  • Report:  #45132

Complaint Review: Premier One - Idaho Falls Idaho

Reported By:
- Weston, Colorado,

Premier One
510 East 17thStreet Suite167 Idaho Falls, 83404 Idaho, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In July 2002 I was promised a Mastercard, instead I was sent a package, and $149.00 was taken out of my account along with an additional $25.00 to go on to the card I never received. After numerous calls and speaking with operator 002 I was promised a return call within 48 to 72 hours. That was back in October 2002. I'm not holding my breath. I have called the number given for Premier One and I get a constant busy signal. Information in Idaho has NO hard number for these folks. I have written and received no return communication. THIS COMPANY IS A RIPPOFF!!!!. Beware, I will take action and suggest

that others in my same situation ban together.


Weston, Colorado

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