  • Report:  #2471

Complaint Review: Home Deport - Alabama

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Home Deport
Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I used to work for Home Depot about 2 years ago, and one day decided to up and leave. I stuggled as a cashier to gain respect from the "managers" day in and day out. my supervisor, who ended up getting caught in fraud on the job, used to schedule me while i was in school, even though repeatedly she was told when i could work. The managers were very unprofessional.

Also, the stores are run by male pigs. There are virtually no women managers and sexual harrassment is rampant. Ive witnessed horrific treatment to women and minorities daily. One time I was on a product knowledge walk, and the manager who was giving it kept following this black customer, because he said " there was no need for a black kid to want to buy a trash bucket, they tend to steal you know".

My boyfriend just left home depot also, because of the racist comments by employees and managers who tend to bleed orange. but one of the worst memories i have as a home depot employee was

having to do the stupid home depot cheer during a store meeting. they humiliated me making me feel like a cheerleader for home depot.

if anyone is considering working for HD, look elsewhere!!!!!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

C. J.

Steps for employees of Home Depot

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, April 23, 2003

For all employees of Home Depot or any other association who are in this situation, you must report what is going on right when it happens. Unfortunately, the managers and other employees who foster these type of feelings and actions need to know that you as an employee feel uncomfortable when they do these things. Complaining about it 2 years later will do absolutely nothing. You need to focus on what is happening that is making you or others uncomfortable, tell the person who is the instigator what they are doing and that you don't agree, document with a witness what has occurred and follow up. If the managers of the store do not follow through properly, you must then call the corporate office and file an official complaint. Keep records of all calls made and keep calling until something is done!

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