  • Report:  #1144699

Complaint Review: Global Infection Control Consultants LLC / PathAway - Bluffton South Carolina

Reported By:
Keith Ragano - Las Vegas, Nevada,

Global Infection Control Consultants LLC / PathAway
PO Box 3407 Bluffton, 29910 South Carolina, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

The first red flag was during our negotiations. Mr. Tom Marcello of GICC, LLC was acting as an attorney for this company but failed to mention he was not. We discovered he is not a licensed attorney rather a consultant for the company. Due to his lack of legal expertise, additional legal expenses were incurred on our end going back & forth with the terms of the Agreement far too many times than it would have took with a licensed attorney.

We gave these guys a serious down payment for an exclusive Agreement. When we started to order product, they could not fufill the smallest orders. We actually lost a client due to GICC, LLC.'s lack of ability to supply product within an agreed upon & reasonable time-frame. We were told many mistruths relating to certain shipping issues which allegedly delayed our shipment of product & when we followed up with these alleged shipping errors, we found out they were fabricated stories as we talked directly to the shipping company (a local, small firm).

We asked for specific testing documentation from Mr. Martin & Kevin Martin in order to close a deal with a very large company with multiple locations. They could not provide the adequate documentation that we requested. They do not have any credible US agency's testing documentation & were unable to provide any real, valid documentation. Their story behind this is a good one how the EPA does not test "natural products" EPA exempt, FDA exempt, yet untrue. They simply do not have the funds to pay for such testing & it is my opinion that even if they had the funding, they would not move forward with the testing as their "product" is not what they claim it is. They take their own before & after tests which is completely unethical as the testing can be manipulated in any way in which the individual performing the tests wants to manipulate the readings. They take the samples collected & send them to an independent 3rd party laboratory. They do not have independent groups physically collecting the samples to ensure the sampling is accurate & true & then that company should send samples off to a 3rd party laboratory which is the most accurate & professional way of performing these tests.

We were told before we signed our Agreement & during the course of our agreement, that Mr. Art Martin was going over to Saudi Arabia next month to close a deal with the Prince, then it was dragged out to the following month, then the next month, then the next month. He never ended up going over to Saudi Arabia during the length of our Agreement. This obviously was a ploy to get our agreement completed with him & receive our money as he kept dangling the Saudi carrot in front of us. GICC, LLC. also violated our NCND Agreement in several ways which is completely unethical & illegal. Due to our current lawsuit against them, I cannot divulge any additinoal information relating to this.

GICC LLC failed to perform every facet of our Agreement therefore we have demanded our deposit back & refuse to complete our end of the Agreement which is to give them additional funding. They now refuse to answer any calls, emails & texts. The last communication by their VP Kevin Martin was very unprofessional & displayed his immaturity & lack of business experience. This is a struggling mom & pop company operating out of their garage. Had we known this prior to, we would have never entertained an agreement with them. My group continued to try & work with these guys to get the additioanl info needed & help in any aspect needed to make the Agreement work & move forward with business. Once I made it clear we were not going to give them any additional funding until we were comfortable with the red flags that kept popping up, they all disappeared. As far as my group is concerned, these guys are professional & very believable Snake Oil Salesman. If their product truly did what they claim it does, how come it is not in 1 single US property? How come it is not on every cruise ship? Airplane? Airport? School? Hospital?

I would strongly advise against giving these guys a penny or I can assure you it will end up in litigation as we are trying to recover money that we now feel was stolen by their acts of defrauding & misrepresenting their company, it's assets, it's affiliates & it's products. 

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Joe DiLeo

Las Vegas,
RETRACTION of Complaint against Global Infection Control Consultants LLC / Pathaway

#2Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2014

I posted Report #1144699 on May 7, 2014, regarding Global Infection Control Consultants ("GICC"), PathAway, Arthur Martin and Kevin Martin (the "Report") under the name of Mr. Keith Ragano. Mr. Ragano did not post the Report. I regret and wish to retract the contenet of that Report I made under Mr. Keith Ragano's name, and of my rebuttal that was posted under my name on May 14, 2014 ("Rebuttal"). Please note that the statements in the Report and the Rebuttal are hereby retracted and it should be considered as though these statements were never posted. 

Arthur Martin

South Carolina,

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 10, 2014

I posted a rebuttal to Report #1144699 on May 7th, 2014 ("Rebuttal"). I regret and wish to retract the content of the Rebuttal. Please note that the statements in the Rebuttal are hereby retracted and it should be considered as though these statements were never posted.

Kevin Martin

North Carolina,

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, November 10, 2014

I posted a rebuttal to Report #1144619 on May 9th, 2014, regarding Joseph DiLeo (the "Rebuttal"). I regret and wish to retract the content of that Rebuttal. Please note that the statements in the Rebuttal are hereby retracted and it should be considered as though these statements were never posted.

Joe DiLeo

Las Vegas,
Litigation Time Gents

#5Author of original report

Wed, May 14, 2014

I regretfully have to inform you Art & Kevin that I can no longer inform the general public of what type of businessmen & people you two are as my legal counsel has advised against any further communication with you as we are filing litigation in both South Carolina as well as Nevada against Global Infection Control Consultants LLC & PathAway. Once I win litigation, I will then let the public know & prove to the global masses that my statements were true & accurate. This all could have been avoided had you conducted yourselves appropriately & ethically involving our contract & your dealings with me. My realtor is looking for property in South Carolina for me to purchase so I am comfortable during the duration of litigation. Thankfully, I can operate my business' from anywhere in the country. Thank you for your time gents. 

Kevin Martin

North Carolina,
Genuine pity felt for Mr. DiLeo

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, May 09, 2014

This is an interesting complaint against our company in many aspects. The most important is that Mr. Keith Ragano did not file this report and he is quite furious that his name is on it. It was filed by Mr. Joseph DiLeo of Las Vegas. He did not have the moral courage to put his own name on the complaint.

Mr. DiLeo’s company entered into a legally binding agreement with our company to represent us as a distributor of our product. That legally binding agreement was breached by Mr. DiLeo when he could not provide the monies agreed to in the contract. In an effort to help him so that he would not lose his non-refundable deposit we extended the term of the agreement an additional 30+ day. He still could not meet his obligations

His compliant is filled with lies, untruths and mischaracterizations about our company and those involved. Mr. DiLeo is somewhat of a nefarious character, as we learned after our agreement had been written. To get an idea of what kind of person he is simply click the following link: http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Joseph-DiLeo-Creepy-Date-Las-Vegas/internet/Joseph-DiLeo-Creepy-Date-Las-Vegas-Obsessive-Creepy-Date-Internet-1066661 

We are concerned about our safety and well-being because when we went to Las Vegas to meet with Mr. DiLeo and his partners, one of which is in fact Mr. Ragano, Mr. DiLeo has a habit of riding around with a loaded firearm in full view in the center console of his vehicle. Is this the behavior of a stable individual entertaining potential business clients for the first time? Our attorney is also on notice that should any of us be victims of “random violence” knowing the state of mind of Mr. DiLeo, he will be the first one they look at.

I would gladly like to refute several of Mr. DiLeo’s false claims: 

1)   Regarding our product as “snake oil”: We have independent verification that our product is in fact exempt from EPA registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. Reg. 40 CFR 152.25 (g) (1). All ingredients comply with EPA Section 25(b) and are USA FDA GRAS (generally regarded as safe) with no residue. All ingredients also comply with 7 CFR 205.601(m)(1)(4A) and 40 CFR 180.950 and are listed on NOP List of Allowed and/or Prohibited Substances as FDA GRAS (generally regarded as safe) Resolutions. Our product also has Halal Certification as per IFANCA Certificate No. GLO.7980.130001. UPC Code 9‐20030 00000 2, dated 3 April 2013. We have full New Zealand EPA approval of our product as well as approval as a No Rinse Sanitizer by the New Zealand Food Safety Authority. Our product has also just been issued a BioGrow certification number, which is the New Zealand body recognized by the USDA as one of 29 international organizations complying with USDA level Certified Organic status, which means we will be able to put the USDA Certified Organic symbol on our product within a few weeks. We have also just received approval from the California State EPA on our product’s “exception from registration” status, and will post a copy of the document on CA EPA letterhead on our website shortly. And if you go to our website, you will see PDFs from several independent laboratories who have tested our product via EPA methodology to verify its efficacy against pathogens; we have legitimate INDEPENDENT verification that it is effective on contact against E.colo, CDIFF, and MRSA, among other pathogens. The reason we do not have our product in every hotel, cruise ship, hospital, etc. is because we focus the vast majority of our business dealings in the overseas market; Mr. DiLeo’s team came to us with interest in the domestic market and only at that point did we pay it attention on a large scale. He told us he has his system operating in 40+ casinos, which we now know is a lie.

2)    Tom Marcello: We never presented our business development manager Tom Marcello as an attorney, and Mr. DiLeo knows this. We introduced him as Tom Marcello, our business development manager. Mr. Marcello advises us on contact negotiations, as he has negotiated several multimillion dollar contracts between business entities and some of the largest public sector unions in New York City. He holds 2 doctorates (NYU and Rutgers) and had has taught at Columbia University; we did not need an attorney for this, and I think Mr. DiLeo is upset that he wasted $12,000 of his own money on one. Mr. DiLeo turned sour on Mr. Marcello when he complained that the stress of everything was taking a toll on his health and Mr. Marcello noted that these excuses/complaints had nothing to do with the contract.

3)    Regarding shipping of product: We were emailed forms to fill out for shipping of product via currier by Mr. DiLeo’s partner Gene. We filled out the form sent to us, as instructed, and arranged for pickup. The product ended up sitting in a warehouse for a week before finally shipping out to its destination. This was not our problem, we simply filled out the forms that were given to us.

4)    The Saudi carrot: Mr. DiLeo was given a copy of our agreement with a Saudi conglomerate during our original meeting. There were zero promises of “amount of business” Mr. DiLeo would get and when he would get it. He chose to take the risk of signing a contract for an agreed amount of money, while crossing his fingers enough business would come to him before the deadline to pay. He also failed to secure his own contracts with some large casinos that he thought would generate enough revenue quickly enough to pay us within the allotted time. Mr. DiLeo conversely made lofty promises of elite level clients in Dubai that they were signing mega deals with, and that they were making the trip over there to finalize everything. It has been almost 1 year and he still has not made the trip, while we have been back to Saudi with our business partners twice in that time.

5)    Demanding his deposit back: Mr. DiLeo knows that the contract he signed states that if the agreement was breached within the first year, the deposit was non-refundable. He has been served with a notice from our attorney on the MULTIPLE ways in which he breached the contract. He knows he has no legal leg to stand on regarding “demanding” it back. If he did, he wouldn’t be posting his grievances on the Ripoff Report.

6)    Unethical business practices: Mr. DiLeo owns/runs a restoration business called LV Restoration, Inc. On their website, you can see them explain how they do mold inspections via sampling, determine the contamination levels and scope of work based on sample results, and then perform mold remediation. This is the very definition of “conflict of interest” and this practice is actually illegal in several states (California, NJ, NY, LA, TX, to name a few). An independent 3rd party inspection firm should come in to perform sampling and write a scope of work. Otherwise, the door to corrupt practices is open; the company performing mold remediation should never write their own scope of work for obvious reasons. Business a bit slow? Maybe you leave the drying equipment in an extra day. You see what I mean? Mr. DiLeo is the last person who should be accusing others of unethical business practices.

Mr. DiLeo can whine all he likes about how “unprofessional” my last letter to him was (which it wasn’t). He can also claim all he likes that I lack business experience; yet he is the person who agreed to pay a large sum of money he did not have to begin with. Most hilarious is Mr. DiLeo’s claim that we are a mom-and-pop business operating out of our garage—when in fact our visit to Las Vegas to see Mr. DiLeo’s operation took us exactly to, you guessed it, his garage where he had all his product and his system tinkering setup. We saw no office.

The one that really stands out is his claim that we lost him a client. Mr. DiLeo lost that on his own in December of 2013 when equipment he installed would not function properly. We offered our engineering expertise to help but were never taken up on it. We have spoken to the people from the property and were told his system was never working properly for more than a short period of time and they had to shut it down; that it’s basically only good for parts.

Fact: Mr. DiLeo signed a legally binding agreement and we kept our end of the bargain. It is not our fault he could not come up with the remaining money in order to execute the contract. He has received a notice from our attorney detailing his breach of contract and notice of his non-refundable deposit not being returned.

In light of recent cases where an Amazon client successfully sued someone who posted an untrue negative review of their product we have been in discussion with our own attorney about such a suit. The complaint posted by Mr. DiLeo is malicious, false, misleading and since he filed it under a false name, totally illegal. The issue is that Mr. DiLeo is a poor business man, has apparently had failing ventures, including assuring us that a system he wanted us to sell was his invention.  We would sue but Mr. DiLeo doesn’t have anything of value we could secure in a civil suit. Perhaps the biggest irony for Mr. DiLeo is that if we do sue him we will be paying our attorney with his nonrefundable deposit.

We continue to serve our global clients with the same integrity that is the hallmark of our business.


South Carolina,
Sour grapes

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 07, 2014

Mr Ragano and his partners could not keep their end of a legal agreement. His retort was to write a bogus claim.

We stand by 40+ years of global service to our clients. Our own attorney is takig this under advisement.

We are here ot continue to provide quality service to everyone.

Arthur V. Martin. President

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