I learned a lesson after the first time I posted something even just on instagram without getting official permission from the photographer, and I won’t do it again. I am not perfect, I am human and I’m learning more and more about how to be a great Editor as I go along, but I am not dishonest, I’m not a scam artist, and I don’t appreciate being painted with that brush. It’s incorrect. 
I will not be back on this thread. I refuse to play these games and do not want to invite further unnecessary negativity into my life. I have given my side of the story, and now I will go back to working hard on projects that are important to me, with people I care about.
I will let the police, and your karma take care of you from this moment onward.


more lies

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, June 09, 2016

the lies continue, new issue is online only, LIES LIES, here it is


PLUS u keep stealing photorgaphers HARD WORK



Report Attachments


#4Author of original report

Tue, December 22, 2015

Not sure why the screenshot did not upload in the last but here it is.

Across all your social media YOU told US:

2nd issue is on the news stands early 2015 and now here your wrote

"Once again, I am sorry for the delay in release of the second print issue of GLASSbook. -Jasmine Glass" December 2015? 

Two second issues? 

Get it together and be a responsible person and stop lying and scamming artists!


Report Attachments

The best thing about telling the truth is that YOU DONT HAVE TO REMEMBER WHAT LIE YOU TOLD TO WHO!

#5Author of original report

Mon, December 21, 2015

The best thing about telling the TRUTH is that YOU DONT HAVE TO REMEMBER WHAT LIE YOU TOLD TO WHO! 

Or in your case, WHERE you told WHAT lie to who. 

YOU JUST PROVED YOU LIED here on RIPOFF REPORT! See the screemshots for yourself!

You're saying this is your 2nd print issue but on your public newsfeed(s) early this year you said your second issue was "OUT ON THE NEWS STANDS" in March or Feb 2015. As usual you didnt disclose any location sharing with anyone where specifically they can buy Glassbook causing everyone to run around looking for their story published in print except it is NOT DISTRIBUTED IN PRINT Internationally (UNLESS YOU SEND ONE COPY TO THEM)

I know the model and the Model Agency you said would be on the cover for spring issue which also never came out, even though you said it was out on your public feeds! See the screenshots! 

You're a Liar! Youre USING all the Artists WORKS on instagram and Facebook lying to THEM TO PROMOTE YOURSELF and YOUR brand. 

Now your having a benefit for children to upgrade your website since i posted this. I applaud you NOT!


My agent also contacted the Better Business Beaureu and You or your company are not listed in the USA as a company and he doubts you have a tradmark or copright to protect all the artists working FOR Glassbook. Also do you have an international work VISA? 

Youre here in the USA doing international business yet have no known legitamate address, phone # or office. 


See the screenshots!

I could post a flood of more screenshots where its obvious youre making a lot of this up but this is boring and annoying to have to deal with. The ONLY reason I made this post was in hope that you shape up to be who you say you are and stop scamming PEOPLE! 

All the developing artists, models , personalities and agencies really believe they are being published and you SCAM them for your own advance. This has nothing to do with hate. This is about justice and fairness to innocent fellow creatives globally. 

I feel very sorry for all the artists youre lying to that work for days, weeks thinking they will be pulished in print for you're own thrills , social advancement and self promotion.  

Shame on You!


Jasmine Glass

Brooklyn ,
New York,
Photo of GLASSbook on our distributors website

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 18, 2015

Here is a screenshot that was taken moments ago from Pineapple Media's website. It lists GLASSbook as a client. They distributed our premiere print issue late last year to 17 countries, and they have just distributed our Fall issue to many countries as well. We are on sale in London, Paris, Milan, etc. 

Please see attached photo and feel free to contact Christine Woodford (my contact at Pineapple Media) for more detailed information about our distribution. She can confirm that there was a delay in the release, but that the issue is now on newsstands. We have already received multiple photos from various retailers, as well as people who went to newsstands to buy copies.


Report Attachments

Jasmine Glass

Brooklyn ,
New York,

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 18, 2015

 To clarify, we WERE a print on demand magazine for 2 years when the website launched. We moved to newsstand print late last year. Also, we have taken a break from online publishing until our new website launches in a week or two. We have been saving editorials to publish with the launch of the new site, to help drive traffic to it. Both very legitimate business proceedings for a growing publication/brand.

Jasmine Glass

Brooklyn ,
New York,
Uneducated opinion from a place of anger

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, December 18, 2015

Hello,  Please contact Pineapple Media in the UK so they can confirm our distribution. You are speaking from a place of ignorance, and your opinion and statements are incorrect. There was a delay in the issue of the Fall print issue. It's out now. Sorry for the wait. Sometimes these things take time. We are an indie publication with a very small staff and limited funding. We are NOT however, a scam/facebook magazine. Our last issue was on newsstands in 17 countries. That information can also be confirmed by contacting our distributor. Please remove your report, or we will take legal action for public slander/defamation of character. You have no legal grounds to stand on in your complaint, and your inaccurate report could do harm to my business. I have worked VERY hard to build the GLASSbook brand, and to put us on newsstands, so I will protect it with every ounce of my energy and resources. Once again, I am sorry for the delay in release of the second print issue of GLASSbook. -Jasmine Glass

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