  • Report:  #47473

Complaint Review: GLOBAL FINANCIAL - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- McHenry, Illinois,

2625 Piedmont Rd Suite 310 Atlanta, 30324 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Global Financial - Seth Miller Ext.7054 @770-225-0245 Rip-off

I to was caught up in this credit card scam. As I am in the process of repiaring my credit.

Though I was already sceptical of this offering I thought I would give Seth Miller the benifit of the doubt. This was around 02-17-03 as of today 03-01-03 I had not received any info from Global Financial.

My worst fears were confirmed when I went on-line today to look up this company and found this site and global financial was listed as a rip-off company.

After reading a couple of testaments I have called my bank to put a stop payment on the check dated to be pulled from my acount in a few days, with any luck this will end my association WITH THIS RIP-OFF COMPANY!!!!!

Thank You Julie, Thank You Jennifer, Thank You Erica for your HONESTY in reporting your dis-reputible companies, I hope you all find better employment in the future.

I also will be reporting this company (GLOBAL FINANCIAL-ATLANTA, GA AND SETH MILLER/ASSOC.) to the Illinois Better Business Bureau.


McHenry, Illinois

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