  • Report:  #163853

Complaint Review: Haas Psychiatric Services - Maumelle Arkansas

Reported By:
- Sherwood, Arkansas,

Haas Psychiatric Services
2001 Club Manor Drive Maumelle, 72113 Arkansas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I went to Haas psychiatric services due to anxiety and stress that is causing me to lash out with my anger sometimes. Dr. David Haas gave me 4 types of medicine. They were Depakote, Lexapro, Equitrol, and Klonopin. After taking the Depakote, it made me even more agitated and I told Dr. Haas. His response: keep taking the pills anyway. Then he gave me more pills. Pills, pills, pills. Doesn't anybody talk anymore? All they do is give you pills and think your problems will go away.

At any rate, after going to this Dr. repeatedly asking him to give me something that did not amplify my problems to the tenth power, I ended up losing one of my jobs. I was making almost $14 an hour part time at nights. I was doing this for extra money for my wife and 1 year old son.

I told him that the medicine was making me even more hostile and that I could not be held responsible for whatever negative effects the medicine made me do. It made me very anxious and very hostile. All of theses medicines did this. The only execption is the Klonopin, which just f#$%ed me up so bad that I did not care about anything. It also made me very forgetful and confused. I told the Dr. and he just said to take it. I ended up losing my job because we were told not to wear shorts and I put a note on the complaint board basically saying that who cares if the part time night people wear shorts--who sees us at night anyway? I also said that if whoever complained about shorts minded their own business, they would not pay attention to the fact that I wear shorts there at night when only 2 or 3 other people were at work (in shorts as well).

The stupid note cost me my job when the joke of a boss saw it. But, I would have not written that note if something had not put me in the frame of mind to be angry. If I had not been taking all of those medicines, I would not have been so worried about the deal with the shorts. I told that stupid Dr. (if that's what you want to call him) what had happened, and he gave me this 4 sentence note to give my boss. All it said was that I had been on new medication which could have side effects and that he would appreciate them reinstating me. This has yet to occur and I am sufffering extremely from it.

That ended my dealings with Dr. Haas, but not his clinic. My counselor told me that I needed not to deal with him, but instead to deal with a woman there by the name of Linda Davis.

So, I made an appointment and told alot about my past that nobody else on this planet knows about. I trusted this woman with my heart, and then she screwed me over big time.

In a nutshell, my wife is insulin dependant diabetic. Since the birth of our son, she has had about 60 (no exaggeration) ER and/or ambulance visits due to insulin reactions and extremely low blood sugar. I had to reschedule about 5 appointments as a result--how can I go to the hospital with my wife, take care of my son, and be at her office simultaneously? Well, I am not triplets or twins, and I have no clones out there that I know of. My point is that I could not make it due to a MEDICAL EMERGENCY. So, I called each time. The last time this happened, I was supposed to be in her office at 7:45 am and I called 911 for my wife at 7:31 the same morning to reschedule.

Well, when I finally made it to my appointment, shock number 1 was that I was written down for not 1, but 2 no-shows and was charged $190 for this!!! I called everytime and told them what was up. I have proof that I was at the hospital, but they did not want to hear it.

Then, Linda Davis yelled at me for an hour. Because I had to reschedule appointments due to all of my wife's ER visits!!! She would not even let me talk. I fianally had to tell her to shut up and let me talk. I have never seen such an unprofessional person in my life!!! She chewed me up and spit me out because I had to go to the hospital to be with my wife and I also had to care for my son!!! Her LCSW license is a joke and whoever gave it to her must have been drunk and on crack when they did. A normal person would understand, but not that selfish b***h. She had no compassion for me whatsoever, so now I am having none for her. I want to let the entire world know how badly my experience has been with the Haas psychiatric services, with Dr. David Haas, and especially with Linda Davis.

When I left, that Linda Davis called me "pumpkin". I felt like turning into a Jack-O-Lantern on her at that point. The ugly, fake secretary said I could not leave without giving them something, so I gave them a check that was not to be deposited for a few weeks. Then, they said I had to pay them a $20 co pay--for listening to her tell me for an hour about my inability to be at her office and the hospital at the same time. What a rip-off. That is the most uncaring fake people I have ever seen. They give you pills and that's it. No concern and uderstanding. I mean, I go to this woman pouring my heart out and trying to get to the root of my problems, and all she can do is fuss because she was so inconvienenced. How selfish and unprofessional. How about how I feel--after all, I am the patient, not her!!!

No, she did not care and did not acknowledge my wife's diabetes. I have stewed about this for a few weeks and now I am really mad at her. I have no choice but to let the world know because I do not want any one else to suffer from them like I have. They have wasted my time, wasted my money, cost me one job, and now they think I am going to give them more of my money. I am going to call the American Psychological Association, and anyone else concerned if I do not get some act right out of them immediately. I will look into malpractice as well. All I want is for them to make the measly $190 no-show charges go away. And, I want to never think about them again.

And that's it. Not a big request, considering how badly and unprofesionally I was treated. Of course, if they want to give me more grief, I am ready for combat. They will not do this to other people and they will not try to rip me off with these no-show charges. They know that I called and that Linda Davis is just trying to punish me because she is that selfish. She is concerned with only how she feels and obviously is in total disregard for my feelings. She wouldn't even let me explain the situation. She was so arrogant and thought she knew everything. I just wish I could see her arrogant face when she reads this. I told her very personal things about my life and I take it very personally that I was done so wrong by someone I had so much trust and faith in. She is a big disappointment and I do not want anyone else to be done that way. I am not above standing out in the street in the public Right of Way with a sign saying "Do not Go Here"

All I ask is for them to forget about me and I will forget about them. But, I sure hate it for them if they remind me of how mad I am at them and try to make me pay that money. They will not take my money for services rendered because no services were rendered. I do not pay people to b***h me out for an hour. If I wanted that, I would go find someone who hates me or something--at least it would be free that way.

Ripoffreport.com, you have helped me before, so please help me again. You are a lot more help than Linda Davis, but then again, so is the average dead dog.


Sherwood, Arkansas

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Same ole same ole

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, August 10, 2017

 I really don't know where to begin. I guess I will start by saying don't go here. The last time I visited this place, a therapist named Linda chased me out of the office screaming "are you suicidal?! I need you to sign this form!" In front of the office workers and other patients. She was screaming at me because I had just told her how terrible she was as a therapist. I was telling her how terrible she was as a therapist because she had just spent several tense minutes screaming at me and talking down to me because I had canceled an appointment and then scheduled a different appointment. She was accusing me of being a no-show which was not the case. She was screaming at me about this because she had not given me time to explain that my wife had lost our unborn baby and that we were at the hospital. She started berating me as soon as I stepped in her door, giving me no time to explain. After the first couple of moments of this I flipped on my phone's recorder and recorded the harassment. I later called Dr. Haas and explained that I had canceled my appointment and that I had an audio recording of this also along with a recording of Linda going berserk in front of the entire office.

His office workers failed to take the appointment out of the system. He apologized for both instances but his office still sent me a bill for this session which I was compelled to walk out on because of the treatment. I played the recording of Linda for some other mental health professionals and they suggested that I report her to the board, but I am instead choosing to write this review. This place is a for profit business and business is good for them, however, they will receive no more from me. I later discussed this event with my mother who had seen Linda in the past and she said that was not the first time Linda had been unprofessional. My mother told me that one day a group of men was walking by when they were going back to the room for her session and Linda made a comment "be careful, those are all a bunch of sex addicts here for therapy". My mother thought that this was absurd for her to talk about someone's personal issues so outspokenly since she is supposed to be HIPAA compliant. It caused my mother to question whether she did the same toward her after she left her appointment. Again, search for a great therapist, do your homework and find an office staff that doesn't hide behind a glass wall unless you are handing them a check or a clipboard.

Report Attachments


I had my share of corruption towards Psychiatrists

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 13, 2006

Chris and Brenda, I do apologize for having this happen to you. I myself is a consumer of Psychiatry and trust me I had my share of corruption towards Psychiatrists. All of the psychiatrists that I had went to all wanted to shove pills down my throat and they were very successful at it too. They did not even offer me any therapy service, other then asking me several questions (guess they were giving me their special diagnoses?) I can remember when I was talking about my personal problems to a psychiatrist all he did was going was writing something down on his book and was totally ignoring me. Maybe I'm asking too much but when I talk to people, especially to a professional about my problems, I require direct eye contact with me, eye to eye. What I suggest that the both of you guys do is the next time when you go to a psychiatrist, Do a complete interview with them? Remember you're the BOSS in this game. You can ask as many questions as you can even think of. There are really no stupid or dumb questions. I really hope this helps.


It feels good to know that someone out there understands

#4Author of original report

Fri, November 11, 2005

Thanks, Brenda. It feels good to know that someone out there understands. I am sorry that your husband is going through such a similar experience and I hope that things get better. If more people out there were in touch with the feelings of others, the world would be a better place. I would probably be upset if my counselor fell asleep on me. I would probably wake them up and tell them that I am leaving and to go back to sleep now--sort of like when Moe wakes up Curly and tells him to "wake up and go to sleep". I called that Dr.'s office today and told them that we could go about getting my $190 check back 1 of 2 ways: they could simply give it back to me or I would make phone calls to various agencies and report them and then get them to get it back for me. This seemed to indicate to them that I am not an idiot, I am not going to take it, and that I am seriosly not playing with them. It was amazing how quickly they told me that they would work with me the easy way and not force me to get the BBB the APA and a few other choice organizations on their butts. I can go pick up the check and forget they exist. But at the same time, I hope to have prevented others from visiting their little romper room establishment. I also officially cancelled a future appointment and told them that I was going to go find a Dr. that did not need a DR. more than I do!


I understand

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, November 09, 2005

My husband has been having a similar experience. He made the mistake of going to this quack, who fell asleep when my husband was pouring his heart out!! The medications he prescribed made him worse and when I called about trying something new, he just blew me off. My husband subsequently had a major breakdown. He has been billing us for the amount the insurance did not pay, and I finally wrote him a letter, addressed personal, so HE would get it. I suggested since he took a nap during the session and totally blew my concerns off, he should do one thing right and quit billing us for the rest of the money. It has been a month or so and no bill again.

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