  • Report:  #45483

Complaint Review: HMS Blue - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Bellevue, Washington,

HMS Blue
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was reconciling my bank statement and found a charge for $61.02. I called the bank they gave me the number of this company and their name.

When I called HMS Blue they said they had sent me a prepaid phone card in the mail. If I had not cancelled in 30 days they would charge my account.

I sell long distance myself and do not believe in prepaid cards. Furthermore, no one in my office remembers that coming in the mail. I'd like to know how they got my bank account number, name and address.

When I asked the person at HMS Blue she said "It's not illegal to issue someone credit" so I asked her "oh is it illegal to debit someones bank account without their permission"? She responded with giving me a confirmation number for crediting back my bank account. However, she was not willing to put it in writing.


Bellevue, Washington

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